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Hello Everyone, OK, let's all take a breath and address a few things. First of all, I can see that me just taking a pause from the goa trance scene was interpreted as basically any possible interpretation ever. But let's then answer about some of the things that were expressed on this thread: A number of DAT releases expired past the original contracts with the artists after X number of years, and so we are renegotiating to continue to make remaining copies available as possible. Meanwhile, Covid also put a big halt to several planned releases for the year, which we are continuing to prepare for the time when we can move forward (in one case, mastering is done, artwork and booklets in preparation). And you will see that our Unreleased Goa sub label continues to release every couple of weeks. I realize how the no-notice suspension of our bandcamp while we undergo updating logistics and preparations could lead to speculation but the rumours being spread here are simply not true. Thank you for staying tuned while we update the website, catalogue, and new releases. About me logging in and not commenting, well, I have been a lot of time offline and a few times I connected I have read a few things but did not feel like writing explanations on how I run this venture and the choice we made in the meantime. I was more preoccupied with the global crisis, the pandemic and also the fact a lot of people have lost their job and are in difficulties, so actually we wanted to halt all operations to see how things were looking and about to be globally. I am sorry someone feels like our records are only good as frisbee and I'd like this person to write me privately and tell me exactly what were his concerns and what releases he has bought, if he feels like. Oh and lastly, I had to change my password twice, and a couple of times i got banned for retrying to log some times, so i did not feel really at ease and it might be someone tried to hack my account. In the meantime I have been living in the countryside to be safe from a terrible infection that in italy was very strong, so to be safe. And with less internet we slowed down but we indeed worked a lot on the UGR sublabel to show we were still active.8 points
Dear friends, The votes have been uploaded to my main supercomputer and have been counted a thousand times over and over again. As always, these lists are gold. Some of you will encounter hidden gems, stuff that you missed... or you can start digging those sweet downtempo albums to find the perfect background soundtrack. A big thank you to all artists and labels for the music. Even if your score is not in the upper range, being included in the list means someone noticed your music and it means that now we are ALL noticing your music. Congratulations! Here's the link to the voting thread. Here are the results of PSYNEWS BEST OF 2019! UPTEMPO ======== 1 66 pts Psylent Buddhi - Secrets Of The Atom (Suntrip Records) 2 49 pts Ultimate Xperience - Realm Of A New Dawn (Neogoa Records) 3 47 pts K.U.R.O. & Charm - Japanese Vibrations (DAT Records) 4 44 pts Median Project - Constellation (Suntrip Records) 5 43 pts JaraLuca - The Prologue (Mammomam Records) 6 42 pts Battle Of The Future Buddhas - The Light Behind The Sun (Suntrip Records) 7 41 pts Merr0w - Odysseus (Global Sect Records) 8 40 pts GoaD - Hypnotic Mirage (Neogoa Records) 9 38 pts Sykespico - Perspective (Suntrip Records) 10 33 pts Various - ZNA Retro Futuristic Compilation (DAT Records) 11 31 pts Katedra - We Are Not Alone (Global Sect Records) 12 30 pts Total Eclipse - Tokyo Live (Suntrip Records) 13 29 pts Celestial Intelligence - Incandescent (Suntrip Records) 14 28 pts Xamanist - Out Of Time (Self released) 15 25 pts Various - Goagilde (Kali Earth Records) 16 21 pts Various - Analog Visions (DAT Records) 17 20 pts E-Mantra - Tartarus (Melusine Records) 18 18 pts Pete and Pan - Return Of The Goddess (Goa Madness Records) 19 18 pts Ree.K - Early Tracks (Hypnodisk) 20 18 pts Pleiadians - Pyramid (EtnicaNet) 21 15 pts Sneila - Rebirth (Unreleased Goa Records) 22 14 pts Spindrift - Deep Nature (StereoHemia Records) 23 14 pts Morphic Resonance - Bad Dreamer EP (Self released) 24 14 pts Sky Technology - Rainbow Spirit (Neogoa Records) 25 12 pts Various - Order Ordonata: Metamorphosis (Dragonfly Records) 26 12 pts Gubbology - Next Door To Mystery (Axios Records) 27 11 pts Dreamchild - Akashic Dreaming (Unreleased Goa Records) 28 10 pts Hedustma - Forms 03 (Ovnimoon Records) 29 10 pts Elysium - Live …And Beyond (Digital Reprints) 30 10 pts Four Carry Nuts - Single Collection (Classic Goa Trax) 31 9 pts Walpurgisnacht Projekt - Omega (Absolut Shit Records) 32 9 pts Dark Whisper - The Trivium (Alice-D Records) 33 9 pts Various - Yggdrabits (Yggdrasil Records) 34 8 pts Goch - Million Years Ago (Rules Of Nature Records) 35 8 pts Shadow Chronicles - Arcadia (Future Music Records) 36 8 pts Miranda - Cosmic Treasures Vol. 1 (Spiral Trax) 37 7 pts Wizack Twizack - The Tesseract (Spiral Trax) 38 7 pts Protonica - Symmetry (Iboga Records) 39 7 pts Out Of Orbit & Shpongle - no Disco (Shamanic Tales) 40 7 pts Omnium - Neural Geometry (StereoHemia Records) 41 7 pts Ephedra & Proxeeus & Ohm Mind - Mad Fusion EP (Goa Madness Records) 42 6 pts Various - Har Har Mahadev (Alice-D Records) 43 6 pts Mechanimal - Digital Nature (24/7 Media) 44 5 pts Material Music - MADI Experience (OHM Ganesh Pro) 45 4 pts Lunarave - Transmigration (OVNI Breakfast) 46 4 pts Blue Hue - The Mandala Effect (Plateau 5 Records) 47 4 pts MFG - Pure Energy (Suntrip Records) 48 3 pts Various - Astronauts In The Solar System (Global Sect Records) 49 3 pts Nobot - Human Update (Parvati Records) 50 3 pts Braincell - Gaia (Self released) 51 3 pts Ocelot - Iconoclast (Moon Koradj Records) 52 3 pts The Maniac - A Treatise On Acid (Timewarp Records) 53 2 pts Acid Destroyers - Monsters And Mad Man (Goa Madness Records) 54 2 pts Static Movement - SiMiN (Sol Music) 55 2 pts Goch - Forte EP (Kali Earth Records) 56 2 pts DJ Omsun - Illusorium (Moon Koradj Records) 57 2 pts Psychogen - Psychogenius (Unreleased Goa Records) 58 1 pts Rezonant - Time Code (Sangoma Records) 59 1 pts Yabzyy - Systematic Chaos (Kali Earth Records) 60 1 pts Jagoa - The First Steps (Self released) 61 1 pts Various - Fleinheim (The Cure) DOWNTEMPO =========== 1 43 pts Lauge - Dawn (Iboga Records) 2 37 pts Proxeeus - Celephais (Neogoa Records) 3 31 pts Avaris - The Forgotten Language (Axios Records) 4 30 pts Bluetech - Holotrope (Behind The Sky Music) 5 28 pts Distant System - Infinite Continuum (Self-released) 6 27 pts Saafi Brothers - Mystic Cigarettes (Remixed) (Liquid Sound Design) 7 25 pts Globular - Untangled Everything (Self-released) 8 22 pts Tengri And Friends - A Course In Miracles (Orbita Parvati) 9 17 pts Solar Fields - Origin #03 (Droneform Records) 10 14 pts Bluetech - The 4 Horsemen Of The Electrocalypse: The Pale Horse (Self-released) 11 10 