I see what you mean, however I'm not a perfectionist collector, so re-issues on other labels are more than good enough for me. I also have as a principle to not pay way overprice for any cds, so I think I'll survive.
I don't have the original sadly, haven't been into this type of music for very long so all I got from Namlook/FAX so far is From Within 1+2 and Fires Of Ork I. I'm planning to get some more, but the limited pressing of the releases isn't exactly making the job easy.....
Nope, actually they released stuff in the old Quirk style using the Quixotic name, while they changed the style on the Quirk stuff to more house sounding stuff. So I'm pretty sure you'll like it.
BTW, if you like Namlook you should def check out Tetsu Inoue as well, who is another amazing ambient producer. He did the Shades Of Orion and 2350 Broadway stuff with Namlook, and has several other great releases as well. Some of my favourites:
Ambiant Otaku
Organic Cloud
World Receiver
Datacide II
Om - Instant Enlightenment <--- This one is really amazing
My favourite songs from Quirk as well. "Robotised" is another great one, and you should also check out the stuff they released under the Quixotic alias: Spy vs Fly, Hearbeat, Evangelica, Sproing and 32 Bit Priest are all good ones.
I see you've checked out the From Within stuff seraph, smart move!
Namlook is a favourite of mine as well, he's got lots of good releases. In a period he released too much stuff though, so not all of it is equally brilliant. But if you dig a little you'll find good stuff for sure. Check out his discogs profile with all of his aliases and projects here.
Some of my faves:
Fires Of Ork 1+2
From Within 1-3
Air 1-3
Dark Side Of The Moog 9 (5 & 6 is also great)
The Speedy J collabs
Hearts Of Space
Shades Of Orion
Haven't heard any of these fortunately, with exception of the Skazi Metallica remix. I find it hard to imagine that anything can be much worse than that one though...
Nice list you got there, many of my favourites as well. I tend to like their more electronic influenced tracks the most, not too fond of the guitar dominated tunes.
Another favorite is "Crackerblocks", which is more on the chilled side.