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Everything posted by Dragonflier

  1. What you don't seem to realize is that there is more than one definition of euro-trance, and your definition isn't necessarily more "correct" than the other. Euro-trance can be used as you do to describe cheesy commercial shit trance a la Lasgo, Ian van Dahl etc, but it's also used as a term for club trance in general. Used like that Tiesto is euro-trance, whether you like it or not. Next time be a little more humble, because everybody doesn't see things the same way as you.
  2. Well......Yeah
  3. Damn man, your polls suck! Use your head a little more next time and make more alternatives, because this is useless.
  4. You are right that Process is the solo project of Sean Williams, but Benji Vaughan co-produced tracks 1-3 and 5-9 on this album. Discogs Link
  5. Hell, why don't we make a new subforum for all different subgenres? One for goa, one for prog, one for morning trance, one for dark psy, one for ambient-psy, one for punk-psy, one for heavy metal-psy and so on. Then everyone will be satisfied, and we don't have to read what the idiots that don't like the same style as ourself write!
  6. That's what I call a self-contradiction. If it's not psychedelic then how can it be progressive psy-trance? Not all progressive trance is psychedelic, but progressive psytrance is, hence its name.
  7. Last couple of tracks they released on compilations were boring, so I haven't got any big expectations for this. I guess we have to realize that Pleiadians' magic dissapeared when Rizzo and Paternò left the crew.
  8. Slacker - Best Boyfriend (Slacker's First Kiss)
  9. Discogs link He's had a few remixes released on compilations in addition to the "In Dub" album, but not anything else that I know of. I guess his music falls into the psychedelic dub category, although it has hints of ambient/downtempo too.
  10. Also: Apocalyptic Non Zero http://www.discogs.com/artist/Ofer+Dikovsky
  11. Indoor, because of the amazing "Progressive Trance" album. "The Key" <---
  12. I agree.
  13. Sundown is a great track, and God's Eye is also good. Other than that I haven't heard that much from them. Ian's work with Koxbox and Psychopod is all ace though.
  14. I was about to mention that one. Other than that I can't remember anything, I tend to forget the bad music I listen to.
  15. I recently listened to this great tune released on the Flying Rhino compilation "Third Flight" from 1998, and I was hooked. It has a very psychedelic sound, and is kind of repetitive without being full on. I guess it's somewhat similar to early Hux Flux work. I need more, so does anyone know other tunes similar to this?
  16. Did I ever claim the opposite?
  17. Right now I have eactly 139 records (all cds) according to my discogs collection which I believe is fully updated. If anybody gives a damn it's located here.
  18. Sorry, but the original sounds terrible in my ears, probably the worst I've heard from the Eye Q label. Some of the early remixes are listenable though, especially the MWNN Mix. The remixes released recently are something I haven't and don't wanna hear.
  19. Doh, the "Orange Theme" released by Cygnus X is probably one of the worst trance tunes ever. Funny really, because most of Cygnus X' other work was top quality.
  20. A man that finds inspiration in the music of Britney Spears can't be taken seriously. Unless it was a joke of course.....
  21. That's more like it.
  22. 3/5 rating for Holymen?
  23. Labyrinth is an ace album, can't quite remember which tune(s) I prefer from it though, guess I have to listen to it again soon.
  24. Hallucinogen - Gamma Goblins Part 2
  25. ROFL, Holymen isn't psytrance and it's not regular trance, tbh I'm not even sure if you could call their stuff music at all. Releasing stuff like that should be considered a crime against humanity.
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