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Everything posted by Dragonflier

  1. You and Holymen again.... Get real, holymen is crap music, and it's nothing like the music of Mystica. Holymen isn't even goa, so I don't see the similarity you're talking about. Mystica on the other hand is not a groundbreaking project, they have some good tracks and some very cheesy ones. They are still very far away from the cheese-content of Holymen though.
  2. Yeah well, whatever...
  3. You mentioned a lot of good ones Seraph, agree with most of them. Some additions: Prana - Message To Eastedge (Doof Remix) KoxBox - Tribal Oscillation (Prana Remix) S.U.N. Project - Space Dwarfs (Space Tribe Remix) Synaesthesiacs - Synaesthesia (Hallucinogen Remix) Marmion - Five Years and Tomorrow (Electric Universe Trance Mix) Blake C. - Nightmarket (Gabriel Le Mar Remix) Sunkings - Starbuck (Juno Reactor Remix) Disco Volante - Chameleon (Pixelmorph Mix) Eat Static - Contact (Eat Static Remix) Eat Static - Hybrid (The Infinity Project Remix) Analog Pussy - Future (Son Kite Remix) Eargear - Trancehouseexpress (Der Dritte Raum Remix) Space Frog - Lost In Space '98 (Eternal Basement Remix) Juno Reactor - Masters Of The Universe (Thomas P. Heckmann Remix) Space Tribe - Kikkin Up Some Dust (Remix) M.O.S. - Connected (Nerve Remix) Koxbox - Too Pure (TIP Remix) Banco De Gaia - Sunspot (100th Monkey & Mr Noisy Return To Qurna Remix)
  4. I think it's pretty good - nothing mindblowing, but better than 95% of new psy released today. Great use of the 303 as well! The last track on the comp was horrible though - I guess guitars in psy-tracks just isn't my thing.
  5. Do some searching. There's a thread like this every week.
  6. Not quite recent, but Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (M.O.S.) is the best minimal stuff out there. Get anything from them. XV Kilist is another artist I'd check out.
  7. Oh yeah, "Rotorblade" is like the best tune title evar, it ROXORZ!!!
  8. Yeah c'mon now, you have to be a little kid to think that is cool (no offence Cinos...).
  9. Aes Dana - Seaweeds Corporate Chilled music to get me sleepy!
  10. What about 1200 Mics? Almost every tune they release has an uber-cheesy name. Let's see: Ayahuasca Hashish Mescaline LSD Marijuana Ecstasy Magic Mushrooms Salvia Divinorum DMT And from the latest album: The Creation Egypt (Land Of The Pharoahs) Stoned Henge Shiva's India Rock Into The Future Glories Of Greece The Mayans, Incas & Aztecs Garden Of Eden 1001 Arabian Nights They have to be the kings of cheesy titles. The music itself isn't far behind either.
  11. The movie is called "Species". Check http://astral.fio.samara.ru/t-z.shtml
  12. "Chameleon" (which really is a remix of a Disco Volante track) is totally sick, especially the climax at the end. One of my favourite psy tracks ever. Some other great tracks on this album as well, so yeah it's a classic in my book.
  13. Being a little schizophrenic Seraph?
  14. As already pointed out there is no groups that can really be compared to Juno Reactor, they are just too unique. I still feel that Medicine Drum is a good tip though, especially their early stuff is good shit. Check out tracks like "Ulhuru" and "Wizard's Brew" for an idea.
  15. Juno Reactor without a doubt. It gets better each time I listen to it.
  16. Indeed. One of my all time favourite goa tracks.
  17. Dragon - Freak The Greek Probably lots more, but this springs to mind first.
  18. Union Jack isn't strictly goa/psy, but still deserves red IMO. And if Astrix is highlighted then you can just as well highlight every album, because that one is nothing special compared to the real classics including lots that aren't red.
  19. Albums that deserve their status: Juno Reactor - all their stuff Eat Static - almost everything Hallucinogen - Twisted/The Lone Deranger Astral Projection - early stuff Cosmosis - early stuff Doof - Let's Turn On Indoor - Progressive Trance Blue Planet Corporation Blue Planet (should've been highlighted) Dimension 5 - Transdimensional/Second Phaze (ditto) Green Nuns - Rock Bitch Mafia (ditto) Overrated: Everything by Infected Mushroom Etnica - Alien Protein Psysex - Hardcore Blastoff The Muses Rapt - Spiritual Healing (good, but not THAT good) Probably lots more, but this is all I remember atm.
  20. I agree 100% with what you're saying. When I started listening to psy around 2001-2002 Astral and MWNN were my favourites, while I never understood what was so special about IM. To me 99% of their stuff sound very boring and uninspiring.
  21. Why not say it like it is, namely that you have no arguments left? At least that would be fair and square....
  22. Alien Mutation is one of my favourites within chilled goa trance. This is indeed sad news.
  23. Heh, discogs doesn't have "euro-trance" as a genre at all, so that wasn't very informative. I think you should just admit that not everybody else agrees with your opinion, and that your opinion isn't the only truth. "Euro-trance" is a crappy name for a "sub-genre" anyways, what you call euro-trance could as well just be called commercial trance or vocal-trance.
  24. So because you classify it that way "most everybody" does the same? From where did you get that information? The discussion in here certainly indicate the opposite...
  25. Listened to this album again recently, and I must say I am more and more impressed. Great album, up there among his best. Best album of 2004 for me without any doubt.
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