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I love this album. Very impressive - and a delight to listen to. It is a very enlightening new goa like complexity of melodies with the power of modern psytrance. There is not a single bad track. All is of the highest quality. My favorite track is definalty track two - I believe. In fact "I Believe" seems to be the clearest evolution of A Pleiadians sound into the presant moment.


Compared to the old Pleiadians - shit tastes better. Ultra cheesy Ibiza ass shaking music. I thought it was good on the full on market, but believe me, there are much better things out there.


I can't believe (pun) that these guys had anything to do with Boarding Pass to Balangan; what is it with time and money that make people fuck themselves in the ass? This is, in my opinion, a pile of garbage; production values may be high but melodies sound like fucking mobile phone ring tones.


*feeling a bit sick*


It's a shame they didn't leave the celebrated Pleiadians name in peace if all they were going to release was this generic piece of dullness.

I don't particularily like the fullon style at all, though there are some beutiful exceptions to that. This is not one of them. I could scarcely believe my ears when I listened to Dance With Me and heard the title samples. That sort of voice sample use, and that kind of track, represent what I find most annoying with the genre. The rest of the album isn't much better. And this is supposed to be Pleadians, my all-time favourite tranceproject. The name with witch I associate some of my top musical experiences. Old Pleiadians is brilliance and greatness, this is just boring.

I can't say I'm truly surprised though. My faith is weak these days. And "their" (the whole ensemble isn't represented in this release of course) old material sound even greater after this reminder of how the scene has evolved unfavourably.


I won't bother comment upon the tracks individually, they are all pretty much on the same uninteresting level to me.


I would have thought an album called 7even Sister7 would have had 7 tracks.

Could that not make any tracks good enough to be lengthy this time?


I like it, a lot,

was this the first album of pleiadians everybody would like it,

they use a fullon bassline but it's not that present comparing to other morning fullon artist,

it's not that bassminded to be morning fullon,

de melodies are very crystal clear and somehow they managed to create a very good morning fullon sound that has some old skool influences just like electric universe achieved.

psychedelic level is low true and the sounds are pure melodies, euphorical psysounds, but isn't that the main mark of pleiadians ?

well if I'm in a good mood and want to listen to an euphorical fullon concept, this one scores high.


It's a shame they didn't leave the celebrated Pleiadians name in peace if all they were going to release was this generic piece of dullness.


The name with witch I associate some of my top musical experiences. Old Pleiadians is brilliance and greatness, this is just boring.

I can't say I'm truly surprised though.


And "their" (the whole ensemble isn't represented in this release of course) old material sound even greater after this reminder of how the scene has evolved unfavourably.



I'll try not to add too much here after spending so much time and energy in the other Pleiadians forums, the Artist News and Labels announcements and/or music promotion forum thread(s) in the last third of 2006. Many posts in PREVIOUS THREADS were based on speculation and good assumptions (before this released) by many listeners aware of how their music has taken the generally formulatic mainstream turn towards barely psy [club trance] since around 2000 on.


It's no surprise, but when you hear of a new album OF COURSE the mind associates to their earlier cult-classic albums. Ask me what I think of I.F.O?? I own and love that album. It's in my top 5 favorite albums of all time in the entire electronica realm. I also think F.O.L. is great but back then it felt disappointing compared to I.F.O. which released soon before it. I recently wrote a full review for F.O.L. here (1999 review thread) so check it out if you're interested.


My intuitions were generally correct, I just had to hear it to be certain. It sounds better than much Full On currently releasing on the market and the melodies for the main part make it happen -- for Full On Dance Club Trance. I realize this album isn't intended to be goatrance.. but what simlistic melodies and space-samples they do add are not enough to capture us over the entire simplistic style of a now tired, over-exposed genre. It may sound good on the dance floor, but so does most good Full On. Beyond that, that's it. There isn't anything else here on a deeper level.


At times a song or two begins having that more goa influence/sound (because it is) but it stops right there as soon as it begins.. and repeats... and stays within the four sides of the limited club trance box. It never evolves other than to change a sound or direction with that slight goatrance feel. They always keep the song held down so it will be club-friendly no matter what. In other words, they add what seems like a goa melody or two on top of club trance in few songs.


I presume this is a success for them because now more people will buy and hear their music. It's more friendly for the general clubs than ever before. That doesn't make it better however and I don't think they care anymore, long as their making money which is understandable.


Maybe they do some fresher things with the base line. I don't know. Whatever they do, this isn't The Pleiadians anymore because The Pleiadians were 4 people and the most talented 2 obviously left for good.


If almost any other NON ONCE great goatrance artist NAME was placed on the cover (change cover too) ... the feedback and reviews would most likely be good, not great. It's difficult asking all the old fansto bend over and forget about their first two releases. In that sense, it's a major disappointment to those who had faith. It's impossible to forget about what they have accomplished in music and enjoy this knowing what has been experienced and done before. It's understandable.


To all others really into Full On and/or unaware of Pleiadians before... this will generally appreal to you more.


