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Everything posted by spacer

  1. qa2pir> please read web site http://mujweb.cz/www/chomout/psytrance_together.htm there its desvribed. just in time we don't have any form of communication, can email me or make music, sounds, stuff.. My post address (I live with girlfriend) - Gabriela Tomsikova Nepilova 903/1 Prague 9 post code 190 00 Czech republic or email spacer.cz@email.cz you can send demos, stuff for music or you can let me know about you by mail or icq on nick spacer - no 283 - 664 - 275
  2. Asteroid: try http://mujweb.cz/www/chomout/psytrance_together.htm " Who find will find " but maybe you have to make some better by yourself
  3. http://mujweb.cz/www/chomout/psytrance_together.htm already running.
  4. secretside - construction of mujweb.cz, hope it will be online in short time still today, look up www.mujweb.cz domain for explanation, its not our mistake, its on server... thanks for patience
  5. qa2pir> don't know what do you mean with pm
  6. secretside> http://mujweb.cz/www/chomout/www/psytrance_together.htm
  7. You can try CUBASE SX LOGIC AUDIO NUENDO all these are good
  8. your links doesn't work..
  9. z3ta+, a1, hydra, vanguard.. try some and you will find
  10. can listen to your favourite tracks and at the first make bass by this one. Hope it should help for the first time
  11. Its good more cpu for Cubase, hope it should be help
  12. way to do it 1. Create the theme¨ 2. Find a good kick 3. Create a groovy bassline 4. Add some nice Hihats 5. add snares, rides, some groove rhythm stuff 6. Automation time! Automate knobs & faders on synths and make em scream 7. arrange your track 8. mastering this is base. If you have all 5 points, you can play and enjoy and your feels gives you next notes
  13. just thing for thinking.. When you don't have fear, why is on the forum to few treks and ideas? We have open community, right?
  14. again, just again What's the fear about author's sounds ??? Or you are litlle guys for makin' some good ? What time is now? Is it open community or some kiddin' babies ?
  15. What's the fear about author's sounds ??? Or you are litlle guys for makin' some good ? What time is now? Is it open community or some kiddin' babies ? thnks
  16. It's very good idea to make it as free.. I think it's the core of alternative Good one is with fat sound *Hope to find more friends*
  17. It's very good idea. I thought about it with my friend making psytrance.. I code in Java and litlle bit C++, if you want to joint and make some together, please, send me message on spacer.cz@email.cz maj sa, kamo
  18. nove zvuky, 24bit, wav - http://mujweb.cz/www/chomout/2x%2024bit%20zvuky2.zip?r=8424
  19. or look at http://mujweb.cz/www/chomout/psytrance_together.htm
  20. We have new ftp.. enjoy the exchanging and contact me on spacer.cz@email.cz
  21. Just make sounds with 24bit resolution
  22. Don't thanks me via mail. If you want to thank, make own sounds. If you want to thank, send me your sounds. If you are interrested in common liveact/project or so, let me know
  23. Hi, here I send you next capsule of my sounds. ..synths http://mujweb.cz/www/chomout/spacer_zvuky.rar
  24. Best soft is that what you like to work with
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