pts 36 - C45 Dreamloops 1-2 12 10 pts Various - Ethnomystica Vol. 7 13 10 pts Advanced Suite - Shapes Of Nothing 14 10 pts Greg Hunter - Tantra 15 9 pts Desert Dwellers - Breath 16 9 pts Panda Dub - Horizons 17 9 pts Shamanizm Parallelii - Blue Lizard 18 9 pts Eric Electric - Run Away Controls 19 9 pts Mantra Move - Raven Dub 20 8 pts Yagya - Stormur 21 8 pts Advanced Suite - TAKING MUSic in tHe ROOMS th&t DreaMT 22 8 pts Various - Ensancha El Alma Vol. 1 23 7 pts Dreaming Cooper - Exploring The Universe 24 7 pts The Borgasm - Welcoem To The Borgasm 25 7 pts Blisswave - Manvantara 26 7 pts Various - Liquid Sound Design Collected Digital Works Part 1 27 6 pts Entheogenic - Hypatia 28 6 pts Ambient Mann - Another Dimension 29 6 pts Astronaut Ape - Deep 30 6 pts Bluetech - Liquid Geometries in Dub 31 5 pts Cabeiri - Molecule Language 32 5 pts Bluetech - Sci-Fi Lullabies 33 5 pts Bosa - Eyes Of The Jaguar 34 5 pts Pangani - Superdeep 35 4 pts Zen Baboon - Origiro 36 4 pts Unknown Reality - Gaia 37 3 pts Spatialize - Beyond The Radar 38 3 pts Various - Temple Of Dub 39 2 pts Shwamp - Inner Landscape 40 2 pts Sync24 - Omnius 41 1 pts Deep In Mind - Autumn To Spring 42 1 pts Ambientium - City Of Memories SEE YOU NEXT YEAR! Aspartic7 points
Oh hell time flies, it feels like I wrote the 20th bday thread not so long ago, but turns out if was before the Covid crisis... It's still accurate. What more is there to say to that? The is not the most active community but it should stay online as it contains a goldmine of information about Goatrance and Psytrance. BTW for those who don't know from the FB post, Psynews was moved to a brand new server one month ago, it feel so much faster now. Psynews certainly changed our lives. It changed mine big time, I keep realizing it. It was a big launchpad for several projects (Suntrip, Filteria...) It's like a fabric of wonderful people all around the world. Mind you, I'm even going to finally meet @Jon Cocco in the flesh next summer as he invited me to his place in the USA. Psynews keeps amazing me with everything it helped creating or enabled along the years. For those who need some more insights about this community, I still have this other thread in store HAPPY BIRTHDAY !5 points
And people wonder why this forum going downhill, this is a review thread, keep it that way5 points
Man, I haven't logged in months and the very first topic that I see is EP stating he's leaving the scene. It's like I've been transported back to 2003. Or 2005. Or 2008. Or every year cause that's what EP does. Biggest drama queen of our scene.5 points
so, you're saying his album has vaporized?5 points
5 points
Hello world our Psynews Youtube Channel has just seen the light of day At this moment, our first video was uploaded - which is the first part of a founders interview of Children himself - one of the people who founded the site! Please find it here: I hope you enjoy it. It marks one more steps in this 20th birthday jubilee year of 2020 and I personally hope that we will bing much more content your way this year - and also maybe better edited one as my video edit skills get better aswell The next steps are: a new forum will be created here (visible for members and above only) to discuss our Youtube channel and for you to give feedback and suggest content the second part of the interview with Children will be composed by me to be released in the not-so-far-away future We would appreciate if you support us on YouTube by subscribing to our channel, commenting - hopefully in the same police and positive way most people post it on the forums here - and yeah, also by dropping a like if you enjoy it #HappyBirthdayPsynews.ORG5 points
Except that very small fraction of these melodies is any good IMO.5 points
Ektoplazm is happy to present a new album by Swiss musician SubConsciousMind. Symphonies of Life, his fifth full-length release, explores different aspects of the human experience: Patience, Truth, Consciousness, Destruction, Love, Creation, Beauty, Humility, and Trust. This is an album that reveals its true intensity the more you listen to it. Every time you hear it another theme might resonate with your inner world, or new revelations may come to pass. One day a theme may not get through to you, another day it will open up an emotional world without description. Keep this in your playlist, let it be part of your life, and the beauty of this musical artwork will unfold even more over time. Just two clicks away for free: http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/subconsciousmind-symphonies-of-life http://www.subconsciousmind.ch5 points
For the ones that would like to know a bit more about the album... and beyond here is a little interview!5 points
I just got a few email from psynews. I don't know whether you changed the system or whatever, but this reminded me that Cronomi Records is 10 years old this year, and I decided to share some of the early history of how it came to be. It's funny, because back then we had the "new school old school" debate, and the whole "old school" era was about as long as the time from 2008 until now. Only tells you how this division is absolutely meaningless. Anyway, the teenager me was producing generic psytrance, kind of the usual kind of Israeli full on you'd expect. Some of it even ended up being released for reasons that I'm not certain of now because it was shit. Then, a friend challenged me to produce a goa track. So I did. It was also a challenge to myself, what can I get done using only the "Vanguard" VST plugin. Turns out that it went pretty well, made some amazing goa loops. I continued to finish that track with things other than Vanguard. It was eventually released at Ektoplazm in the first Golden Vibes compilation. The name of the track, "Shomervan" is just a Hebrew way of saying "Vanguard", with "guard" being שומר = shomer. It also required that I find a new name for myself. I was into stars and stuff back then, so I looked up the names of stars in the constellation Leo (I was born August) and saw that the name for the star ο Leonis was Subra and I liked it so I picked it. A few more goa tracks later (Snel Hest which is also in an online compilation, but shit mastering so it's fucked and I don't have the originals any more, Olmec which was nice) I decided I wanted to start my own label. I have zero knowledge of doing so, I was a shit business man (and still am) but apparently it was rather easy to do. I had some money from working so I went for it. I needed a name for the label, and I always thought that all of those mystical sounding names or things influenced by eastern cultures or things based on drugs were stupid. You know, 22 old me objecting to cultural appropriation before it was cool. Then I had a revelation! My artist is Subra, and the star name is ο Leonis, aka Omicron Leonis. Omicron sounded cool, but naming it after a Greek letter seemed non-unique. Playing with the letters a bit led to Cronomi, something that I really thought represented me (at the time). There were several reasons for actually starting the label. Suntrip was doing well at the time, and it felt like there could be more than just one goa label out there. Suntrip was also focusing on just one flavour of goa trance (in my opinion at the time), so I thought I could diversify a bit. And, being a label head was really cool. Hell yea! I got my own label! woohoo. Little I knew how hard it is to actually do it... Stay tuned for the next chapter, the story of our (actually my, I was working alone at the time) first compilation: Freshly Cut Tomato. Once I find the time to actually write it. Shouldn't take long.5 points