You can't forget the taste of candy once the candy is taken away and the plastic wrapper is placed in your mouth. This is different (albeit basic and predictable) style they were going for all along so people should come to accept that and move on.


For FULL ON it's pretty good, nothing great or innovative.


ANYTHING ELSE - Failure to goa/psy fans.




I'll try not to add too much here after spending so much time and energy in the other Pleiadians forums, the Artist News and Labels announcements and/or music promotion forum thread(s) in the last third of 2006. Many posts in PREVIOUS THREADS were based on speculation and good assumptions (before this released) by many listeners aware of how their music has taken the generally formulatic mainstream turn towards barely psy [club trance] since around 2000 on.


It's no surprise, but when you hear of a new album OF COURSE the mind associates to their earlier cult-classic albums. Ask me what I think of I.F.O?? I own and love that album. It's in my top 5 favorite albums of all time in the entire electronica realm. I also think F.O.L. is great but back then it felt disappointing compared to I.F.O. which released soon before it. I recently wrote a full review for F.O.L. here (1999 review thread) so check it out if you're interested.


My intuitions were generally correct, I just had to hear it to be certain. It sounds better than much Full On currently releasing on the market and the melodies for the main part make it happen -- for Full On Dance Club Trance. I realize this album isn't intended to be goatrance.. but what simlistic melodies and space-samples they do add are not enough to capture us over the entire simplistic style of a now tired, over-exposed genre. It may sound good on the dance floor, but so does most good Full On. Beyond that, that's it. There isn't anything else here on a deeper level.


At times a song or two begins having that more goa influence/sound (because it is) but it stops right there as soon as it begins.. and repeats... and stays within the four sides of the limited club trance box. It never evolves other than to change a sound or direction with that slight goatrance feel. They always keep the song held down so it will be club-friendly no matter what. In other words, they add what seems like a goa melody or two on top of club trance in few songs.


I presume this is a success for them because now more people will buy and hear their music. It's more friendly for the general clubs than ever before. That doesn't make it better however and I don't think they care anymore, long as their making money which is understandable.


Maybe they do some fresher things with the base line. I don't know. Whatever they do, this isn't The Pleiadians anymore because The Pleiadians were 4 people and the most talented 2 obviously left for good.


If you virtually ANY OTHER name as the artist and cover here the feedback and reviews would most likely be good, not great. It's difficult asking all the old fans to bend over and forget about their first two releases. In that sense, it's a major disappointment to those who had faith. To all others really into Full On and/or unaware of Pleiadians before... this will generally more enjoyed by them.


It's difficult forgetting about the platinum taste once someone takes it away and replaces it with bronz. It is a different style they were going for all along however so people should come to accept that and move on. If they were going for...


FULL ON - Pretty good, but nothing great or innovative.


ANYTHING ELSE - Failure to goa/psy fans.

I agree 1000 procent, very fair and objective description...

I have listened to the album a couple of times more and see that I was overly harsh in my previous post. That is because now I listened to it without thinking of it as Pleiadians and found that it is not as I said before, totally dull and generic Fullon, but actually quite decent Fullon. At least some of the tracks (I still hate Dance With Me).


When I'm not thinking of it as Pleiadians, then I Believe (which has unusual high epic quality for this genre), Atlas & Starbase 11 are examples of tracks I can enjoy. There's overall a relatively good flow to the tracks which I appreciate. I could probably enjoy them even more on the dancefloor.


But when thinking of it as Pleiadians, I can't really hear anything for all the blasphemy.


the psyshop samples don't sound special

Be carreful with samples.

How many good albums i would have missed if i had trusted only samples ? ;)


I have listened to the album a couple of times more and see that I was overly harsh in my previous post. That is because now I listened to it without thinking of it as Pleiadians and found that it is not as I said before, totally dull and generic Fullon, but actually quite decent Fullon. At least some of the tracks (I still hate Dance With Me).


When I'm not thinking of it as Pleiadians, then I Believe (which has unusual high epic quality for this genre), Atlas & Starbase 11 are examples of tracks I can enjoy. There's overall a relatively good flow to the tracks which I appreciate. I could probably enjoy them even more on the dancefloor.


But when thinking of it as Pleiadians, I can't really hear anything for all the blasphemy.

yép the dance with me sample is indeed not good,


but track 2 is absolute great imo


If you listen to this one without knowing it's the third Pleiadians album, you might even get some quality time out of it.

Having that it is a fact hard to ignore, accepting the painful truth that these are the guys who were once involved in churning out classic albums "I.F.O." and "Family of light", I find it almost impossible to appreciate this one, on any level.

Objectively not bad, but I myself cannot play "7even sister7" through without being very subjective and critical.


Dance With Me

It's kinda cheesy and nothing new. Too bad for both Pleiadians and Arkanoydz.

I Believe

The best track of the album IMO. The melodies have this ''green liquid'' Etnica sound although they remind me a lot of the Talamasca-Time Simulation. Unfortunately the last minutes are just kick and bass! They fell asleep? :unsure: Maybe


Just like the I Believe track but opposite. In this one the first half is boring bass+kick but thank God the leading melody is very catchy.

