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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/23 in all areas

  1. Nevermind. You were referring to a new project he's involved with.
    1 point
  2. Sandman. He made the Witchcraft album at the age of 19.
    1 point
  3. Well, since you keep posting this on every youtube video about the sound (and more than once), I think I need to answer you (for the second time)... You seem to have taken it very personal for some reason? Either way: 1. There are 2 sounds (YES 2!) that are "software-based" in the entire Filternaut track. One is the lower fundaments (bas) of the kick and one lead sound (out of 7-8 lead layers). The kick is blended together with a Linndrum kick (yes a real Linndrum from 80's) to give the kick another character than the usual kick you heard in 1000000 releases (and also because I love the 80s vibes). So it's obivously something else you are disliking and NOT a "software" issue. As for the production: having spent 2 years at home without a party (same as the rest of the world) my mood was a bit more layback and so was the mix.. If you want more in your face Filteria production then come see me play. Every track from this album is mixed/remixed differently and its more like the previous stuff in the mixing. To conclude: if you don't like it, that's fine but get your facts straight. And cheers for the support until Daze or Lost in the wild or wherever you draw the line
    1 point
  4. Evolution can also go backwards. The waves was strong around the khetzal and filteria times, and lets not forget the global sect times, artifact303, cosmic dimension, and more. But then there's deevolution. Things got worse and not better. Artifact303 - feelings in 2008 was the peak,then Mindsphere (his first album of his trilogy) and filteria daze was the highpoint. For global sect this was space of power. After that, it started going down. Sound quality even affected artifact303 on his released on GS, and, even how hard it is to say, even filteria at suntrip with his latest album. Only matter of time til you also start hearing whatever I'm hearing, and the sound quality that has dissipated over time. It's a shame and I feel I'm done with neo goa, since every release these days sounds plastic fantastic software tonality. I don't care. I'm just sad. There's goa and psytrance from the late 90s and early 00s that actually sounds better sound quality wise than some of the latest releases, sadly even artifact303 and filteria has been affected. I thought all you could go were up, from Daze and Back to space. But, it seems you could go down from there.. And that will always break my heart don't care what you say. So I'm done I'm not waiting on anything anymore and I don't care about evolution, cause its been nothing but deevolution since daze and back to space. Goa died with these albums. Your plastic high-passed productions you currently make doesn't even count, sounds like shit. I'd forever take hallucinogen, astral, filteria up until daze, artifact303 up until its suntrip release, and every other old school artist like x dream and mwnn, over any of the plastic shit being released these days. Just listen to filteria filternaut and if you can't hear the software tone then you're completely hopeless and couldn't tell a turd from a flower. Evolution? Hell no. It stopped at early to mid 2010s Artifact303 - feelings still is the king of neo goa, sharing spot with khetzals first album and filteria - daze, artifact303 - back to space After that, no evolution
    1 point
  5. Also anything "Man with no Name" except for Teleport and his remix of Eat Static - Bony Incus
    1 point
  6. Ive always thought of it like this. Psychedelic Trance is the mother genre, then we have goatrance as one sub and also psytrance as another. Yes that becomes a bit confusing since both share the same name; but they are indeed two different things. for example goa is like astral while psy is like infected. Of course thats just how i have looked at it personally for all these years. I dont remember anyone even calling it "psytrance" until a bit later, early 2000s i think. But maybe we did call some stuff "psy" even earlier than that... Hard to remember. Anyway i think "psytrance" as a genre is mother to sub-genres like dark, forest, tech, etc. While Goa and "Psy" has always been slightly distinct flavors under the matriarch; "Psychedelic Trance". makes sense to me at least
    1 point
  7. I keep it simple. Goa trance is a proper sub-genre of Psytrance. It's not incredibly important for me to exhaustively define what Goa trance is. I know if it's Goa once I listen to it
    1 point
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