Artist: VA Title: Dimensional Gateway 5 Label: Neogoa Records Date: December 2017 Tracklist:- 01 - Sun Sith - Arrival 02 - BlackStarrFinale - The Scattering 03 - Lectro Spektral Daze - I Ate Seven Of Them 04 - Xamanist - Star Forming Galaxy 05 - Maan - Field Quanta 06 - Third Eye Channel - Katarza 07 - Proxeeus - Nyarlathotep [Short Mix] 08 - Dragon Twins - Shattered Sense 09 - Negan - Wäwära Well wowie, If ever a compilation could fit into the theme of 2017 (Quality over quantity) this is it. Neogoa Records have released their 5th in a series of Dimensional Gateways. Unlike the dark portals of this world, defined by stability and assurance, dimensional gateways are like tunnels bored with unstable magic that can lead to bliss, new worlds or eternal imprisonment. One thing is for sure, the gateways will always be a journey. As a newbie to the genre it would be foolish of me to say something like ‘This has been quite the year for Goa’ But i’m young and foolish so. This has been quite the year for Goa. We’ve seen some pretty remarkable releases that have been top notch in terms of either production, originality, or nostalgia. While the review section for 2017 has been pretty empty most of what is here is gold. Sun Sith: … Holy shit. Sun Sith are Lunar Dawns Kristijan Ilisinovic and Sasa Precanica. Two lifelong friends who have dedicated themselves to absolutely blowing our minds with music. This has gotta be the darkest work of theirs. And i’m going to peg it as the track of the year. Blackstarfinale: Oh no, how is this melody going to work? Am i about to listen to pure aged chedder? Nope, you better not believe it. The scattering is a mix of uplifting twisted chopped and screwed bliss. Pretty freaking awesome how they work this track. Lectrop Spektral Daze: Yea you did LSD, you ate more than seven didn’t you? You ate a whole bag! Whats that? Only seven per bag? Oh well yea, you ate seven then congratulations! Some of us are too busy studying to just go and eat shrooms in Mexico. Great track, if you like drug references in your songs you’ll like this. Also if you like good songs, well this is one for you my friend. Beautiful beautiful track. Xamanist - Star Forming Galaxy: Every now and then i come across a track on a comp that makes me wonder why i passed that artists album up when i came across it. Progressive trance must have been the flavour of the month when i came across 7, but I tell ya, i’m going back to right my wrongs right after this review. A banging track and another one of my favourites. Aaaaah i love rolling basslines. Maan - Field Quanta: A nice driving bit of trance that starts with subtle bits of acid getting tossed around, easy to dance to though not the most unique track floating around with not much to differentiate it from other producers. The builds are all pretty fun though. Instead of leading to explosions of hysteria they end in slightly disappointing returns to the bassline. Katarza - Third Eye Channel: A less exciting track that gets points for being trippy, though without endless amounts of energy pulsing through it. More of a floating track then an arm flail enducing stomper. Instead of keeping your attention with hard melodies Katara mixes the beat up by skipping kicks and messing around with the basslines. Dragon Twins - Shattered Sense: Some spooky throat noises (Singing? chanting?) starts our journey into what is a remarkable track. The melody is insane, but then it disappears? I could have easily had another 6 minutes of that penetrating my cranium. Man i’m bitter about that, the lead was incredible. I guess that’s how some stories go. Proxeeus - Nyarlathotep (Short mix): We are lucky it’s easier to dance to Proxeeus’ tracks than pronounce them. Everytime i try I end up with a deep and very bad Estonian accent... The track is what you would expect from this wizard, awesomeness. Edit: Holy heck Proxeeus! That final 1.5 minutes. Negan - Warawa: Whats that? Fun basslines? Negan (Did Negans lose part of himself) has got us covered. The track is madness from start to finish, the acid lines are all over the place in the best of ways. Hare Krishna would have indeed been a bad boy. And we made it out the other side. Dimensional Gateways aren't so bad are they, 5 down and we are still kicking. I'm starting to think these things are more stable than i've been told. Wizards and their bullshit friends, just like politicians. https://neogoarecords.bandcamp.com/album/dimensional-gateway-55 points
5 points
Normally I do not reply to reviews, but I have to do it now (please take no offence in my words, it is just my humble opinion after listening to this 'genre' for 20 years and numerous talks with Ray and many other psychedelic trance artists in the past decades). I'm not talking about the quality, style or what ever of these tracks, just about what they are and do (imo). These things are up to everyone to decide Apart from that, if you would take even more time to dig deep into the history of this 'genre', you'd realise a few things: a ) goa isn't a genre, it was called 'goa trance' by party organizers in the mid 90's in Goa (India) to attract people; so it was a pure commercial move to call it 'goa trance'. Detail: at that time all sorts of 'weird' electronic music was played at those beaches - info by Ray Castle himself. It is an illusion to pose goa trance started to exist only at the mid 90's, nope, the sounds capes we so adore came a live gradually (listen to some 'proto goa' sets from the early 90's and you'll hear what I mean). b ) That is why 'goa trance' could better be called 'avant garde trance' (quote by Ray Castle), and he is right: that is exactly what this music is all about. Fucking avant garde and out of the box: challenging the mind in a musical way. Goa therefore is a mind set to rethink electronic music to re-invent itself and NOT get stuck into a certain formula or sound scape. c ) So that taken in consideration the term(s) 'old skool goa' (and new skool goa) is (are) far from correct and is (are) utterly useless to determine what has been released here. (my personnel) Conclusion: this CD/album should be for everyone who wants to know about avant garde trance and wants to buy and support a wonderful project/artist/music! -Our minds are polluted with the idea goa is a genre and the fact that goa should sound a certain way: guess again Ray proves goa is a fluent, organic and non deterministic way to make psychedelic electronic dance music. Good thing to wake that up again Ray (and Suntrip): may it inspire more new artists to be more unique and utterly avant garde <3 ...and not just copy a existing sound without searching and using the 'basic' ingredients. -Our minds are polluted with the idea this 'goa trance' has to be melodic and that these (well distinguished) melodies should lay 'on top' of the music. No, melodies are found also here in Rays music, but in a more non obvious way we hear nowadays. Again, Rays music is about being unique, psychedelic and avant garde, and - surprise - this is what (how we call it today) 'goa trance' is all about. -Rays melodies are blasting and crazy...plus: this sound is far from 'early goa sound', it is the 'goa sound' from a certain period. Without the intention to be smart or arrogant...yours truly5 points
