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Everything posted by Dragonflier

  1. Maia is a sick track.
  2. I thought the name was Mental Sharon? At least that makes more sense...
  3. You're very correct, WOW's first album is superficial to everything they've made later on. Killa is pretty good though.
  4. Thanks for tipping me on this, never heard of it before. As an old-school lover I'll have to check this out, looks very promising!
  5. I'm afraid you are right about that, the two recent Pleiadians tracks from compilations ("Photonik part 2" and "Inner Space" was mediocre stuff miles away from what they used to do. If the album is gonna be like that it's not much to look forward to.
  6. I wasn't aiming mainly at you, at least you came up with some links to other threads which always are welcome. I still felt that my thread was something different that had not been covered though, but enough about that... Peace man, and have a good christmas time.
  7. You got a point there, but still I doubt I'd like any hardstyle tracks no matter how "good" they are...
  8. Kind of weird to post a poll about music styles you don't like, why bother? Anyways, hardstyle is the only one of these I don't listen to from time to time, so I voted that....
  9. I totally agree with you. Just gets kind of annoying when half of the ppl that reply to your thread just complains about the subject instead of posting anything meaningful. I think it should be a rule that if you don't like a thread, don't post. Very simple really.
  10. This has happened to me before, that's why I got the idea.
  11. I was about to ask the same thing.
  12. You're talking about "The Hive" right? Some of the tracks on there may be "chilled", but some are banging too, at least IMO (ie "Saviour"). Played at loud volume of course.
  13. My guess is that the tune is from some compilation, and the tracknames got messed up. Based upon that I think the track possibly could be Koxbox - Fuel on, as this featured on the same compilation as Party Droid and is about the right lenght. Just a guess though. look here.
  14. Discogs is useful as always. "Alien Artform" was released by this artist.
  15. Second that, except it's spelled Biosphere.
  16. This is getting hilarious.... Perhaps you should start a new thread in the off-topic section and ask people there why they make such "long" lists of tunes. Maybe it's because they like many tunes, I don't know. Since this is of such huge importance to you I suggest you should do this..
  17. Funny you should say that, after all it was you that started all of this. Of course you are free to wonder about what you want, making dozens of posts about it off-topic is another matter. Next time send him a pm and ask instead will you?
  18. That is correct. His involvment in the second D5 album is confirmed here, under "Notes".
  19. It's ok, but you should read your own post, it's very easy to see that as negativity. I just don't see the point of making a post just to state that you don't understand why others post what they do.
  20. Try yousendit.
  21. If he wants to make a big list, how is that a problem to you? You don't have to read it if you don't want to, and you don't even have to click on this topic if it doesn't interest you. Why not just stick to the subject instead of coming up with all this negativism? As Basilisk says, a forum will die with no new posts, and if you doesn't like the ones being posted you are free to start your own.
  22. Conflict is one of the best psychedelic tracks I know, how can you not like that? Taste is a weird thing....
  23. Don't forget that Ra are part of Dimension 5, so Norway has part in that classic project too. I don't think he meant that 100% seriously...
  24. Sorry if this has been posted before, but I haven't seen any threads about best tunes of 2004. Anyways I'd think that this is the right time to post it at the end of the year. And nobody forced you to post a reply.
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