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Family of Light
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Everything posted by draeke

  1. hello seems like beatspace and psyshop decided to start selling it before the release date! anyway, tomorrow i will post all the discs that i received pre order payments! also, limited cases arrived and will get them tomorrow, time to prepare the packs and hopefully i will ship the limited tomorrow as well. in any case there is a huge bunch of shops that will have my release for sale, i found out with google it is on sale on 10 online shops at least! beatspace http://www.beatspace.com/dettagli/dettaglio.asp?id=4665 saikosounds http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=7678 psyshop http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/dat/dat1cd001.html tower http://www.tower.com/tetrahedron-crop-circ.../wapi/113079183 goastore http://www.goastore.ch/product_info.php?products_id=2784 play http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/8154147/Te...on/Product.html neptunwave http://www.neptunwave.de/product_info.php?products_id=665 townsend http://www.townsend-records.co.uk/product....840&pType=1 amazon uk http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tetrahedron-Crop-C...4433&sr=8-6? elimbo http://www.elimbo.de/EAM0001pbbk-crop_circ...tetrahedron.htm some i had never heard of and never bought from! wicked (elimbo anyone?!?!) !
  2. dark ambient ? Plague Recordings!!! http://www.discogs.com/label/Plague+Recordings awesome material VA - May The Plague Be With You is simply fantastic
  3. A double filteria cd would be awesome but i would buy flac files with an artwork too (please make a proper complete cover in case it will be only files, i do print them in high quality and burn the music on a cd-r). Is still not a original cd but is somehow physical. And people, u can burn purchased flacs onto kodak gold cdr or memorex black cds and the result would be very good (burn files at 8X max and it will sound even better, the slowest the best). Plus u may even consider printing over special blank cdrs made exactly for printing and u will have a hi quality cd-r with the music you purchased just some ideas here cheers
  4. you can be super old school and not release a SUNCD13 like all the old UK labels did ehehe... I think SUNCD14 fits perfectly as 1 + 4 etc... Or maybe do a web release only SUNCD13: u would beat the superstition.. j/k :posford: looking so much forward to these albums!!
  5. i think you were hallucinating j/k.. no idea really. is maybe just a itunes bug. or someone added to the cddb that track with that name, either inventing it or something i wouldnt worry too much about it either way
  6. Wonderfoul news!! I am looking forward very much for merr0w and filteria! i love they way they produce music yay!
  7. i mailed the record label, here what they said me: Hello Time Travel will be a MP3 Cd which will include past 5 CD Releases of shivlink & 4 Digital Releases .. Stay Tuned Cheers Shivlink Records
  8. hello, i was trying to PM you but since your inbox is full i will post it here: which are still available ? they are absolutely amazing. i remember we mailed back and forth sometimes in the past but lost all the messages etc. i think u may have success here in milano where everything is about design really. u would sell probably. i may buy one and show it around how much was including shipping etc? different prices according to the complexity of the design? how resistant is the colour used? cheers!
  9. i really liked this one, and even if is full on is very intelligent and well done in my opinion. see if u like the video
  10. sorry for everyone who tried to mail over weekend, i had just space for 5 message so it got full. plus i think if u try to email me from the forum it doesnt arrive at all (the email i used to register with psynews was inactive and got closed recently) so if anyone clicked on send an email it surely didnt work and i didnt receive anything there. i apologize for that now you can send me a PM here or mail me to: draeke [spam] at [spam] fastwebnet [spam] dot [spam] it I don't want to receive more spam so convert it yourself and remove the [spam] thing I have now already reserved 30 limited and 30 standard more or less. These as direct buy from me. Shipping costs are roughly like this : Europe: 1 CD ~ 3 eur 2-3 CD ~ 4 eur USA: 1 CD ~ 5 eur 2-3 CD ~ 6 eur Australia: 1CD ~ 5,5 eur 2-3 CD ~ 6.5 eur will be more precise soon, with prices in private message Russia is considered Europe as far as i know for shipping prices in italy registered costs will come soon too, these ares for priority airmail.
