Furion- This one starts as a bit of gloomy electro that reeks of sci-fi regret. Very rich pads float past bubbling tones as it veers into the trance direction. oft like a lover's embrace this drifts along as if one were performing a space walk on the space station. Yeah it's 11 minutes but I didn't notice. Super.
Weakness- "Your bones don't break, mine do. That's clear. Your cells react to bacteria and viruses differently than mine. You don't get sick, I do. That's also clear. But for some reason, you and I react the exact same way to water. We swallow it too fast, we choke. We get some in our lungs, we drown. However unreal it may seem, we are connected, you and I."
I don't remember this part. Was it after the train accident?
This is straight full-on but there is a lot of emotion behind it. The pads are lush and the sample is superb. It picks up the pace with some groovy synth work and nice layers. Don't overlook this.
Antistatic Circle- Artha busts out the whooping stick with a absolute blister of a psytrance track with goa trance touches. The leads sparkle and the whole thing has more power behind it than an Ivan Drago jab. Wait, he was Russian wasn't he? Sorry I don't know any Polish boxers. Definitely a highlight of the compilation.
"Whatever he hits...he destroys."
Tempus Fugit- Got your sunblock? You'll need it as this is a very sunshine oriented progressive rambler. It's got positive vibes aplenty with bright pads and likeable melodies. Effects thicken it up and make this very good.
Crows Symphony- Again with the crows? Space Element gets two tracks in a row and if you thought there would be crow sounds here well you're a f*cking genius aren't you? It's kinda cool the way the melody sounds like it was done on a violin. There is a certain rumbling to it that I find appealing. Full-on sure, but enjoyable. I'll tell you what, this compilation is reminding me a lot of my favorite movies.
Aural Pleasures- "Do you like it hard?"
Ugh, that sample. Luckily it's brief and the show can continue. More full-on with a bunch of layers is how I would describe this. You know when you go out and your friends have a scotch and soda or a Jack and Coke? This is like having an appletini as you try and chase the straw in the drink.
Deus Ex Machina- "Banished from humanity, the machines sought refuge in their own promised land. They settled in the cradle of human civilization, and thus a new nation was born. A place the machines could call home, a place they could raise their descendants. And they christened the nation 'Zero One'."
With a futuristic sample and a focused goa melody laser beam the battle is joined. The sample is from the Animatrix and has that cyber feel to it. It's a pretty good track with good pace and effects.
Last Foray- Good groove to this one with a nice, punchy bass. There are some nice layers and the pads give it more of that outer space feel. It churns, kicking up dust as it goes. Another one of those tracks that has that slight hint of goa just beneath the surface. Impressive.
From Life To Life- This is the 2nd Artha track and of course big things are expected. It undulates and twinkles with high tones as a lead screams in the forefront. It then switches to a new sound with some metallic clanking. More layers combine as it gets thicker. It's interesting and I think it begs for further exploration.
Haunebu- Sundial Aeon is the other project I have heard before being a really big fan of the album Apotheosis from 2007. This is a plucky breakbeat track with echoing synths and emotional melodies. It's funky like something the Chemical Brothers should've been able to create.
Wow, that was a lot of tracks. If you go into this thinking it's going to be just the Artha show, you're going to be missing out on so much more. There is some really good stuff here. Sure his tracks are what you would expect, but some other projects really brought their "A" game. As the promo says it brings together different styles that everyone should be able to enjoy. It sounds well produced and the cover artwork is very beautiful. Is that in Poland? Congratulations Templar and here's to seeing another 10 years from psytrance.pl!
Man a review with a halftime show? Don't think that's been done before.