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  • Location
    Portland, Oregon
  • Interests
    Hiking, caving, dance, Burning Man, cycling
  1. The West Coast of the US has a fairly well developed scene. Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and LA all have regular parties and a strong tribe. Burning Man once had more trance but other genres, particularly dub step, have become the dominant sound. Currently trance on playa can be tricky to to find and sometimes inconsistent. This year I'll be doing a trance night at Camp Above the Limit located in the 9:00 Plaza (9:00 & Wednesday night in a dome filled with giant black light crystals and mushrooms. www.Campabovethelimit.com 2011 I will be doing tribal fire at Burning Man deep playa. Currently enlisting those interested in seeing real fire, not propane, on playa along with some banging psy-trance. The art project has already been approved by BMORG.
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