Artist: Maan
Title: Floral Cortex
Label: Neogoa Records
Release: December 25, 2019
1 - Prelude: Havenless
2 - Mother Moss
3 - Instant Equillibirum
4 - Re/Bells
5 - Garden With Flowers Of Crazy Colors
6 - The Wednesday Pond
7 - Red Relic
8 - Interstate Insects
9 - Maven
10 - Postlude: Antiquity
You know what I like about this album? It’s got gusto, bravery, perhaps some positive hubris if there ever could be such a thing and most of all it’s got a big pair of balls behind it.
I’m not a Bandcamp writer, so I wouldn’t go as far as to say that Maan Himself is brave And we should applaud his voice in the sceneShut the fuck up. It’s art, straight and simple, brilliant philosophers can’t even decide whether life or art imitates the other and we certainly aren't going to figure it out over here.
It’s brave in another way, maybe confident would be a simpler way of saying what i'm trying to say, it’s not like we are saying Maan is a risk taker. Jumping from mountains at 1300m with nothing on his back but a free flyer as he builds and changes and keeps your brains defunct attention span over and over in a Track like Interstate Insects while still finding time for a crescendo of euphoria delivered on a platter of melody and acid that one bite simply doesn’t satisfy. .
Nor is Frode bravely enacting revenge on his enemies under the nose of Louis-Philippe during an inquisition of sort that involves getting the Mediterraneans to put toga's on and groove down to Re/Bells in the sweltering cloudless sky while they wait for the daily haul of octopus splatters of Acid lines and swordmen thump da bumps.
It’s a more robust, more spectacular kind of confidence, the type that you need to perform an en passant or put a drop like Mr Ungar managed to put into Garden With Flowers Of Crazy Colors.
And then to assert yourself, your talent like Mikey Hassleworf asserted himself in the world of government bonds, Grinding and sliding, throwing tickets in the air like FX and buying higher and higher but never with crash in site and don't be mistaken in thinking that The Wednesday Pond being placed right into the middle of an album is a crash. Rather a genre defying piece that manages to lead into the thunderous fuck you of Red Relic with 0 fucks, Then into brazen yet positively vain rhythms of Interstate Insects, Maven and...
You needn’t to have actually foot danced with Jean Peters-Pierre on those strange yellow street stones in Beirut to appreciate the beautiful Prelude: Havenless…
That’s what Floral Cortex by Maan, Mr Frode Ungar got me feeling, eccentric, exciteable, happy god damn it!
In short the album is completed with a gallant postitude; Deep, exciting, Avante Garde with a sense of eer.
Well I’m glad I have it and nice work every one. NeoGoa Records you guys kicked ass with this one and Richpa and every should be proud and yadadadada get on with the show.