  11. I don't understand half of the post with the government links and all but what i understood by reading the contract downloadable at the link is that this agency wanted to book shponlge live, did not make the basic deposit to secure the show and started selling tickets in australia for the event. and then ran off with the money. is that what happened? i may be wrong of course, but it seems to me that this is what happened. a very bad thing if is the case. i hope i will see shpongle live sometimes
  12. thank you all, i noted down all your reserves, thanks! i will accept payments from after tuesday as tomorrow i am leaving for the mountains, i need to rest a few days after this massive thing dont worry there is enough discs for everyone! laterz all the PM get in, dont worry. i am signing down all on a ordered excel file, nothing will be lost. get back to you all on tuesday with prices for all! boooooooooooom
  13. i decided that i will go for 279a , 100 numbered copies and thats it, so standard and one limited edition. already 18 limited are reserved. nite
  14. because i like it myself i always wanted to have it limited and numbered but since all 1000 copies numbered was not possible, why not making a special edition? maybe i'd limit it even more and just make 100 numbered on the 1000 and keep the case for future "limited editions" i wil think about it. after all everyone wants the green case. and i will hopefully recover the money sometimes (of the cases)
  15. some goodies galore: http://s103.photobucket.com/albums/m122/dr...crop%20circles/ please HELP with choosing the 2 cover that will be the limited edition: let me explain. i must buy one of these series, either 278 or 279 or 280 and i CANNOT combine like get one colour from one serie and one from another. i will pack myself 200 cds with these special covers for the limited edition and will probably add a sticker too in the backside with dat logo and number them myself so it will really be a limited numbered edition. now, on the 10 people i already asked only 3 likes the sparkling covers (serie 278) almost nobody likes serie 280 and everyone seems to love serie 279. so atm the idea is to order serie 279 and use 279a and 279d to make these 200 limited, but you have 12 hours to make me change my mind and order another pack from the supplier. the CD is pressed but not yet released, means you can preorder from me but i will be able to ship only a few days before the 19 of december which is now the official release date. the standard edition is sealed, all that looks like stars is just DUST that is present on almost every image, the only serie of cases with stars is the serie 278. the artist edition in yellow fluo is not an option, i have 31 cases of that colour from an old buy (of years ago) and i will use them to give to the artist their promo copies (i will give 5 copies to each of the members, so these cases are reserved for them). i have looked EVERYWHERE on the net, even chinese manufacturers and i wasn't able to find the ACID GREEN NEON case i wanted initially either for the standard release or the limited, not to mention yellow neon, these colours have disappeared from earth, nobody produces them anymore. but the 3 series i found are nice and good in my opinion so please choose and vote! BOOM! retail price will be 11 for standard and 13 for limited numbered. these cases are incredibly expensive and i won't recover the whole investment even with 200 being sold at 2 eur extra each, so that you know.
  16. well synsun surely has loads of unreelaseds, i hope they will put them somewhere, maybe all the albums in flac for buy and download etc. maybe a remaster and a proper release, digital only even, would be great. but i am sure there were some great tracks in all these discs! i am interested to hear
  17. it surely is a subculture, probably is correct to say also that it express itself in different ways in different countries. a party in italy is very different from a party in england and probably one in israel and one in canada will be different too. there are of course the "classic symbols" which were taken from the hindu/indian culture and broadcasted all over the world on the cds, in the artwork related, in the backdrops etc.. and of course in the clothing: space tribe would be an easy way to sum it up. but as i can say is less sterotyped right now, i know people around me in italy who like the music and go occasionally to the parties but they would never dress themselves in fluo shirts, or indian shirts or label shirts, they would go normally dressed and they don't have dradlocks nor long hair, nothing: the average joe, your neighbor. I also dressed occasionally space tribe alike for certain parties but i never had a weird haircut or too wicked clothes, except when i was aged 22 and partying in london, but that was just for 4 months. In the party of 2006, twisted Simon birthday i revived the spirit and dressed all fractal alike but was a very spcieal occasion, to see green nuns etc. i am saying all of this cause for example i can see loads of heavy metal likers that dress everyday with black leather, have logn hairs and they go around everywhere like that, in milano we have loads of them. i can't say the same for psytrancers, so maybe there is quite a difference in the style and trance listeners are much more confounded with the crowd not sure if i expressed myself well but to sum it up we are a VERY small community
  18. i have to disagree here, even if this album is not pure psytrance is trance oriented in some parts and surely deserves to stay here, we are not reviewing madonna are we? and in any case it seemed a bit strong as a sentence, were you really pissed by this cd or something? i understand you don't like the way they changed but they surely couldn't go on forever making bible of dreams alike music. we sure love that sound and we grew up with it but i also like diversity. is not their best product ever but has some good tracks
  19. excellent, roman is very talented very nice to read this!
  20. pressing plant is about to start the pressing! wohoo! thanks for the continuous show of support. everyone is very happy about it, and i am thrilled about it all! final release date will either be 19 of December or 17 of January depending on the pressing plant timings and distributor decision, i won't know this until the 11 of December. boom!
  21. oh thanks for introducing to us the never heard of infected mushroom band but i wish i discovered psy music at the age of 13, consider yourself lucky! and welcome aboard if you're still around
  22. PKS the BPC album seems fantastic, when will it be possible to buy it?? regards
  23. aha! killer pic of "hux flux" will try to get ahold of Dennis too! they made some awesome stuff
  24. psyhoe PLEASE add them to discogs I once asked synsun about these works and he was willing to sell them on cdr but i never got back to doing that and hence i have no idea on how they are or which tracks are inside. But please, when u can, submit them! PS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SynSUN there is also mentioned a 4th unreleased album from 2002, Electronic Experience
  25. i think all that cd is by astral. we will have to modify the pages of iridium and interactive for sure, these are 99.99% AP tracks, but credited to some alias of theirs, is the only possible explanation
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