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About nolaxx

  • Birthday 12/16/1978

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  • Location
    Vienna, Austria

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  1. Thanks I put up a new blog about my music: www.nolax.at (based on the old website) Christoph
  2. thank you all.. i am really curious about the feedback
  3. Hello, friends of melodic oldschool goa Sadly, the original download version of this album seems not to be hosted any more at ektoplazm. Since some time, the mastered phototropic-version of the 2.0 album is available as mp3-download on amazon/itunes. I will work something out to get the original version hosted for download again! And the best thing: my next album "Turning Point" is already in press: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/59015-nolax-turning-point/page__pid__960873__st__0 Christoph
  4. Hi everybody! I am very excited about presenting my new album, after a long time of silence. Certainly I hope you'll like it! The preliminary feedback on the samples is great, thank you! Harald/Phototropic told me CD should be available in ~2 weeks on psyhop! I am very courious about your feedback Christoph
  5. hey bro ! nice tunes ! see u ! :)

  6. i had some time left, and lots of motivation, so I created the following cuesheet for the set file. i had to guess the track timings, if there's an error i'm not to be hold responsible regards, christoph -- start -- FILE "Artha_-_Live _at_(L)ets(S)ee(D)ragon_(18-04-2008).mp3" MP3 TITLE "Lets See Dragon" PERFORMER "Artha" TRACK 01 AUDIO INDEX 01 00:00:00 TITLE "Vocal Distortion" PERFORMER "Artha" TRACK 02 AUDIO INDEX 01 09:16:00 TITLE "Signs" PERFORMER "Artha" TRACK 03 AUDIO INDEX 01 16:19:00 TITLE "Arthosaur" PERFORMER "Artha" TRACK 04 AUDIO INDEX 01 23:04:00 TITLE "Saikol" PERFORMER "Artha" TRACK 05 AUDIO INDEX 01 32:35:00 TITLE "Awatara" PERFORMER "Artha" TRACK 06 AUDIO INDEX 01 39:39:00 TITLE "Controlled" PERFORMER "Artha" TRACK 07 AUDIO INDEX 01 47:47:00 TITLE "Mystic Change" PERFORMER "Artha" TRACK 08 AUDIO INDEX 01 54:36:00 TITLE "Mahabharta" PERFORMER "Artha" TRACK 09 AUDIO INDEX 01 64:04:09 TITLE "DNA" PERFORMER "Artha" -- end of file --
  7. hi everybody, after a long time of silence i am happy to anounce that Persistence 2.0 is available - with new mastering and some other tweaks - as real CD on Phototropic Records: see the corresponding post here: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=51615 i am also working on a new album regards, nolax
  8. hi elad, thank YOU. christoph
  9. Hi Colin, very nice indeed Christoph
  10. hi, after attently reading this thread and listening to the cd several times, i keep asking myself where the oldschoolish elements are. this album is not by any means oldschoolishly influenced nor does it in any way remind me of the old masterpieces cosmosis did in the glorious times. this album is totally contemporary, it's style, it's production technique and everything. about melodies that can't be percieved as such because of modern production techniques - well if we don't perceive a melody, there usually is none. in my opinion, which in the case of this genre is not based on lots of experience (i avoid full-on by all means and don't understand people who mix it up with oldschool goa trance), this album is OK if listening to those tracks at full-on-parties. But after having so often read about the cosmosis oldschool revival with this album i must admit it was nothing but a disappointment realizing that it had nothing to do with oldschool goa trance.
  11. nice mixes! thanks a lot
  12. hi mr puppies congratulations to "Thy real Name" and the outstanding "A New Hope" on "Ulterior Natality"!!! Christoph
  13. great music that comes from you , for sure a very talented goa artist. keep it up!

  14. very good!! you did it - catch the dubby vibe into a totally psychedelic ambient. reminds me of Ott, at least some parts of it. please do more of this stuff Christoph
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