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Everything posted by Moogi

  1. Hallucinogen - Orphic Trench
  2. 1200 mics - rock into the future
  3. giiih gaaah. More Shpongle please.
  4. Man With No Name - Azymuth. <- ninjalol
  5. My parents think its just like any other "technoboomboombeebbeeb". Shpongle sounds funny they say.
  6. Hallupallusallucinogen - Trancespotterlottertotter
  7. Vibrasphere - Baltic Resonance
  8. Boards of Canada - Roygbiv
  9. Carbon Based Lifeforms - MOS 6581
  10. This weeks winner is Talamasca - Aries Changes almost weekly
  11. Shpongle - Crystal Skulls
  12. mmm. Nice... fire
  13. Vibrasphere - Lemon Phase
  14. I love it all... even though some dark psy makes me feel bad sometimes.
  15. Shpongle - Statement of The Shaman
  16. Solar Fields - Blue Moon Station
  17. ~ 20 euros. I'm loving these Sparkplugs. Simply great. KOSS website for more info.
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