All these boxes are unfortunate. I separate by artist, not genre. A good artist often makes several genres or even plays instruments in bands and stuff...The genre thing is annotating after-the-fact about specific releases.
To put a human being in a box is only sometimes warranted (when they go into that box as their exclusive box, declare it their territory, and don't ever fit into other boxes.)
Basically, I've been disappointed by box-like-thinking across the festival social spectrum, and I've been surprised by open minds in "mainstream" contexts, so act psychedelic if you claim to be it = my take on it. I'll judge you by what you act like, lol...
But yeah, I've heard good and bad stuff for about 30 years now, but the funny thing is, despite the hype, there's some one-trick-pony's out there and you can tell that they are phony baloney ponies, not naming any names here... (cough cough, certainly no one using names from dead great composers. no hubris there)
But i've heard more than my fair share of "it's only the tonic note over and over" goa trance that is melodic for morons, just as I've heard my fair share of "but every sound is edgy, where is the contrast? sounds like razor-blade-spaghetti-bolognese"
Sorry, (engages polite-speak filter) I mean to say, there's gems in every box, you just only find like 1 a year, typically....