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Everything posted by Dragonflier

  1. Well, it's not like it's very difficult to get around a ban like this anyways. If Cinos has the slightest knowledge of computers (and I suspect he has) he'll be back in no time. Unwanted or not. What I find funny is that despite his moronic opinions and posts people respond to them in massive numbers every time. That make you think, doesn't it?
  2. Yep, that makes sense. Oh yeah!
  3. You're aware that if you sell your cds you'd be obliged to delete all the digital copies, right? Unless you do that it's just as illegal as downloading the tunes on p2p etc. Think about it.
  4. Slam - Intesities In Ten-Cities Excellent shit.....
  5. Yeah, I'm trying to get hold of that and Whatever Happened To Utopia. I found the latter today on amazon.co.uk, but Axis Mundi is a bit expensive, so I'll hold on a little with that one. I got these today and yesterday: Slam - Positive Education Funk D'Void - Technoir
  6. Astralasia - Sands Of Time (Desert Mix)
  7. Astralasia - Seven By Seven Astralasia - Something Somewhere Astralasia - The Space Between Astralasia - Pitched Up At The Edge Of Reality
  8. Word. I mean, how creative is that? Psydrop, Psychaos, Psyside, Psysex, Psycraft, Psygone and so on, all stupid as hell.
  9. Haven't had the chance yet sadly, but I found their latest 12" release before that to be very good, so I'll be sure to check it out asap...
  10. Sorry seraph, but you got that wrong. The album was originally released in Europe as "Raumgleiter" in 1998, then released as "Spaceglider" in the US the year later. Check Discogs! Raumgleiter Spaceglider And yeah, the track titles are in german on both releases, like all DDR works. As I have some knowledge of german I find that cool!
  11. Biosphere - Dropsonde Killarggghhh!!!
  12. I have four of their albums (Mental Modulator, Spaceglider, Wellenbad and Distanz), and I like them all, especially Mental Modulator, which is a real classic. Distanz isn't quite as good as the others though. They can be quite uneven, but at their best they make excellent minimalistic trance, techno or whatever you choose to call it. The best tune I've heard from them is probably "Stella", from Mental Modulator. Simply awesome! They've also released some stuff under the alias Dr. DNA which is equally brilliant, check it out if you haven't already.
  13. Well, I kinda agree. Been a while since I was very interested in new psy releases. There's some good stuff released now and then, but 99% is dull as f*ck. Even prog-psy, which I was heavily into for a while, bores the hell out of me nowadays. There's lots of genres within EDM that are more interesting than psy, that's for sure.
  14. Suns Of Arqa - Govinda (Astralasia's Swimming Mix)
  15. VA - Feed Your Head & VA - Feed Your Head 2 Check out other releases from Planet Dog as well, Children Of The Bong, Banco de Gaia etc.
  16. Don't quite see what you mean there. At least children's reviews are pretty useless, as they're all based on his limited tastes, and not the quality of the music. The reviews made by people here nowadays are generally much more informative than that.
  17. Well, there aren't too many to choose from, are there....
  18. Bus - Bullet (Cass & Slide Esprit de Corps Mix)
  19. Ozric Tentacles - White Rhino Tea
  20. Sterac - Astronotes (Part 1 & 2)
  21. Let me put it this way: I wouldn't be very surprised if that is a mistake.
  22. Yeah, I know. My point was they should stop before they ruin the name. The stuff released after Family Of Light has all been sub-par IMO.
  23. Interesting shit, will make sure to check that out.
  24. I'd say it's more techno than tech-house, but either way it's good. Expand your noobish tastes a little!
  25. Listen to Scandosounds and tell me that The Infinity Project sounds similar.
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