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  1. That's it my friends. Thanks to Raf for his investigation.
  2. Nice compilation. Good idea. Thanks to goatrance.pl
  3. We are seeking new host for audio compilations-archives for Cosmic Flower.
  4. Dear all, Cosmic Flower are seeking new host for mp3 archiv. If you know about some good stable place, please, let us know. Thanks.
  5. It is out now, you can go there to listen http://cosmicflower.absolutno.org/index.ph...cfdcb488d23054c
  6. hi from bigbacterials.

    thx for friendship.

    good vibes fri.

    thx and bo0om

    http://lads.myspace.com/photoshow/slideshow.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" wmode="transparent" flashvars="userID=297004247&bgColor=6749952&bgColor2=6684927&transitionSpeed=4&transition

  7. Actual tracklist Cosmos release: Cosmic Intro: Derek Oldman - Prophecy Seamoon - DMTones Cosmos Obsession: Galaxia - Tau Ceti (stoned driver remix FIN) Grimoire - Techy Kiva Shanti - Sirade Needle Ninja -Whooshed Cronodevir - Through the Fractal Cybernetika vs. SatanicElectro - Dreamers Skyhighatrist - So much better Shidartha - Mind Tunel dj Sexboogie - All Eternity Chaotic Synthetics - Eclectic Minds Filip Miler - Shinkansen Cosmic Gate - The Drums (Electro Monk & Lost Disciple Remix) Electrypnose - Ornic (Skyhighatrist rmx) Jikkenteki - Boom Stick Gecko Hagenith - Fury Yawning Master - Touch The Stars Big Bacterials - 1 drop Electric Project - Search for Mana Cybernetika - The Creator Spacer - Ritual
  8. Anyone use this?
  9. Let me know the link to
  10. That's me, Cosmic Raf, go go go :posford: :posford: :posford:
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