I'm still very much lurking to all that happens in the goa music scene. Filteria's new stuff is the highlight for me. Great and entertaining as usual.
I love listening to it in my car. Centavra looked promising but in the end I found it rather dull. Similar sounds by Median Project are of much higher quality and better story telling.
I'm very glad that the parties came back without restrictions. Space Safari was crazy and the last Old Is Gold had me dancing till 8 am. Next one is 18th of march in Belgium, A Trip Into Goa Trance with Anoebis, Triquetra, BOTFB, Ohm Mind and Etnica. I mean, seriously? How good can a goa party get?
During the whole corona period and also last year things were kinda hectic in the health care. Slowly it made me tired and anxious. I don't know, it kinda rolled over me. I'm more innerly stressed than before. We also have some home renovations and such. You know, real life things that stress you out in the long run. Each his or her own issues.
As for the forum and internet stuffs, I've gotten lazy. A party here and there and listening to great music to chill or to get energy. That's my involvement right now. I still come back to psynews regularly, but just to read. I know it's very hyprocritical. There's less to read if no one posts anymore (myself included).
But hey let's not get too dramatic. Things will clear up in the future. It's just been, and it still is, a weird time no one anticipated.