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  1. Morning Monster Records is proudly brought to you by a group of young Australian pioneers in an attempt to educate the psytrance community at large, about the rarely released, mystical secret contained within our morning psy. V.A. SNAP CRACKLE DROP (releasing 27th October 2007) is the debut compilation from Morning Monster Records of Australia, jam packed full of crazy, funky morning stompers guaranteed to rock any dancefloor. If this interests you or sounds like it may be right up your ally send an email to clint@morningmonsters.com to be added to our email list. Or visit our website www.morningmonsters.com or www.myspace.com/morningmonsterrecords to hear some samples (more to be added very soon). On the menu: Electrypnose (Switzerland) www.myspace.com/electrypnose Crazyducks (Isreal) www.myspace.com/harmonizecrazyducks Haltya (Finland) www.myspace.com/haltya Texas Faggott (Finland) www.myspace.com/texasfaggott I.T.P. (Isreal) www.myspace.com/iiitttppp Neuron Compost (Australia) www.myspace.com/neuroncompost Hired Goonz (Australia) Sattel Battle (Israel) www.myspace.com/sattelbattle Sygmatix (Israel) www.myspace.com/sygmatix - (Extra Cheese) Reality Pixie (Australia) www.myspace.com/realitypixie Decibel (Australia) www.myspace.com/decibeltunes
  2. We are a new label (morning monster records) from Australia releasing our debut compilation, v.a. SNAP CRACLE DROP in october. It will be a blend of crazy suomi, prog and full power morning but most of all funky as all fuck. Some artists include: - Reality Pixie - Tripples - Texas Faggott - Haltya - Crazy Ducks - Ducks on Mars - Decibel - Sattel Battle - Hired Goonz - Damn Raccoon - Neuron Compost - Safety of Inanimacy - Electrypnose - Bonus track from ITP’s debut album “lose your illusion” courtesy of Sundance Records We're also looking for more producers to work with for future releases and we still have one slot available on va SNAP CRACLE DROP. Thanks, Clint Contact me at: phantacy_@hotmail.com www.morningmonsters.com
  3. We are a new label (morning monster records) from Australia releasing our debut compilation, v.a. SNAP CRACLE DROP in october. It will be a blend of crazy suomi, prog and full power morning but most of all funky as all fuck. Some artists include: - Reality Pixie - Tripples - Texas Faggott - Haltya - Crazy Ducks - Ducks on Mars - Decibel - Sattel Battle - Hired Goonz - Damn Raccoon - Neuron Compost - Safety of Inanimacy - Electrypnose - Bonus track from ITP’s debut album “lose your illusion” courtesy of Sundance Records We're also looking for more producers to work with for future releases and we still have one slot available on va SNAP CRACLE DROP. Thanks, Clint Contact me at: phantacy_@hotmail.com www.morningmonsters.com
  4. We are a new label (morning monster records) from Australia releasing our debut compilation, v.a. SNAP CRAKLE DROP in october. It will be a blend of crazy suomi, prog and full power morning but most of all funky as all fuck. Some artists include: - Reality Pixie - Tripples - Texas Faggott - Haltya - Crazy Ducks - Ducks on Mars - Decibel - Sattel Battle - Hired Goonz - Damn Raccoon - Neuron Compost - Safety of Inanimacy - Electrypnose - Bonus track from ITP’s debut album “lose your illusion” courtesy of Sundance Records We're also looking for more producers to work with for future releases and we still have one slot available on va SNAP CRAKLE DROP. Thanks, Clint Contact me at: phantacy_@hotmail.com www.morningmonsters.com
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