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Everything posted by Dragonflier

  1. If you like dark ambient you should check out Thomas P. Heckmann - Raum. Listened to it yesterday, amazing deep stuff. Check the review at discogs for a better idea what it sounds like.
  2. Kode IV - Dissolve Banging....
  3. There's many great ones, but LSD is in a class of its own. Pure genius!
  4. I voted "both", altthough these days I clearly prefer minimal over maximal within psy. Earlier maximal stuff is good though (Pleiadians etc).
  5. Andy Ling - Fixation (Evolution vs Hamel Mix)
  6. Besides MWNN stuff LSD was my first introduction to psy-trance. Extremely trippy track indeed, and probably still my #1 within psy.
  7. Some ambient as usual before I go to sleep: Dr. Atmo & Ramin - Glyan (from "Sad World")
  8. Can't remember listening to any of his tracks, but maybe I will based on the answers in this thread.....
  9. I've heard that one, real killargh! NP: Atom Heart & Tetsu Inoue - Meditation Bank Soothing ambient....
  10. Hehe, better luck next time.
  11. That really is a shame. No wonder there isn't any good trance made anymore, when all the good producers goes over to pop.....
  12. I can't choose just one, because some days I feel like listening to goa trance, another time I prefer acid trance, old-school trance and so on. It depends on the mood I'm in. The only style I can't stand from that list is "hard dark trance", whatever that may be...
  13. Excuse me, but I think that first cover is ridiculous. The second one is pretty cool though.
  14. Navras, but Conquistador 1 & 2 isn't far behind.
  15. You can start by getting the earlier L.S.G. albums, except "Into Deep", which is more downtempo. Especially "The Black Album" is in the same style as "The Hive", but the first two albums are also top stuff. The singles collection is also worth picking up. In short: you can't go wrong with Oliver Lieb!
  16. You said it bro.... not really anything more to add.
  17. Hehe, I guess you're right, when I think of it Juno isn't in the top class of psychedelica. Still smashing music though..
  18. Listened to that one recently, storming piece of goa. NP: Ibiza Connection - Dreamland
  19. "Absurd" was originally released back in 1997, so it's not exactly a new track. It's a great one, though I prefer the versions with less or no vocals. Check out the Landslide and Reeferendum versions, amazing stuff. I have six Fluke albums, and I like them all - pretty unique group really. If you want to check out their earlier stuff, check out their "Progressive History X" and ""Progressive History XXX" albums, which are collections of earlier stuff. Very much recommended. More info on Fluke here (the guy who owns this page is a serious fan): http://www.global-trance.co.uk/
  20. I got hold of the "Spheres" albums after reading your reviews seraph, and I must agree that it's amazing stuff. The Synaesthesia work is also magnificent. Haven't heard much else from Delerium though, except some of the newer commercial stuff, but maybe I'll check out some of the other cds as well. And btw seraph, did you get my pm?
  21. I agree with you, Etnica, Astral & co have nothing to do in a poll that is about psychedelic madness. Maybe Juno Reactor should be there, but that's it. Although I must admit I haven't heard about all the alternatives, who the f*** is Haltya?
  22. Eat Static is my choice, shocking to see that they haven't got more votes. Their work is IMO far more psychedelic than Posford, and they've made lots more stuff too, all varied and very psychedelic. The only ones that come close is KoxBox. So come on now, vote Eat Static dammit!
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