Depends. I was born in 1991, discovered goa in 2004, first goa party in 2010.
In Serbia we didn't have goa parties until we started doing some parties last september, since then goa became loved and wanted here and now we have 3-4 parties every month and more and more people engaded to scene. For me golden ages are now!
1) Remaster / rerelease - like now so in 90s masterings were different, some really bad which can destroy release. With good new mastering you can give life to some stuff. And then obviously price... lets take Asia 2001 as example - same mastering, almost original cover art and just for 10-15 euro instead of 50-100!!!
2) If goa was founded when new school started it would be something new, but it was founded in 90s and too much artists made too much tracks. Goa have it's scales and styles, standards... ofcourse after 1000-5000 tracks what ever you make now will remind you on some track from past.
I don't know what you expect, jazz saxofone or rap beats in goa?
Personaly i prefer new school because is more groovy and agressive
3) Old artists made too much tracks - albums, eps, compilation tracks and ofcourse after doing it for sometime you will lose interests and ideas and want to do something different/new. And most of them probably live from music. Why should they make goa where is no money or really small amount when they can earn 2000-5000 euro per gig with fullon/prog?
They will do what they like and they don't really care why few of us induviduals are not satisfied with their music these days lol
I think you should live for these moments now. Looking back is not answer. It was 20 years ago and won't happen again.
Today we have very different technology, music just like people evolved in something new, something different. Standards and demands are different. New people on the scene prefer new goa rather then old one.
But if you don't enjoy what music become now find something different and enjoy it.
Easiest thing is to sit behind your PC and complain, why not this why not that, that's not original, nah it's not 90s, this is plagiat music... we all have ideas how music should sound or be. Do it yourself, make your perfect music and show it to world, show how it should be and why.
It's 2015, not 1995, time to move on