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Everything posted by spacer

  1. I created this track http://www.spacer.xf.cz/demos/Spacer_-_Communication.mp3 I want to make it more groovy, bass and kick more fatter. Please, can you send me tip, how to do it ? I there any way, how to do bass and kick sounds fatter, if I use vsti, for bass Octopuss and for kick Battery ? Chorus? Or any type of compression ? Or dynamics ?
  2. Night and weekends I have 17 month old daughter:) so when is free time
  3. BIOLESt (Bioelusion) festival Fri 19.- Sun 21. 5. 2006, forest camp „V Tisine“ near Kožlany, Rakovník region (80 km west from Prague) psytrance / goa open air festival more detailed info at http://biolest.psytrance.cz flyer: http://biolest.psytrance.cz/images/biolest-letak-full.jpg Live Acts: ENCEPHALOPATICYS (Xilium records, Macedonia) Mutant Star (info, CZ) Aodioiboa - Cosmicwalker (Blartlabs, D) GappeQ remote control (CZ/AU:) CZ parade (Rawe, Nik, Fraktal, Spacer, Gondar, Searcher) Ollgoy + live saxophone Acid JAZZ fusion (CZ) Orion live (Rak.) Djs: INCOGNITO (Reactor sound system Moskva, RU) Nga Tangata (Mao-ri tribe, New Zewland) Pangea (Harmonic Tribe Comunity/D) Cymoon ( Sonic Distortion , Inpsyde Media, CZ) Rawe ( Sonic Distortion , Psytropic rec., CZ) Mim (Psytrance.cz , CZ) Ladic (Surface Tension , CZ) Psyrix (Hedonix, CZ) Martyzan (USE /HedoniX, CZ) 000333 & Embryo (MimoTV, CZ) Stanzim (info , CZ) Optical illusions and Fake Decos: Graphic Circle Square, Cosmic Walkers (Leipzig, D), Braňo (SK), Cybernetic System Tribo Fuego – fire show and glowing circus, professional Body Painting, Möbioelusion and other treacheries drama: PACHÝŘ PAČEJOFF and D.I.S.HARMONIE Chillout : Incognito, Aodioiboa live, Djane Pooh, Quapim, PaQ, Peky, Djane Kaila, Psyla vs. Andy Warhol flute MimoTV audiovisual downtempo&chillout night 03&bryo, bantha djs a Milis, PerpleX Videoelusionists: Perplex, Embryo & 000333 & Architech (MIMO TV), Jarin, Nomm (Phase Vision fact.), special slide ilumiNation, film mystifications Navigation: interactive map (official camp website) // map directions (navigation/atlas) // arial view GPS/Loc: 50° 0' 20.3" N, 13° 33' 12.82" E entry : 7 EUR/ 1day, 10 EUR/ all weekend This year the festival is held at the same place as last year, e.g. a camping site amidst beautifull valleys with several various types of woods and surrounded by clear brooks near Kožlany village, all located between Rakovník and Kralovice, about 80km west from Prague, dir. Karlovy Vary. See map above or driving directions bellow. This year we host live act ENCEPHALOPATICYS (Xilium rec.), a young talented guy Vasko Veličkovski from Macedonia, who was inspired by projects such as Parasense, Haldolium, Xenomorph or PsySide and whose debut album "Psychotermic Meditation" is due to be out at Australian label Alkaloid rec. this year. Mr. Dj INCOGNITO from Moscow is coming back to Prague after 5 years. Incognito alias Andrej Kildejev (together with Transdriver and Psykovsky) founded a legendary Reactor soundsystem back in 1990's and so far they organize some of the most magnificent parties and festivals in the psy-sensitive Moscow region. He is well appreciated for his good feeling with the audience and for technically perfect mixes as he was long time playing from classical vinyls in the past. He is likely to bring around just some old good vibes as well as fresh unreleased gems of the most contemporary Russian sound. Thanks to our well adopted agents pursuing their activities on the reverse side of the Globe we are proud to host an interesting personality from New Zealand whose genes carry indigenous Maori features just as some traces from his ancient Hungarian ancestors (he is luckily about to visit some friends and relatives in Budapest this spring and agreed to perform his show for us in CZ). His nick NgaTangata may not be well known one but his set full of oceanic depths and jolly jungle sounds would certainly not be forgotten. Experimental CZech block is designed to provide support for some local live acts who can thus test their plausible musical struggle