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Everything posted by Dragonflier

  1. Dragonflier


    Wow, what can I say? This is some of the best ambient material I have heard in a long time. All of the tracks are brilliant, I also liked the first one very much, even though it's possibly more downtempo trance than ambient. If one of the tracks stood out it has to be "Spirituale", that one was really stunning. Thanks again Astro Cortex for sharing this, and your definetely right - more people should hear this awesome music. Rating: 9,5/10.
  2. Talking about Eat Static and Shpongle, their remix of "And The Day Turned To Night" ain't bad either....
  3. Dragonflier


    Thanks a lot mate, my internet connection is kinda fucked atm, so it will take a while to download the tracks, but once I do I'll post a review.
  4. 1. The track is not called "Sweet Sister", but "Sweet Little". 2. It's found on the Pure Bliss compilation, on Tatsu Recordings ironically.
  5. Thanks man, can't wait to hear this mix. And yeah, a tracklist would be nice, not all psy-listeners are ambient noobs you know.
  6. Finally got my copy of "B-World" in the mail today, and I must say it's a real stormer! If I ever was to use the word killaaargh, this would be it.
  7. Jaïa - Orchestra 2.0 Recieved the Fiction album in the mail today. So far I like what I hear.....
  8. Dragonflier


    Another thing, I would be very interested in 2350 Broadway 3 too, if that's possible (I saw you mentioned it as one of your favourites in the Namlook thread). If there's anything Namlook/FAX or anything ambient at all you need, feel free to ask as I have quite a lot and would be happy to send somethign in return.
  9. Dragonflier


    I would be very thankful if you could send it to me, I can't recieve via ICQ or the likes though because my internet connection won't allow it. Perhaps you could use a site like yousendit, that way you only have to send it once and everybody who's interested would be able to download it.
  10. Dragonflier


    *drools* Would love to hear this, but with that limitation it seems unlikely. How did you get hold of this, and what did you pay for it?
  11. Great album for sure, bought it via Amazon a few months ago. Pure old-school bliss is all I can say.
  12. Yeah, what he said. You have to be a little open-minded though, as it's not all 100% psy/goa trance, but include some drum & bass and techno elements. But it's all brilliant music for sure. Also the live album B-World is worth getting hold of.
  13. I second this, the albums have never lived up to the expectations really, compared to some of his singles. Too many filler tracks in there. Moment Of Truth is probably the best one though.
  14. Pete Namlook & Steve Stoll - Hemisphere Lush ambient.....
  15. Eat Static - Abduction (album) Arrived in the mail today. This is the shit!
  16. Not always, but in this case: yes.
  17. ATB - Moving Melodies is "very good"? That's your opinion of course, but I doubt very many in here would agree with you. ATB = Pop music.
  18. Darren Price - Long Haul 747 Coming up: Third Eye - New Life Edit: Amazing track! ^
  19. At least half of those are crap. Stay far away until you at least know how it sounds like.
  20. Definetely some good picks there ga2pir. I own that Zen Paradox album, and it's one of my favourite old-school albums. Third Eye and Lumukuanda are also great stuff from what I've heard. The review section on this site certainly has some good recommendations.
  21. The Ambush - Ambush Tribal trance the way it should be done.
  22. The Ambush - Aton (Progressive Attack Remix)
  23. Errr.... isn't Minilogue = Son Kite?
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