Basic fact is that meat does not contain any special nutrient that is not available elsewhere with the exception of vitamin B12, which is given to livestock as a supplement in high doses (because mammals do not actually produce vitamin B12, bacteria produce B12). And there's really no reason to pass your B12 tablet through a cow before consuming it.
So there is really no good reason to be eating meat other than "I like the taste", which is a personal choice (one that most people make as a matter of routine rather than consciously) . But it is a choice that comes with many consequences to the planet, to the animals which need to die, and to the psyche of the person who makes that choice.
I say psyche because the vast majority of people do everything possible, mentally speaking, to separate the act of eating meat with the reality of what that entails. It creates a form of denial, a lie that you tell yourself, a part of you that you ignore and keep quiet because you do not want to be made aware of the internal contradiction. It's quite literally a form of cognitive dissonance. And I personally do not think it's a healthy way to live.
Stopping the consumption of meat lifts a great burden from the psyche and frees us to live more fully and in tune with our principles.
I highly recommend it.