on the living crowd. We invited Czech musicians such as Rawe, Fraktal, Nik, Spacer, Gondar and Searcher. At the end of this block we will try to establish a live connection with our Sydney / AU placed well known live act GappeQ who will perform a remote live set from his freshest stuff composed during his current sound engeneering mission down there:) Aodioiboa is a sound generating part of Cosmicwalker deco team from Leipzig, PanGaä and Martyzan are those who will try to carry our aural fluidum around the light part of the festival with their morning nostalgy gigs and well preserved Goa auditionhearings:) Less than a kilometer down the stream there is a lake for swimming and local beer gushing restaurant. Within the camp area there are clean toilets and showers and also some sport facilities (table tennis, football, etc). Upon special request you may also experience some (tandem) para-shooting activities over the festival site). Lot of bonfires, a quality TEA-room and vegetarian cuisine or smart drug shop are also there at your service. The speciality of this year is supposed to be a henna Tatoo and UV Bodypainting studio where you can become a face brother with our Maori guest thanks to his traditional "tā moko" deco, that is a part of the "kapa haka" dance ritual which you can try to imitate in your own (free)style version too:) Traditional nose greeting "hongi" can help you to ease the initial tensions. Early evening would even this year be served on the acid jazz live fusion vibe with OLLGOY and his live instrument playing guest (saxophon, guitar or trombone). Later evening part of Saturday will please you with Stanzim's dub/breakbeat set. Do not miss the Miss Understanding contest, panoramic sound art surprise by selected toothed cetaceans or a facultative trip up the local brook stream in our Yellow Submarine... Transportation: Driving to the site is pretty easy. Departing from Prague drive west dir. Karlovy Vary and turn left to Rakovnik after about 40 kms, from Rakovnik take the southern exit onto Pilsen and in Kožlany (after about 25kms) take the right turn to Hradecko, after few bends turn right just before the simple railway crossing and follow white signs "Tišina" for another 3 kms mainly through the forest. Coming by train please go to Rakovnik and change to one going to Kralovice and gett off at the small station in the wood called "Strachovice". Croos the rails and go down following the foot path crossing the brook from where the route will be distintively sign posted with BIOLESt name. On Friday 19th there is also a direct bus service at 15:22 from Hradčanska bus station (PRG) , the trains start at 16:38 and 20:46 from Masarykovo station (change in Rakovník). Believe it or not: At biolest@psytrance.cz you can book some huts (4persons) for 100Kc/day/person or an accomodation in the camp hostel room for 150 /day/person. For camping at your own tent there is a fee 25Kc. Photos from last year are at: Bioles 2005 at psytrance.cz // Bioles 2005 by Generator // Bioles 2005 by Alef All this may well be just an elusion. Read carefully enclosed synoptical instructions for handling this very peculiar weekend ! Good luck !! Original text by perplex (resource: www.psytrance.cz)
  4. Thanks you, guys I asked my friends cubase sx is 'standard' creation music software. ProTools is standard for studios recording of live bands, projects and for creation of sounds for video and film. often used in studios, where sound mix often ''makes'' also mix (Neve, SSL, Soundcraft...) and many hw compressors, eqs, reverbs,... plugins also. Friend says, that Logic is by him great for sounds for electro music, has good connection properties between virtual studio, you have to set all, something litlle bit diferrent..jako zvuk fakt kotel! cakewalk + sonar primarly are as protools for recording. well, but im litlle bit confused of it better to make next track
  5. j-level: you're good man also surge and octopus synths
  6. Ov3rdos3 - thanks you, man. Very very sympatic picture at nickname Yes People I know are using Cubase j-level - can you recommend some ?
