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Everything posted by ImpaXx

  1. OMG you are damn genius! thnx!
  2. Hey, remember me? Yeah, I'm the one who asked for El. Universe sample and I've found it But, there is another problem in universe... I got this realy cool sample and the title name is just "bizzare" (it's psy/techno song) so I think that's Bizzare Contact song. Help me out with this 1 please... sample: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lt32nq Thank's 4 understanding
  3. Thank you very much! U're the man! I broke my as* to find this one!
  4. Hey guys! I started reacently to listen Electric Universe. I have couple of their songs but I have one sample and I can't figure out which song is that Can somebody help me? Here is the sample (~140kb) http://www.sendspace.com/file/8le5ik
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