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Go-Goa Trancer

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Everything posted by Go-Goa Trancer

  1. Hum, sample smells good, I'd like to hear it. Besides that, what's the deal with Jihooka - Pure Deliverance track? Is it supposed to be a cover? Because if that is not a remix/cover of Teleport then I don't know what a cover is...
  2. Hey everybody, The deadline was supposed to be the 19th. I think though we could close the thread a little later, in order to wait for Rotwang (the OP). So please, if you haven't posted yet, do so now since there is not much time left!
  3. Hey everybody, The deadline was supposed to be the 19th. I think though we could close the thread a little later, in order to wait for Rotwang (the OP). So please, if you haven't posted yet, do so now since there is not much time left!
  4. I liked Upbot: http://steakfacegames.com/index.php?params=game/832/Upbot-Goes-Up/
  5. Bwahaha awesome ones. Here's Vulvarine.
  6. Not my cat, but lives where I live
  7. My favourite player is (was) Dennis Bergkamp. Never really had the opportunity to follow his carreer live, but from what I've seen and read he seems to be the kind of player I would like everybody to be: fair-play, skilled technically with a great team play and ability to give the good last pass. I support Girondins de Bordeaux FC, which play like crap for one season and a half, so it is depressing. So far I do not really follow the Premier League, but slightly support Birmingham. In the La Liga (a joke of a league with only two competitors) I support Mallorca. Do you play football? What position?
  8. Or better, use the multiquote function, just near the reply button.
  9. Do I need to introduce you to Watchmen? The best comics/graphic novel ever IMO. The awesomeness of the graphic parts actually matches the narrative ones. The manga Haruka-na machi e by Jirō Taniguchi. About nostalgic memories of the past. Very powerful. If you know french (I also think it was translated in Dutch) you must check out Peter Pan by Loisel. The story is revisited with very interesting twists, tragedy and very deep moments IMO. A masterpiece.
  10. Very bad guess - Identified Flying Object?
  11. Wow, I am glad it was comprehensible. Well done!
  12. I hope it will be understandable. It represents a concept. I have a hint waiting if this is not clear.
  13. Then it must be Astral Projection - The Astral Files
  14. Total Eclipse - Update Files?
  15. Sorry no idea. Darkpsy + 2010 = bad combination for me
  16. Thanks. Lots of stuff there. I guess it can be learnt, but it must take a while to master everything. Anyway, if help is needed, I'm in.
  17. I have absolutely no knowledge of technical aspects, but I am willing to learn. Is there some kind of tutorial pages for forums like Psynews, mars? If a team is indeed created, I would be glad to be part of it, from admin to mod stuff, I don't care which one. If a team is assembled, we could try to share thoughts for future improvments and innovation... I can't swear I will be motivated for 11 years like mars, but I think that if I get to know how stuff works, it will help me getting the motivation to keep it running. I owe alot of my musical life to Psynews, I also don't want it to stop running. Great people are here, with great knowledge. I would like to keep the exchange of thoughts of opinions going. I think off-topic should be reopen. But I also think it had good and bad influence over Psynews, so perhaps change the formula a little (old database transfered to another forum, and linked from here?)... Also, like others said, alot of work has to be done on the review section. So that could be part of the innovation. As for a front page, I don't really understand what is it, but why no?
  18. Sorry I didn't answer before, couldn't post... I personnaly am very suspicious when it comes to Manga, but there are some jewels out there. The ones you listed are among them, especially Akira which is one hell of a ride. I would recommend: The one shot Goth. More or less in the vein of MPD Psycho (a gore-thriller manga), but with more psychology. I liked. Gunnm. Futuristic mecha cyber manga. A must, but sometimes difficult to read. Haruka-na machi e (Distant Neighborhood) from Jiro Taniguchi. Autobiography very powerful. Awesome. If you want more Shonen style, I enjoyed GTO, Rookies and Hikaru no Go. The last two are among my favourite Shonen ever. Seinen style you have Monster, 20th Century Boys which will probably hook you.
  19. Just at the bottom of the page linked, you have 4 choices, MP3, OGG and mirrored or not.
  20. It was about time! Congrats for the first official release. I urge everybody to go and listen. This is quality music, original, fun, melodic, epic and whatnot. Just listen to Chandelier and you'll be blown away. One of the best tracks of 2008 for sure. And of this year as well. Thanks Otto. Are we to expect more? I hope so.
  21. Since Cyclone In Your Heart will be released on Suntrip's Temple Of Chaos, I take it it won't appear on his new album?
  22. I only watched the first 5 minutes but it is already gold. Thanks for the recommendation! "In this video that I made for educational purposes" :lol:
  23. Wow, E-Mantra remixing Indian Attic... Looking forward to this.
  24. ? There was an announcement from mars. It is even in the first post.
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