Hey-hey. How's it? This is a bit of a large scale topic to tackle but I've been thinking about it every now and then. So the main question is - how's everything changed considering psytrance culture? What do you think? It's obviously a question that's intertwined with our technological/social/human progression. It's difficult to start making an analysis but to get things started... I'm arguing people are in collective terms less focused. This means what we "consume" needs to be easy and fast to digest. Any person needs to make a conscious effort to withhold a long attention span in the age is smart phones and social media. A shorter attention span is not the only thing - if you browse through endless amounts of data (phone/computer...), the creators of this data are in battle to win your attention. Your attention is money, straight and honest. It's views, likes and ad revenue. As you might have noticed, this battle is intense and ugly. It's almost like as if you've suddenly landed in this weird zoo with endless amount of monkeys hitting cymbals together. The loud and obscene run the show. Attention is also a drug like phenomenon, some people crave for it and are willing to take any measure to achieve it. And it certainly has been this way before the invention of internet, but nowadays you can't escape this toxic energy that easily. We're physically less in contact and digitally affected by behavior that we can easily classify sub standard. But isn't it so, that we've actually developed a skill to avoid the negative aspect of internet to some degree? That skill is indifference. People are far more indifferent than before. We just have to ignore a lot of things, because the amount of stimulus has significantly risen in the 10-15 years or so. In global terms the rise of indifference is great for the ones in control. But for the majority, for the planet, for the evolution of mankind... it's toxic. It creates a world of apathy and that's when things get dark when we run out of empathy and hopefulness. Let's see how the aforementioned, in my opinion, affects psytrance culture: 1) Drop of quality / When it's "fast-food" it means you only have to figure out a few things like production standards to achieve the pop-appeal. And sure, there's a place for easily digestible music and it can be fun too. But how about the very opposite? The ruthlessly difficult yet intelligent sound? The reason to do music, the idea behind it, has certainly changed for the worse. The big names are very clinical in their approach and pretty much create the same track over and over again. These days there's more ego & less Soul. 2) Drop of interest / People are less engaged. Less focus means we give each other, not to mention our art, less time and appreciation. We hardly stop to admire a great work even when we hear it. We don't write reviews. Those take time and who cares! Right? That's just the way cookie crumbles these days. 3) No more classics / There's no consensus on what's good and what's not. Just a few single opinions at most. There's no real indicators of quality and popularity these days neither, because views and stardom can be bought. We can all probably agree Hallucinogen's Twisted is a classic yes? But come to talk about anything from the last 10 years I wouldn't know. I couldn't know. 4) Less story-telling albums / ...and more digital singles! Because singles can be released more often therefore staying "active" as an artist/label. Activity is one of the key elements to gaining attention online. A full length album? Yesterday's antics.4 points
I love this place and if you need any help with Mod/Admin'ing, I'd be happy to support. 😃4 points
A Diggers Exclusive from TIP Records on the way: "The Mystery Of The Yeti", 2 X 12", to be released in August. https://www.diggersfactory.com/vinyl/278548/mystery-of-the-yeti-the-mystery-of-the-yeti4 points
Let me announce: "Entheogenic - Spontaneous Illumination 20th anniversary | 101x marbled and black. Double 180g heavyweight vinyl housed in premium gatefold sleeve with fresh artwork from Miro Moric. Mastered for vinyl by Glenn Schick Mastering." On NebulosaRecords.com Friday 5th of May, vinyl pre-orders will be up!4 points
Hey Folks, An Update here. The album is going ahead. The crowd funder was successful enough to make the project happen. The tracks are finished, and mastered, and artwork was completed, and everything has now gone off to the vinyl pressing facility and it will be around the beginning of June that the albums are shipped to me from the pressing company. It's in motion and will happen. A huge thanks to all who made a contribution, without whom the whole project would not have been possible. Kudos to you all. If anyone wants to pre order the double vinyl from me they can......just make contact with Nervasystem over at the FB page and I can sort you out. Get in touch sooner rather than later though, as they are extremely limited to 100 copies and two thirds of those are already ordered, so after i reserve my few personal copies, and save a few for very close friends and gigs, there's not many left, and they may all go before too long. I won't re-press this release, when they are gone, they are gone. It's going to be a bit special this one: Instant collectors item.....so if you are interested, contact me over at the FB page, or failing that you could try messaging on the Nervasystem Bandcamp. I'm seldom here, so those other ports of call are the best way to reach out if you wanted to secure a copy of the record. Cheers PS.....Here's a picture of the art on the inside of the gatefold cover.4 points
"I'm quitting. I swear. I'M DOING IT. LOOK HOW MUCH I'M QUITTING. THERE. I'M GONE." *furiously mashes F5 for 3 months to see reactions*4 points
He's literally been filling the Hypnotic LFO Room Bandcamp with his stuff these days: https://thehypnoticlforoom.bandcamp.com/ Not sure what to make of that post, he's probably still fine with taking "those people's" money, but whoever has bought stuff off his Bandcamp better download it before he pulls a Santos.4 points
