So I have made a slight change in plan, but it may do the project good: I think about doing only a single ... meaning, starting off as a single ... if we get enough, we'll do the compilation, but if not, so be it.
2 artists (will not tell names yet until confirmed and agreed that they'll be named) will be the starting point. If not even these 2 are on board, I guarantee it will not happen. Reason: these are two artists very integer to the character RTP (me ) - the project would make not so much sense without, it would be "just a collection of tracks"... With these 2, I can start with a single. If it gets more: good because then it'll be a single with more tracks. If we get over 4, it'll be a mini compilation. If we get over 6, it'll be a compilation. But it's all optional and totally relaxed for me - the only fixpoint are the two starting artists and that's also whereI'll invest the most energy.
opinions welcome -- cheers