  7. Which one piece is great for music creation and why ? Comment
  8. thanks you, Moni
  9. Zodiland: useful answer to others: :-) every time pleasure... z3ta+ lin plug Octopus lin plug albino2 ultra analog vsti for the first time I tried A1, VB1
  10. Hello, my name is Mirek Bulka, i'm born on 17th of january 1979 in olomouc and playing under the artist name spacer. I was around in the local party scene for quite a long time, started when i was 16 years old. For few years i little bit helped with locally famous psy-organisation Hedonix to set up parties. I started with my own texts for my punk amateur band in year 1990, when I was 12 years old. In 1993 I definitely began to compose my first music pieces „on computer“ and after one year created with friend Space mind system playing on parties in Prague and makes amateur free parties in Prague, Trutnov and other places often in Czech. My creating sounds is the most important and it’s one of main way for my creation. My first released track was Bio resonator produced on Statistikka 2kX records on Pussydelic Trans-mutation compilation. I presented first CD on my web site as experimental psytrance tracks composed as summary of tracks on CD composed from year 2002 to 2004. Characterized by 2parts, first of relax with mind understanding relaxed morning stuff and second with lots of groove, real pumping night-time progressive psytrance. What to expect from from my own-sets? Well, basically the right music for the time and place when- or whereever this may be. As i really like all sorts of music i can play anything from relax chillout, goa trance, tech/progressive trance or full-on psytrance. I've made some examples of tracks available for download on www.spacer.wz.cz. I hope you will enjoy them. ---------------------------------------------- source: http://www.psytrance.cz/spacer or you can read at http://www.spacer.wz.cz I am interested to cooperate, f.e. with people making psytrance for making track together, to produce something fresh:) Feel free to contact me spacer.cz@email.cz
  11. Hello, my name is Mirek Bulka, i'm born on 17th of january 1979 in olomouc and playing under the artist name spacer. I was around in the local party scene for quite a long time, started when i was 16 years old. For few years i little bit helped with locally famous psy-organisation Hedonix to set up parties. I started with my own texts for my punk amateur band in year 1990, when I was 12 years old. In 1993 I definitely began to compose my first music pieces „on computer“ and after one year created with friend Space mind system playing on parties in Prague and makes amateur free parties in Prague, Trutnov and other places often in Czech. My creating sounds is the most important and it’s one of main way for my creation. My first released track was Bio resonator produced on Statistikka 2kX records on Pussydelic Trans-mutation compilation. I presented first CD on my web site as experimental psytrance tracks composed as summary of tracks on CD composed from year 2002 to 2004. Characterized by 2parts, first of relax with mind understanding relaxed morning stuff and second with lots of groove, real pumping night-time progressive psytrance. What to expect from from my own-sets? Well, basically the right music for the time and place when- or whereever this may be. As i really like all sorts of music i can play anything from relax chillout, goa trance, tech/progressive trance or full-on psytrance. I've made some examples of tracks available for download on www.spacer.wz.cz. I hope you will enjoy them. ---------------------------------------------- source: http://www.psytrance.cz/spacer or you can read http://www.spacer.wz.cz I am interested to cooperate, f.e. with people making psytrance for making track together, to produce something fresh:) Feel free to contact me spacer.cz@email.cz
  12. try more then 256MB. from my experience is good to have for this sw 512MB
  13. Hi Elysium, maybe I didn't say all. it's about few questions you think about. yes. Most of samples...loops...but do you think, its really what you can say - good samples? Yes. It's something totally new ! Don't fear about, Elysium. I put there only my samples newly created by synths, softsynths. For Philter: its two separated things.. - for people what can share and join to any community we made ftp and all samples shared there are for the people joined there and it's free. - second: I created dvd with my own samples for people who are interested in samples and find some piece of it. it's 2 ways. Selling samples, this is because I try to sell all my good for anybody, who can make music and want to buy my samples, f.e. can't find good samples or have another reason, why they want to do it. Maybe its not the best way, but part of my realization. Yes..most samples. You can try and say It's very good to read your comments, thanks for your point of view. One point is to have any idea, second is to have sound resources. But without creation and space you do nothing with... Elysium: yep;)Doubt can be resource for limit of creation My experience: better way is to create your own sound if you want to order it, you can mail me at spacer.cz@email.cz or via sites