younger brother made an album called vaccine and the trance version was called vaccine electronic but I think it is just a name there is no reference or lyrics about an actual vaccine and the album sucks anyway - both versions4 points
Hey-ho Goa people. For a whole week, starting today, I'm giving a discount with 90% off on complete Neogoa Records digital discography hosted at the Bandcamp! Instead of paying €113.00 EUR for 46 releases, you pay just €11.30 EUR! Boost your collection, support our work and enjoy in some diverse psychedelic goodness made by amazing musicians around the globe! Share if you care! Le link: https://neogoarecords.bandcamp.com/4 points
Okay guys, time for news. Our plan: 1) Median Project - In the Depths of Space (debut album) 2) Omneon - Ascension (debut album) 3) Special project (experiment): Psy-H Project & Zirrex & Centavra Project & Nostromosis & Median Project & Alienapia & Omneon & DJ Adept - Intergalactic Cult (digital single) Epic long track by Global Sect Team. Crazy experiment 4) Atlantis - Psychoactive (debut album) 5) Slow Reflections - Natural Vibrations (downtempo side by Psy-H Project) 6) VA by DJ Masala 7) Katedra - Nagual (debut album) 8) Centavra Project - Alone in Space (debut album) 9) Artifact303 - new album If you have any questions and ideas about our label, you can post it here ॐ4 points
Dear Suntrippers! 1.) New VA - Gamma Draconis 2.) Future releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.) New VA - Gamma Draconis We are very proud to release our new compilation, Gamma Draconis! After years of working with these goa-trance legends they made 1 more old school goa-trance track especially for us! So, lets revive for once that amazing 90s vibe! The result is an 8 track compilation with music that ranges from classic melodic trance, modern goa-trance to darker acidic stuff by the biggest names in trance history! 1. Roy Sasson - Mentalogue 2. Xenomporph - Dying Sun 3. Battle Of The Future Buddhas - Shinechaser 4. Shakta - Expedition To Earth 5. Astral Projection - Dominion 6. MFG - Global Light (Retro Version) 7. RA - Eikon 8. Oforia - Emotionally Charged Memories For once, we also printed it as a 2LP-vinyl. You can buy it now, but it can only be send next monday. The cd is already available, and we can also fulfill your digital needs of course The cheapest if you want to buy only 1 release or only digital: https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/ The cheapest for you if you want to buy several cds/tshirts/packs: https://www.suntriprecords.com/shop/ 2.) Future releases We are on fire at Suntrip, because we are already finalising our next 3 releases! The next one, during the second part of november, will be the long awaited third part of Mindsphere's trilogy Expect emotional, analog, warm pure goa-trance! At the end of december/early january we will make the winter a bit more bright! We will release a melodic forest - old night-style goa-trance cd For sure a bit more underground compared to our usual releases but we think you will be surprised by the music you will hear on it! And at the second part of february you will get the second cd of Khetzal, finally, after 13 years!! But that won't be all. We are working on a new Filteria album, a new Median project album, a new goa-trance compilation and some more stuff as well! Thanks for the eternal support dear fans! Keep goa-trance alive! In these Corona times your support is even more vital then ever before!4 points
What's gold is the fact that this scene was built in the back of murderous ex-military Israelites & has-been hippies abusing the seemingly liberal lifestyle afforded to them by a poverty stricken nation desperate for the money they brought, with not a care to the devastation this scene has caused to the people of Goa & India over the decades. Furthermore misusing religious prayers & symbols with drug abused while claiming its for enlightenment when it's just an excuse to drop chemicals and become wankers. This scene was and still is the ultimate in religious & culture theft for the abuse in the name of drug abuse. You're all delusional if you deny this. The majority of real Indian people absolutely despise what the scene in Goa did to them. But white folk always take what they want with little care for others and their cultures.4 points
I'm missing colorful, story-telling 10+ min tracks... rest assured, they're rare to hear because they're difficult to make. There needs to be coherence within the change and it's actually difficult to achieve without some level of conceptual thinking. It's exactly these sort of threads on Psynews that initially sparked the flame to start composing. My personal vision can only be materialized by me. In fact, I'm gonna open my FL and try to come up with final melody to the last track of forthcoming 4th album.4 points
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Artist: Pete & Pan Title: Return Of The Goddess Label: Goa Madness Records Date: November 27, 2019 1. Serra Del Estrela 2. Elysian Fields 3. passing Spirits 4. Tantric Tweak, 5. The Fool 6. Abundance 7. Nowhere 8. Solstice 9. Muse (Bonus Track) Peiter, will you tell me a story? I’ll do better than that for you Peiter, we are going to make one together Pieter Goessens & Pieter van den Broeck make up Pete & Pan. If you haven't watched the Goa Madness interview with these fella's go and do so to get an idea of what they are all about. Alternatively you can take my word for it that they are all about having a fun and bringing enjoyment to the world. And if you know about Goa Madness Records then you probably know that they pretty much only release well produced psychedelic Goa albums. Taking this into account you can expect a well produced psychedelic Goa trance album that is almost filled to the brim with good times and positive story telling. The feel good aspect of this album is something I haven't heard since listening to Spiritual Healing. ~ Serra Da Estrela Good intro's are the most wonderful little gift that makes an album so much better. Serra Estrela has Astrix level Shamanic Tale vibes and does the trick of transporting you to another world like nothing else. The baseline is deadly and the magical atmospheres carry you through to a large vibrant melody that pick you up and take you higher and higher if you let it. Elysian Fields An anthem for all the teenage boys and girls out there that could never get some. A perfect mix of despondent teenage insecurity floats around positive future outlooks. If Elysian Field (Which is perfectly titled) does not pull an adolescent from their glum self pity into a mood terrorized by hope and positivity then nothing but time will. There is a playful little surprise for us further down the line that turns into a gamechanger for the track. Passing Spirits I like the vocal samples here. They all fit in really well and remind me of old 90's vocal trance that I used to hear in my friends old gym. Body Pump in North Australia circa 2005 is written all over this track. 