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  1. The name of the "physician" in above article rang a bell and I googled him, he is not a medical doctor in my view. He did however "debunk" some other "conspiracies" in some other older article (not C but perhaps moon landing etc.).which I read and found weak so I remembered him... But can you believe it he also wrote a book with me on the cover !! https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/418omENx2QL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg In 2019 here link to book (also not about C-Virus but now he is an expert on vaxxes for C in above article) yeah right... https://www.amazon.de/Verschwörungsmythen-verdrehten-Fakten-verkauft-werden/dp/3777627801 See, no coincidences anymore for me, this guy seems a paid shill and was dragged through the media before selling "CT´s" as mentally sick or greedy money stealing people (some of them are yes, mayn are not and many CT´s turned out to be true) Oh and whow what he says here: Die Corona-Impfung ist besonders gefährlich für Allergiker Gegen den Wirkstoff ist niemand allergisch. Wenn überhaupt gegen die Zusatzstoffe (WTF?). Diese sind aber auch in vielen anderen Arzneimitteln enthalten. Da unterscheidet sich die Impfung von Biontech und Pfizer in nichts von einer herkömmlichen Impfung. Im Gegenteil. Das Risiko eines anaphylaktischen Schocks ist bei einer Grippeimpfung viel höher (really?) , da diese mit Hühnereiweiß hergestellt wird. or here: Der Corona-Impfstoff ist nicht ausreichend getestet worden Das ist ein Schlussfolgerung von Laien, die das ganze Prozedere nicht kennen. Sehr viel, was normalerweise in den ersten Phasen einer Impfstoffzulassung passiert, war schon fertig bevor (! means in English the C-vax was ready BEFORE C existed, do you need to know more) Corona überhaupt existierte. Das lag nach SARS in der Schublade (REALLY? see what I said above, earlier "epidemics" like "SARS lolol) OOPS more from the specialist "pysician" sorry German, perhaps put it in a translator. An der Impfung will sich die Pharamindustrie bereichern Impfstoffe machen nur zwei Prozent der Kosten für Arzneimittel aus. Die größten deutschen Pharmaunternehmen stellen zum Beispiel gar keine Impfstoffe her. Und selbst bei großen internationalen Produzenten, beträgt der Anteil am Gesamtgeschäft nicht mehr als 25 Prozent. Im Pharmamarkt sind Impfstoffe deshalb eigentlich kein großes Thema (Perhaps but for Biotech and DNA companies!) Richtig viel verdienen kann man damit nicht, weil sie eben auch nicht teuer sein dürfen. Für die Branchenriesen geht es bei Corona-Impfstoffen eher ums Prestige. (REALLY? These giant (=Riese) companies do not care about the money, but for their prestige.... so NOT for the health of the people but their PRESTIGE (or image), whowww "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." Franklin D. Roosevelt
    1 point
  2. Surprised to find a nice and mostly civil discussion about that topic. I have not much to add, but a lil hint I am more leaning towards the "conspiracy" side of things. Except what @astralprojectionmentioned you can also look up Klaus Schwab and the WEF (World Economy Forum): Btw. as recent times show the "conspiracy theorists" were mostly right warning of 1984 and Brave New World...eg. "contact tracing" is pure NWO stuff imho. There would be so much to say but I understand this topic is sensible and one just wants to beat down someone who has a differing view then the "official line" on a deadly disease this is understandable.. But 2 anecdotes - there are researchers out there, who found many hints in popular culture like movies, books and music for an event what could be described perhaps as a 2nd 9/11 and the location is somewhere on the westcoast of the US. Well that did not happen so far (terrorists - bombing or natural disaster is in the books) - this is called predictive programming or also foreshadowing. Partly it became true cause in Seattle (= westcoast) was the first US case of C plus there is Microsoft HQ and Gates lives or lived there. - here a somewhat funny thing, the address from the biggest German vax company (also they do cancer treatments) which gets a big contract from the gov for lots of vaxxes probably not on the cheap is: BioNTech SE An der Goldgrube 12 (=goldmine) 55131 Mainz Deutschland Edit some headlines: Impfstoff-Produktion: Biontech fordert mehr Geld – für drei Milliarden Dosen Biontech fordert staatliche Investitionen für Ausbau der Impfstoffproduktion Biontech wünscht sich mehr Geld für Impfstoff-Produktion OH YEAH i also WISH ME MORE MONEY... but I am a "useless eater" and not a Biotech company, or millitary, or bankster or Milliardär (sp in English?). Do people remember past "epidemics" ? Like bird flu etc. Millions of doses of vaxxes had to be trashed but the companies earned of course. As it turned out the diseases were just not very dangerous (in the past).. using the "history repeats itself" term and can for sure speculate it may be the case this time too. Only the measures etc. are much more enforced, perhaps these earlier "epidemics" were kind of test runs of the big one we have now ? Just asking questions and speculate a bit...not to mention the dozens of docs and profs coming out with the same. Past experience and events have told me that there are very rarely coincidences in politics or economics..- also what proves you when your test says positive it is not just either the flu itself or a simmilar virus. A serious flu is deadly also to old and weakened person.. 80 year old dies when he has an heart attack, later they "find the virus" in him and the death certificate then says C has done it.. yeah where is the normal but can be deadly flu gone? Are flu cases now C-cases? Mh. Oops a bit to much written...lol Personal note, I have not gotten any vax in the last 12-13 years or so, I did not get a serious flu or something simmilar at all. While I remember when I was younger I got shots which as a child is partly mandatory anyway. And I was often sick when I was younger also stomach problems etc. Ok, I also did not eat the healthiest ways. My personal conclusion is vax seem to more promote illness - one can of course totally have other experiences but that is mine. Well if one looks at incridients of vaxxes there is eg. alluminium and it is rumored something with aborted fetuses (I hope from animals) this ofc may be really a bad conspiracy theory admitted. Oh luckily this what I said above is already "debunked" by the MSM and a physician here: https://www.op-online.de/verbraucher/impfmythen-finden-bei-skeptikern-und-verschwoerungstheoretikern-grossen-anklang-wissenschaftler-aus-bad-homburg-klaeren-auf-90176600.html Guess when they say so it must be true, right ?