  14. Yes, thats right, Philter. It is already started. Just as second I very like to make sounds and I started second thing. I buy my own sounds...Somebody doesn't have enough of time for making any. Sometimes you want to make good bassdrum, but you don't know, how... Somebody doesn't join to make and share any of own stuff, but it's possible, that this man is interested for some stuff of any others. Yes, you are right. Yes, I start also next my idea.. What do you think about? You can also read this topic, there is information you asked about http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=31036&hl= and here http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=30788&hl= about live of ftp...its good think, you can join...its going
  15. I created DVD with my own samples + any presets for VSTis. more informations at http://www.spacer.wz.cz/spacer_sample_dvd_eng.htm Yes, you can download many of samples from net, but quality of these files is mostly bad. So, I decided to make good piece for good price. DVD contains also rhythm loops. It's not DVD of sequences of arranged mixed loops of nonsensical meanings of let's say 'popular electronic music'. Files are sorted to folders fe. bassdrums, hihats, etc. DVD doesn't contain sampled instruments like piano, guitar or something like that. It is base for rhythmical point of view, fe. bassdrums, hihats, claps, snares, rides, cymbals, live samples of drums, also basses, effects, mixed beat loops, underbeats ... Samples of this dvd you can find at site http://www.spacer.wz.cz/spacer_sample_dvd_eng.htm Sample dvd costs 12 dollars and you can download examples of this samples. There is also description of this piece and how to order it. Thanks for publishing here on this server.
  16. Spacer was born in Czech republic, Olomouc city in 1979. In 1990 he first time presents his own texts for punk amateur band. In 1993 he began to compose his first music pieces „on computer“, after one year created with friend Space mind system project, playing on parties in Prague and makes amateur free parties in Prague, Trutnov and other places mainly in Czech. He began from breakbeats and jungle with rave buzzing synth. After he came to Space mind system, he created first trance, goa trance and ambient treks. Spacer contact Chris Okrouhly and created Space Mind, cooperation with Chris ended in 2000. In 2001 continued with name Spacer as one person and began to make goa trance and first psytrance tracks, between his first things is track named Bio resonator and was produced on Statistikka 2kX records on Pussydelic Trans-mutation. From 2003 – 2004 he composed and learn to make arranges and sounds by his own wish. In 2004 was born Kristyna, his daughter. In 2005 he bought new technique and continues with composing. Spacer’s creating sounds is the most important and it’s one of main way for his creation. His philosophy is based on wicked motion sounds get you to relaxing and meditative. About his releases Between Spacer's first releases was track named Bio resonator produced on Statistikka 2kX records on Pussydelic Trans-mutation compilation. His first cd he presents on his own charges, its experimental psytrance tracks composed by spacer as summary of tracks on CD composed from year 2002 to 2004, in original quantity, only home mastered material. Collected piece by piece he made this events summarised what happened in the the 3 years. Characterized by 2parts, first of relax with mind understanding relaxed morning stuff and second with lots of groove, real pumping night-time masoX. Spacer released his track Bio resonator (2001) on compilation Pussydelic Trans-mutation presented by label Statistikka 2kX records, you can read more info at http://www.spacer.wz.cz/releases.htm Psytrance making together project - Spacer is not label, company or something, its musician artist communicates with people directly through his music. One of his project on scene is making psytrance together (let's say with hyperbole), you can read more at www.spacer.wz.cz/psytrance_together.htm also described at http://www.synthtopia.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1584#1584 Spacer is interested to cooperate with people making psytrance for making track together. Next resources for year 2006 described fe. at - http://www.elixiria.com/forum/viewtopic.ph...4041&highlight= More information at http://www.australiens.net/forum/search.php?mode=results http://www.hybridized.org/forum/search.php?mode=results Spacer contact nformations - www.spacer.wz.cz and www.psytrance.cz/spacer mp3s demos, cd, treks, dvd, informations all about this czech musician (-:-) spacer.cz@email.cz Thanks for publishing of this presentation info.