8 bit sounds can also be found around Passing Spirits as can some key changes that almost always leave me feeling cheated. This time is no different but I find it easier to get over it and move on to my continued enjoyment of the track. The wicked first act sets the scene for the rest of the track that is The Fool. The smooth leads form into a smooth melody that travels around the void calmly juxtaposed against a dirty bassline and kickdrum. The two take turns with your attention and build a glitter spangled storyline Tantric Tweak Cool title and another cool intro comes as no surprise. If you want a track that builds and builds and builds then this might be the track for you. The explosion of feel good vibes wrapped up in a wide melody makes you want to stroll where rays of sunshine can surround you in warmth the way that Tantric Tweak warms you from the inside. Darker atmospheres crawl out of the intro to Abundance but quickly get buddied up next to some playful positivity. The track builds and builds into something almost unrecognizable to the beginning. Absolutely incredible story telling that has so far remained impossible to not get lost in. Nowhere Melodies of raw sugar screech across your brain and etch themselves into it. Behind that you have a melodies begging you to throw your arms out to the side to glide on euphoria. Solstice Starting energetic and full of playful potential as can be expected with these bubbas. Here you're gonna get more twists, just as many feel good melodies and scorching raw leads of nuclear fusion. Muse (Bonus Track) It's been a long time since ive sat through such a purposefully uplifting banger. Muse is the sort of track you close a magical festival experience with, leaving everyone full of bliss and peace. A favourite from the album for it's pure emotional power. ~ Goa Madness continue their selection of hand crafted, top quality maestro produced Goa Trance. The production quality here is on par with Hypnoxocks Eurythmia, everything is polished, clean & purposeful. Each Track is a story and each finishes far away from where it starts. Listen to your album however you want, but try as many different ways as possible, back to forth, front to back, on shuffle. each time you get a different perspective and a different journey. Some of the track in Return Of The Goddess are the sort of music The Muses Rapt should have been producing in 2019. Well Pieter & Pieter have taken the torch and given us something that is so delightful I'm scared of listening to it too much. If Pieter & Pieter are going to go to the effort of releasing this piece of wonder then i'll face my fears and listen to this album till my heart is content. This album is certainly going into my top 10 for 2019 and something I'll be bumping every time I need a little extra aural love in my life. Thank you Goa Madness and all of the Pieters involved in this project. https://goamadnessrecordsofficial.bandcamp.com/album/return-of-the-goddess4 points
Lots of social factors come at play when you try to figure out how "the scene" came to its current standards. 90s was a period without internet, or at least the social media was non-existing. You'd just do your thing, with no need for constant attention seeking or self-promotion. You'd sit in whatever psyhole you had there, compose, play at a party and the feedback would occur the natural way, via real human contact. These days you need following, likes and what not - it's all virtual though. And hey! You can also buy the likes, psyscene is under capitalistic law like it or not. All that's been said is affecting us all. Social media is giving us access to infinite amount of information and what kinda happened is our minds are focused on trillion things at once trying to swim through the pool of data. The consumption mode is on when it comes to psytrance, too. So many artists, so much music! As a reflection of a sort, haste & desire for recognition have unfortunately become major driving forces for many musicians. The social media driven world shows no mercy, it's just the state of things for the time being. Patience, vision and focus. I reckon the amount of these qualities has dropped significantly and hence understand the frustration of many. Only thing that might, just might, ease the pain is the fact new Sab Kuch Milegator album is only one track away...4 points
하이. 접니다. AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)입니다. Hello peoples. Today I invent new genrestyle GOD TRANCE A->D haha This new genrestlye maybe soon nice popular hehe. GOD TRANCE GOTT TRANCE My friendly friends will make this genrestyle soon haha. www.aznhjohyennro.com www.aznhjohyennrorecords.com 08210975327474 points
Heh, "this old chestnut". I have many thoughts regarding the matter and I don't know how to turn them into a coherent story so I'll just list some random points: 1) First, there is the principle called Sturgeon's Law, often summarised as "ninety percent of everything is crap". I won't start dissecting the full details of Sturgeon's original statement nor its later interpretations. Anyway, I think the principle essentially says that when there are quality differences and personal preferences, only so many pieces can be "very good" or "like things should be". There are boatloads of music. Even that "very good" 10% (or a smaller fraction) can be so huge that our ears cannot take any more. Therefore we can pick the best, use it as the measuring stick, and rule the rest as "crap", even though in reality the "normal" level is somewhere within that 90% and we're just getting really picky. 2) The corpus of released goa/psy has been accumulating for decades. That makes things even worse regarding the "top 10 versus the rest" comparison. A lot of totally half-arsed stuff from the earlier decades has already been forgot for good. More or less consciously, we end up comparing the very best of those past years to the average level of recent releases. That comparison cannot end well. 3) Also, after thousands of full releases, it's getting more and more difficult to produce something truly original that we still categorise as goa. Either the release "sounds like X, Y and Z" or it doesn't quite fit into the genre. Imagine a hazy blob on the genre map that we label as goa. It consists of dots, which are releases. When the amount of dots increases, it's getting difficult to find any totally blank regions among the existing stuff. You end up either close to something that already exists or too far away from the centre. 