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Everything posted by Dragonflier

  1. Sums up pretty much what I feel about them too. Astral and MWNN introduced me to goa in the first place, and I have all of APs cds. Still like them (at least the early ones), but they are not the best ones out there. As said, their style could've been a little more diverse.
  2. Heh, what about artist names using the word psy in them, pretty un-original really: Psycraft Psydrop Psysex Psychaos Psyside Psygone Psyburbia Psy Phy Six Psychonaut I bet there's many more as well....
  3. I heard that they made these songs for the cd they planned to release, then the label went into bancruptcy so they had to cancel their plans. A shame really, cause a Crop Circles album would be dope....
  4. Anything by Quirk really would fit the bill, at least the stuff they made before the "Quality Control" album. "Robotised", "Dimension Disco", "Cognitive Dissidents", "Ping", the list goes on. Also check out the tracks they made using the Quixotic alias. And what about Hux Flux?
  5. There was a similar case in norway recently, where a man was judged to pay 100.000 NOK in damages to the norwegian answer to RIAA. He had links to pages with mp3 downloads on his site though, not just p2p links. I think the law on this matter vary from country to country, but it's to easy to say that you won't be charged just because you aren't the one hosting the actual file. Setting up a link is making you involved as well, and it will be much easier to sue the link-holder than each and every file sharer on a p2p network. Anyways, I don't really see the pont of this, shouldn't people be able to connect to a p2p network and seatch for themselves? Putting up links shouldn't really be necessary. IMO we don't need another database than discogs either, if you don't find a release there you are free to submit it. No need to start a whole new database.
  6. OK, let me rephrase myself: crappy melodies. Satisfied?
  7. Bleh, all Infected tracks sound the same, they use the same boring formula over and over again. No power, no innovation, no melodies, no nothing. When I started to listen to psy/goa, everbody talked about how good Infected was, but I really didn't get it. They're easily the most overrated group ever within psy. The only tracks worth listening to are some they made in cooperation with others (Cat On Mushroom). Sorry about the negativity, but it had to be said.
  8. Man With No Name - Paint A Picture (Vocal Mix) I won't say it's good, cause I haven't heard it for a long time, but at least it has vocals. Vocals and psy/goa has never fitted for me though.
  9. Some good stuff: Astralasia - Whatever Happened To Utopia Saafi Brothers - Mystic Cigarettes Alien Mutation vs Indigo Egg - Microcosmacrocosm Optica - All The Colours Of The Rainbow Dub Trees - Nature Never Did Betray The Heart That Loved Her Children Of The Bong - Sirius Sounds Kumba Mela Experiment - East Of The River Ganges
  10. That's a cd, not a track. A couple more: Shakta - Cosmic Trigger O.O.O.D. - Cosmic Ripple
  11. Very good mix indeed. Classic goa and trance mixed together very well. If only Oakenfold's taste in music was as good today.......
  12. Good full-on tunes are far between these days, but my impression is that the situation was better some years ago. So, what's your favourite full-on tracks from this period? Some I like: GMS - Jaws Absolum - Ultimatum 138 Talamasca - Sinai Elixir - E-Motion
  13. Without a shadow of doubt: Paul Oakenfold - A Voyage Into Trance I guess the mixing isn't the best, but it was the first full goa cd I heard, and the tracks are all great, so it will always be something special.
  14. Hmm, I don't see the logic at the "sell-out"-argument at all, I mean since when did techno and electro have commercial appeal? I believe X-Dream make this kind of music because they're taste have changed, if people don't like it nobody's forcing them to listen. And to compare them to Skazi is just way out of line IMO.
  15. Errrrr, no.........
  16. You lucky "£@€€#¤%&"
  17. I agree with what you're saying, but everythin has a price. And I wouldn't be willing to pay 30-40$ for a cd, cause they ain't worth that much. Even IFO.
  18. Heh, even if you wanted to support them it wouldn't be possible, as it isn't available in stores anymore. The only one you would support is some bloke selling his records at bloody overprice!
  19. Yeah, Acperience was probably the first acid trance tune I heard, classic stuff. Most of the stuff Hardfloor released is quality, one of the true pioneers of acid trance. Other than that I'd like to mention a tune I heard today with a good acid line: Soluna - Dancing Spirit
  20. At least Talamasca made good full-on, while 99,9 % is shit, so it would be more like 0,1 % that fits then.....
  21. Very good album indeed, I kinda agree with healium though that the uptempo tracks are the best. In particular "Overload (Putput Mix)", which is almost like a pure trance track.
  22. Agreed, agreed, excellent tune.....
  23. Mystica is a pretty cool old-school project, nothing spectacular though. "Ever Rest" and "Bliss" are the best tracks, some of the work tend to be a little too cheesy though.
  24. Holymen is music for kids, nuff said. Even DJ Sammy makes more complex music.
  25. I'm listening to Pathfinder right now, and I must agree that it's a very good track. The 2000 Mix on the other hand is shit...
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