A remix by the old Pleiadians would be great :rolleyes:


What the hell is that?! Boooooring typical full on.

Starbase 11

Some nice 303 style sounds a lot of old school feeling, good track nothing outstanding.

Vimana Part 2

How they dare to name this track like that when it has NOTHING to do with their ultra-masterpiece Vimana?

The track is good for the full on sound but again nothing special.

Condition: Critical

I've listened to this track over 10 times and still can't remember how it sounds exactly. Go figure.

War Of The Worlds

The same with Condition: Critical.

Out Of Time

A lot of nostalgia and nice sounds but too ''easy'' if tou compare it with the old Pleiadians stuff. It needs more melodies, climaxes and power.




As a full on album 7 maybe 7.5/10 (thanks to tracks 2 & 3)


As a Pleiadians album -100/10


well this one took me some time to appreciate, but I wanted it too,

and endconclusion is this is very very good fullon...

melodic and euphorical but a continue of it,

up and down surfing on the fullon waves, it's totally not typical waiting for the climax psytrance,

actaully the entire cd is just one song with some pauzes, indeed if you don't like the concept at all you're screwed big time,

but if you like the concept you can't get enough of it but you will, pleiadians gives you what you want,

the bassline is prefectly present but totally not the most important,

in the beginning it's a bit uncomfortable because their's like no hard bass layer... The kick is perftly done and well present but makes the bass line not that macho or hard. The motivating kick is there and that's good, without that it would be boring, the drive the so called rolling part of the bassline is compared to other morining fullon withing the morning concept much darker (I said compared, it's not dark), it's not fluffy and rather repetitive, it goes sometimes faster and slower with melodic sounds and a bit up and down but less then electro sun, vibe tribe, audiotec.

Their sound is good, it's euphorical but very detailed, not pure synths but a crackling tinckling sound that creates the feeling it lives, just like we experienced with the new sound of electric universe in 2004. The advancements are pretty go but at the other hand because it's more a continue of melodic psy sounds to climax you never have the feeling where we actually are in the advancment.

This scores on the dancefloor a 1000%, the reason why I discoverd it's genius, is listening by headphones over and over, then you notice directly what is perfect for on the dancefloor and what it misses for homelistening.

the way they play with their sound is controlled and subtle, off course these guys are no noobs in the contrary so again proved old skool artist who make present morning fullon preciously create better.

Well it's not trancy @ all like other artist who their sound is is more fat layered like astrix, protoculture, pop stream etc...

only the sample in the beginning indeed is trancy (dance with me), but that's only time it happens...

they have an eye for entroducing melodies and balancing them out, it never stops directly but always goes very smooth, a continue like I said before...

Best track : track 2 "I believe", very good advancement, melodic but psychedelic melodic in the beginning, the climax comes fast and the sounds are hypnotizing, sometimes one but strong represent, the climax appears very early, this is " a feel good song", mystical atmosphere, spacey concept, The break with the sample is major old skool tinted and I like it, it's like gods of the sun...


I like it, within the melodic morning fullon concept one of the best of 2006, to bad it's winter here in belgium,

let's save some for the summer ^_^

  • 3 months later...

I loved the old Pleiadians, one of my favorite goa bands ever actually, but I think I'll skip this album, as I don't wanna ruin my view of them... Like many other bands, it seems they have jumped on the full on-trend.


And I still ask the same question that I asked back in 2000: Why?



NP: MFG - Why



Fucking evolution/


Everything changes/


Even Pleiadians/


This album is total crap (well except of track 2)

  • 4 weeks later...

I am hesitating to join the haters bandwagon, but it truly must be quite painful to make something so euphoric, hypnotic, and life changing like IFO and never be able to reach that level of class again :wacko:


no tracks stand out, even by fullon standars

im depressed now.


they should take some notes from Suntrip!


no tracks stand out, even by fullon standars

im depressed now.


they should take some notes from Suntrip!

IMHO, as far as full on goes, this can even come across as a decent listen. But only according to average full on standards.


As for the notes taking, I actually think it's the other way around. I reckon the suntrippers learned quite a few tricks from the Pleiadians! :lol:


i find this boring and unfinished, too monotone.

some parts where it asks for massive sound explosion go monotone and uninspired instead :(


IMHO, as far as full on goes, this can even come across as a decent listen. But only according to average full on standards.


As for the notes taking, I actually think it's the other way around. I reckon the suntrippers learned quite a few tricks from the Pleiadians! :lol:

I agree! but...Teacher is surpassed by student and now must take notes from him (them)


I agree! but...Teacher is surpassed by student and now must take notes from him (them)

you are wrong there.

etnica/pleiadians used to be 4 people, during "golden days" of goa trance ;) with time two members left, and with their departure dramatically changed the sound of etnica/pleiadians, since those two who left were the ones responsible for melodies and complexity, atleast thats what is said about them :)

compare alien protein with equator and equator with nitrox, compare ifo/fol with 7S ;) youll hear the difference, im sure that is enough to back up many peoples claims about those two who left.

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