4) There is also the phenomenon called sophomore slump. It's quite generic in nature, but it can be understood as "the second attempt being worse". In personal effort like producing music, it can mean that the first try manages to capture the raw power of what you really want to express. Then you kind of run out of steam. Even though the next one may be more polished, it cannot reach the same level of inspiration and originality. Another way to view it is that if you, as a listener, fall deeply in love with some specific approach, it's just inevitable that anything that differs from it has a high chance of being less appealing simply because it doesn't hit that sweet spot. But repeating the same-ish formula would feel like copy-paste or repetition so you cannot really win there. Coming up with something fresh and appealing is possible but really hard. "Easier said than done." And the artists out there cannot really read your deepest desires, nor are they under any obligation to fulfill them. If you're getting picky, it's your task to do the "crate digging" to find your personal gems, even though it may be a tedious task. 5) Also, nobody here is getting younger. There's just something special about the age when you first discover awesome music, visit your first parties and festivals, get drunk/high/laid and so on. As Constrictor put it, you cannot "recapture the magic that once was". When you grow older, you start to observe plenty of recurring patterns - things that get re-invented every ten years or whatever. Each iteration may be slightly different, but it cannot have the same impact as the first encounter with the subject. Just accept the fact that you're getting old and hard to impress, but every day someone else out there is discovering this genre for the first time and thinks that everything is awesome. Same music, different view. I'm definitely getting old and drowned under other commitments. I cannot do the same amount of crate digging as I used to. But I do remember that already back then when I had the time and energy, it was common to load 500 tracks to a preview playlist and ultimately pick just one or two of those as keepers. More than 90% was "crap", nothing new there. If you cannot do those 500 track marathons any more and you've already found enough good stuff to last a lifetime, just cherish those, but don't get too bitter about modern times. I still do discover very good stuff, occasionally. Most releases cannot meet the crazy expectations, but someone out there still enjoys them so they deserve to exist. Nice recommendations by Manuser, by the way. I've been blasting Proxeeus, for example, at work several times like it was 1995.4 points
Thanks everyone for : - the effort in the "admins" tribe - the support of every visitor ! Glad this still exists, I'm not really up to date in terms of the latest albums and am using the website to check what I missed in the new groups ... well now I'm using myself the website for what I wanted it to be used for at the very beginning, find new artists ! ;-)4 points
4 points
we've heard so many samples of new tracks now (most of it sounding very good, starting off where the astral we know and love have left off years ago), that the new album has to be a quadruple album when it finally comes out in 2030.4 points
i cannot understand how you keep the momentum of trolling for 10+ years. thats something else entirely. kudos.4 points
Dear Suntrippers! We can announce our next CD-release on Suntrip Records! We will release a new big talent from Russia: Median Project! I would describe him as a mix between Mindsphere and Astral projection! Powerful, epic melodies and a lot of acid303s on top of it! Check the samples! Next week we will put the pre-order on bandcamp! : https://www.suntriprecords.com/release/cat/SUNCD56/4 points
I guess most of you are mistaked. It's about mixing not the mastering. Katedra himself has always had this style of mixing: bassy, muddy, industrial. I know because we collaborated long ago on 'Magic Science & Imba - Ghost Town' where he was part of Magic Science, and you can hear his style in the track. Even if I am not, nor personaly nor professionaly for it/this style of mixing, I support and respect his ideas and presentation of his music. And important thing is freedom which not many labels give you these days but Global Sect does which is amazing. In most cases when I finish and send premasters to label they say 'It's too clean', 'It's more Fullon than Goa', or it's not clean enough or buyers prefer more this or that bla bla bla... here Katedra had complete freedom to express himself musical and production wise. Just relax and enjoy in what he delivers to you as his own Goa Trance without genre/style rules and boundaries4 points
i cannot think of a single occasion that wouldn't instantly be better if psytrance was playing. even if there is no special synergy between whatever you're doing and psytrance. that's true for anything. think of it this way, if you fall from a ladder and break your arm it's shit. but if you fall from a ladder while psytrance was playing you can say: it's shit that i broke my arm while falling from a ladder but at least logic bomb was playing4 points
4 points
Dear Suntrippers, here we are with the announcement of our next release! :) Actually, its a classic release from the late 90s and early 00s that never saw the daylight... And we are sure its one of the best psychedelic albums ever made! Psylent Buddhi - Secrets of the Atom! So, why was this release only released today? Its a long story... During early 00s during one of the Psynews contests an artist put some tracks online that were simply FANTASTIC. I never forgot this music and when we had Suntrip around 2005 we contacted him to release this smashing music on CD. By that time he lost ALL his file unfortunately :( So, we thought all was lost, untill last year our Israeli friend Kobi Harosh came to us with the original files! Luckely we still had the mail of the original producer and we managed to contact him! The rest will be legendary! Are you ready to hear his mind blowing music in FULL quality? Pre-Order: https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/album/psylent-buddhi-secrets-of-the-atom Samples: https://www.suntriprecords.com/release/cat/SUNCD53/ Release date: 8th of february! Tracklist: 1. Lunar Core 2. Neura 3. Secrets of the Atom 4. Moksha 5. Convergent Images 6. Metalucid 7. Innerscape 8. Lightswitch4 points
Proxeeus made such a good album that it gets praise in reviews of other albums :DDDD4 points