    1 point
  3. Ah I know that one too and actually remember it well... somewhat chilly tune - but also a bit ruined by these "choir or voice" samples. Alien Project reminds on Alien Product darkelectro from Argentinia, they had some nice tunes.. I also clicked on half of the tracks in here and it clicked not for me but some were quite nice in somewhat naive "proto goa" way - if someone knows what I mean, probably not
    1 point
  4. And here is the track "Sundance" (not on any album I think): Oh WTF up to 1:50 this sounded promising They surely know how to put irritating stuff in their songs
    1 point
  5. Alba - Sacrementarium 1 x LP https://electrikdream.bandcamp.com/album/sacramentarium Also on psyshop; https://www.psyshop.com/Sacramentarium-Alba-Electrik/edr1lp001/ Astral Waves - La Danse de la Lune Bandcamp vinyl campaign, 2xLP https://astralwaves.bandcamp.com/campaign/la-danse-de-la-lune
    1 point
  6. I have still an album from Akanoid, but it irritated me with some vocals, seems they went more to synthpop on that one. In fact I like some synth-wave-pop but Akanoid seemed on the cheesier side of things. Not like old Depeche, Beborn Beton, Wolfsheim or so (from those I like almost all "older" works). I always somehow associate Akanoid with Element, I believe later Element tracks also had some kind of vox and both are from Germany. Transform album however has some kewl tracks. Even I know the Space Cat track lol But I believe it was not so much my taste, need to re-listen - just now .. ah quite nice tune, bit too "melodic" perhaps (yeah I like melodies too but it must have a not cheesy feel..I am gulity of cheese too you know it lol) Here a link for Akanoid (ger): https://www.backstagepro.de/akanoid Brings back memories not only was I right they went synthpop, vox and guitars - but also the new label from them was Echozone., I know this one well, when I was writing for a "dark scene/Indus/ebm/synth etc" magazine, the Echozone stuff mostly was quite poppy so was not to thrilled getting promos from this label (tbh). I even know the metalband from one of the members "Dark Millennium" Here the CD I have: https://www.discogs.com/de/Akanoid-Metamorphin/release/341867
    1 point
  7. Nice didn't think it was easy as it's not among his most popular tracks.
    1 point
  8. its talamasca - telepathic atmospheres!! too easy one of my fav talamasca tracks i guess its my turn. let me have a day to think about it.
    1 point
  9. More quizz @ 6:22 This chant was used in a track released in the early 2000s. This artist is very well known, has released over 10 albums now, this was in his very first album.
    1 point
  10. I love topics like these, I finally get some use for my arkane goa trance knowledge. Here are some more excellent lesser known tracks:
    1 point
  11. I would consider this a well-known track, but still a great track! In that vein... maybe also not in the "unknown category"... Alien Project - The First Revelation Part One
    1 point
  12. Listened to them all except Akanoid Fav: Space cat, Black hole, Bodh Gaya, favorite in the album is Im Rachen Des Jaguars, Gada-Gong (nice mid-tempo), X-Frame, that slow part is great, Katayama, not an obscure track though, it is in many compilations, I still love the acidic intro, Raia, great track.
    1 point
  13. Not old school (2014) but have to include UNTR - They were singing (track starts at 45:55). What a monster track
    1 point
  14. I'm not sure if Bamboo Forest qualify as not very well know, as they were quite a big deal back in the days but here is one of their coolest tracks, before they went all commercial and cheesy and broke my heart
    1 point
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