  17. Do you have experiences with BuzzLe ? Do you red about this peace of software ? here is the link http://buzzle.spr.at according to Buzz at www.buzzmachines.com for VSTi and VST gear... What do you think about ? Recommended or not ? Here you can see videos about BuzzLe, "how it is working" etc. (biggest one in AVI) - http://www.scene.org/file.php?file=%2Fpart...id.avi&fileinfo here is next videos (smaller in MPEG) - http://buzzle.spr.at/dl/buzzle3_a.MPG http://buzzle.spr.at/dl/buzzle3_b.MPG http://buzzle.spr.at/dl/buzzle3_c.MPG and more at http://buzzle.spr.at/buzzle_download.php Please, feedback, what do you think about, any help to see your view is needed
  18. Good idea You can listen at www.spacer.wz.cz You can contact me at spacer.cz@email.cz BoM!
  19. Mike Stavrou - Mixing With Your Mind
  20. SeaWasp: thanks Amygdala: thanks a lot. Yes, I feel it :-) Respect to you Next opinions? it's love to read what do you think about. Good one is that this treck I created in year 2002
  21. Spacer - New music in 2006 Firstly, I like to wish you Great New Year! Thanks to people of around the planet for their join to exchanging inspirative stuff on ftp, more detail described at http://mujweb.cz/www/chomout/psytrance_together.htm - this idea started at the end of last year, reason was the inspiration, sharing, better communication between people of this good community. Up to this day join to this ftp 50 people and 6 people share some their stuff for motivate other people to make better stuff than is there. I would like to thank to Gondar for ftp site and many many people for their suggestions, ideas ... it's freedom and pleasure to have this ftp alive. What about my new album I will continue to compose next music based on my own stuff and hopefuly in summer / autumn of 2006 will be new album. I find label for make these new vibrations out to you. I will go also for new experiences and make tracks together with next people living in this nice community and enjoying my 14month old daughter Kristynka. I will try to make music cloud you like from the last year to the next. For musicians: good hand www.spacer.wz.cz spacer.cz@email.cz
  22. Thanks for your opinions N.I.V.R.A - it's finished. You can read about at www.spacer.wz.cz If you want to download only this track, let me know, I will send you link on mail.
  23. Spacer - New music in 2006 Firstly, I like to wish you Great New Year! Thanks to people of around the planet for their join to exchanging inspirative stuff on ftp, more detail described at http://mujweb.cz/www/chomout/psytrance_together.htm - this idea started at the end of last year, reason was the inspiration, sharing, better communication between people of this good community. Up to this day join to this ftp 50 people and 6 people share some their stuff for motivate other people to make better stuff than is there. I would like to thank to Gondar for ftp site and many many people for their suggestions, ideas ... it's freedom and pleasure to have this ftp alive. What about my new album I will continue to compose next music based on my own stuff and hopefuly in summer / autumn of 2006 will be new album. I find label for make these new vibrations out to you. I will go also for new experiences and make tracks together with next people living in this nice community and enjoying my 14month old daughter Kristynka. I will try to make music cloud you like from the last year to the next. For musicians: good hand www.spacer.wz.cz spacer.cz@email.cz
  24. thanks very much
  25. www.spacer.wz.cz/Har-Bal_Mastering_Process.pdf mastering with ozone.. www.spacer.wz.cz/OzoneMasteringGuide.pdf what is mastering.. www.spacer.wz.cz/WhatisMastr.rtf bob katz http://www.studio-central.com/phpbb/index.php http://www.tweakheadz.com/plugins_for_audio.html
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