Artist: Material Music Title: Love & Magic (The Dust Album) Label: Kali Earth Records Date: May, 2018 1. Love & Magic 2. Thunderbrothers - Hausmania Jam 3. Ingenuity Box 4. Twitch Science 5. Jailhouse Suck 6. Space Out...and In 7. Return To Earth 8. Prabudda Jani Professor Rabinowitz? Umm...is my paper still due on Wednesday? Like a lot of genres our particular brand of music has long been over saturated with subpar and generic sounding efforts. It's a copy and paste world these days and every high schooler (or middle aged psychology professor) with a pirated copy of Cubase is poised to make the next LSD. More power to you, I wish you the best because it seems the world could use a little more LSD. However we're still waiting and it seems that (and perhaps it has always been this way) the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Promotion is the name of the game and nobody is going to toot your own horn like you can. Unintentional masturbatory pun. So through repeated messages I reluctantly agreed to give this album a listen and share my pearls of wisdom that nobody seems to agree with. It's not like the old days when I had nothing but time to write reviews on every file someone sent me. I'm a busy man. See? So, taking myself away from a whole day's worth of nothing I found out who the hell this is an boy was I surprised. Erland Yildiz is truly an inspirational story. The music biz is rife with tropes about the perils of substance abuse and history is riddled with those who have succumbed to them. He apparently has been making music for a long time, but fell victim to those forces and fairly recently got himself clean by going cold turkey. I don't know what he was on or what he was going through, but you don't get free of those demons without a lot of strength and support so kudos to him. Also to psytones for helping him shop his albums and getting his music out there. This album is a compilation of tracks he made over time, some while sober some while not. He clearly is proficient with the electronic wizardry with good layers, sound, and groove. Here are a few notes I made after several listens. The only quibble I have with some of the tracks is the excessive length without evolution. The title track is a churning progressive beast that clocks in at a hefty 15 minutes. Good thumping track with a bit of goa sauciness at the end. Felt it went on a little long though. And that will be a theme here. Hausmania Jam to me is filler that went on waaaay too long and seemed like a rough draft of a track that he would get back to later. Like...after nachos. Ingenuity Box is a psychedelic goa track that reminds me of something from COP. If that's your style then this is for you. Not bad at all. Twitch Science sounded very rudimentary, but in an alluring way. It also has that bubbling 303 beneath the surface so it's got that going for it. I liked it the more I listened to it. Jailhouse Suck has a funky house groove with some great tabla, but the mumbling underneath is a tad bit distracting. Space out is a psytrance progressive hybrid that flows with juicy layers. More variation would've been nice, but still good. Return to Earth is rather mellow and after listening to it 3 times I wasn't aware that I had listened to it. Maybe it flew by because it was the shortest track on the album. Prabudda Jani is pure Astral Projection multilayered in your face space goa. Best track for me on the album that sounded like it could be from Global Sect Music. So there you have it, a decent album that is available in digital or CD-R format and perhaps a welcome back to the scene of sorts for another artist. Kali Earth Records Bandcamp4 points
Hey everybody, I finally managed to release my new album, this time through Timewarp records. https://timewarprecords.bandcamp.com/album/exelization-beyond-the-black-lodge-lp-timewarp098-timewarp 1. Ego Transplant 2. Wolvencore 3. Cryolysis 4. The Flash 5. Motor Warrior 6. Gothika 7. The Purple Forest The style is once again dark-ish Goa trance with modern psytrance influences. I hope you like it, cheers!4 points
Furthermore, please read this: At DAT Records we constantly aim to provide a portal to the golden age of trance, when the music was new and a global scene was starting to emerge. While the ‘90s were seen as a halcyon age with creative music and a unique atmosphere at events, there were also a few challenging aspects to the scene. One was the frequent mislabeling of tracks on DAT tapes as music was being traded in various circumstances. DAT label DJ Solitare recalls many such situations, including a case a track by Avi circulating as a live mix by Hallucinogen in 1998 and several tracks inaccurately attributed to X-Dream, and in our recent transfer work of DAT tapes made in the ‘90s we regularly come across inaccurately identified tracks. Unfortunately this kind of situation could occur not only with amateur DJs but also amongst producing artists - and as a result of such a mislabeled DAT tape, our recent 3-disc Etnica release features a track that was inaccurately attributed to Etnica. The track ‘Party Druid’ circulated on DATs for decades and was dutifully copied from a DAT tape filled with Etnica productions by label manager Draeke when archiving the band’s output. It naturally made its way into DAT’s latest Etnica release covering their early compositions, with the artists having noted that while they didn’t recall the details of producing the track (as was the case with some of the experimental works on this release), they recognized it and recalled having played it. It has come to our attention that this track was indeed mislabeled and is in fact a track by the project Evolution entitled Alien Phenomenon - a longer mix than the version that appeared on his album, which was on the same High Society label as Etnica’s first album. Since learning of the error, we at DAT have been in contact with Andreas Roll, the artist behind the Evolution project, who was very understanding of the mishap. Andreas has been most gracious, with no expectation of the set being withdrawn and repressed, simply requesting that the error be addressed online. We are of course very regretful that this CD set dedicated to Etnica features a misattributed track produced by another artist - a completely unintentional and unanticipated throwback to ‘90s era of track distribution. We hope that DAT Records supporters will be as understanding of this unfortunate error as the producer of the track was, and will continue to enjoy what is still a remarkable release of a key cross-section of Etnica’s early productions.4 points
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Happy friday everyone! Our latest compilation has been released today and in case you're for some wicked Goa trance grooves, hit this link and download it in WAV/FLAC or MP3: http://bit.ly/GET-DG5. You can also stream full release or track by track on YouTube: http://bit.ly/DG5-YT Happy listening! Samples are available here: https://hearthis.at/neogoarecords/dg5-samples/ And here is the tracklist: 01 - Sun Sith - Arrival (146 BPM) 02 - BlackStarrFinale - The Scattering (145 BPM) 03 - Lectro Spektral Daze - I Ate Seven Of Them (138 BPM) 04 - Xamanist - Star Forming Galaxy (140 BPM) 05 - Maan - Field Quanta (144 BPM) 06 - Third Eye Channel - Katarza (141 BPM) 07 - Proxeeus - Nyarlathotep [Short Mix] (146 BPM) 08 - Dragon Twins - Shattered Sense (144 BPM) 09 - Negan - Wäwära (150 BPM)4 points
What a disgusting post. Really everything that's wrong with Veganism in one post. Kudos. RIP Eyal. You will be missed4 points