Wow, can't believe I'm again actually disagreeing with Cocco, what's going on here! Well taste is taste.
Whereas he is finding Limitless Dimension (Gate 3 Mix), Beyond the Stars and Bombed Out only C-B worthy, I would say they are up there with the best of old school. Absolutely thick and moving atmospheres and tempos, the repetitiousness is not an issue because of how traveling they are. They feel like a journey through the vast and calm cold space. Jogging/Running with these tracks is quite the experience since even if you were starting to get drained out, the insanely traveling music doesn't want you to. I feel like this album is less detailed, forceful and not as epic than one of the most loved album, Transdimensional, was, but is definitely prone to create magnificent traveling atmospheres and strong themes very much in the quality of Transdimensional. There are really no bad tracks here, but I find the melodies in Transformation almost cheesy. They seem to aim to be very emotional, but I find them cross the border at times.
If you want to embargo a journey through the cold space, this is a one way ticket there. Also the basslines on this release are something that of wonder, you don't really hear such traveling power in other old school goatrance releases, at least I can't really recall many releases. This is one of the last epics of old school goatrance and definitely should not be ignored.