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Everything posted by GhostOnAcid

  1. I dont know. But he cut the climax and make them shorter. What a bad idea!
  2. Look at the older review-sections (until 2002). There are a lot of short comments. And this is ok. Not every post must be an excellent review, i think. Its better many user tell their opinion. :-) "Beyond the Wormhole" is an solid album. "Wormhole" is a very groovy and funky track and reminds me of M-Run. The melody in the climax at 5:29 is very cool, but the length of the climax is to short. The remix of "Microdive" is fantastic and the best track of the album. Its more a rework than a remix, but it takes the best part of the original and makes it longer and more intense. I mean the build up from 4:56 to 6:26. Pure energy. "Gravitational Isolation" has a really high energy flow, what comes from the good combination of bassline and kick. The synth with the flanger-effect at 1:40 is for me a breeze to chessy. But the upcoming melody at 3:00 is great, very euphoric. I love it. The melody reminds of "One Love" by Electric Universe. Both tracks has the same tonic keynote and work perfect together in a DJ-mix.
  3. Maybe someone is interested. ;-) I was looking for "Martian Civilization (Domestic & DJ Goblin remix)" on discogs and i found two digital re-releases. :-) https://www.junodownload.com/products/children-of-the-dat-archives-vol-1/4419766-02/ https://www.junodownload.com/products/children-of-the-dat-archives-vol-2/4432784-02/
  4. MFG ‎– Pure Energy Label: Suntrip Records ‎– SUNCD59 1 New Kind Of World Tour Intro 2 Why (Demo Version) 3 Dark Horizon 4 Pure Energy 5 Hypnotized (Original Version) 6 Sanctification Of The Moon (Maya Moon Full Version) 7 New Kind Of World (Live Edit) 8 Inspiration 9 Desert Sun (Original Version) 10 Have A Nice Day (Ambient Mix) Really good work by MFG. I will write only something to my three favorite tracks. This are: Dark Horizon The track has a high energy fast feeling. The melody @3:05 is amazing and give the track a dreamy emotional touch! Following by a swirling sixteenth part arpeggiator, which storm over the dancefloor... :-) Pure Energy The start of the track is more trancey until the break. There came a keychange and the track become more groovey and has something of EBM. I love this part. Later the track become more trancey again. Very varied. I like it. :-) New Kind Of World (Live Edit) This track is a more epic atmosphere. I dont like the high kick drum. The sound of the flute works here very well. In generally nice compostion and progression, which flows in a really great break @5:09. Goose bumps and hands in the air! ;-) With the end of the track i have the feeling i was on a journey. Great storytelling. :-) So i think its the best track on the album. The rest of the album is also good work. The artwork is cool! So I will give 7,5 out of 10 points! :-)
  5. Artwork is great! Where are the samples? ;-)
  6. My recorded set of our last goatrance party here in Berlin. It was the last set of the party. It begins with more energetic goatrance and float to more morning emotional stuff. :-) Our next party is on 29. May at the same place. Come in and dance wild! :-)
  7. I like the first album more. :-) I prelisten to Odysseus alot. But it dont catch me. For me it lacks in melodicial work. Again a firing of typical melodies and sounds in goatrance in too deliberate aggressive way the whole album. In the end its a solid album, but not more for me.
  8. My favorite time with modern Goatrance was 2004-2009. The number of releases was manageable and every release was emotionally a hit. :-) Then the sound and of course my taste chanced after 2009. Still i listened to 100% Goatrance (with some exception) at this time, but I judged more differently about the music. Not all wasnt a hit anymore. And the last two years my attention for techno and retro trance grows.Techno become more melodic and faster again, and i like the varity of sounds and styles in techno. This is what i am missing in modern Goatrance today. Alot sounds the same. Same sounddesign, same melodies. Over and over again. I do not lost my interest in goatrance. I prelisten most of the new releases. But only buyed one release of neogoa last year, and some separate tracks. I looking forward to the new releases of Hypnoxock, M-Run, Filteria and Dragon Twins. :-)
  9. Nice characterization of the album, DoktorG. Seen objectively its a good album with a lot of ideas in sounddesign, composition and percussive work. Battle Of The Future Buddhas masters of their craft. But in the end, it doesnt catch me that much. I feel boring, if i listen to the whole album. I think the sound design is too similar within "The Light Behind The Sun". There are alot of good composition, but to low progression within the tracks. The suspense can't beeing held. In compare to "One Love": "One Love" has this one significant composition, this one significant strong melody, which hold the whole track, without the track gets boring. This is missing here. But Electric Universe has in detail another style of Goa. The other darker album, which was released by Suntrip, was "Fairytale" by Ka Sol. I think its the better one. The tracks has more varity in sound design. And ok, "Fairytale" goes another way, its harder, has more energy and its more a compilation of tracks by Ka Sol as an album with one story. The question here is, works music for an album better, if the music on the album is of one piece? Maybe it would be better albums like "The Light Behind The Sun" would be shorter, not 80 minutes, but 50-60 minutes? Nevertheless "The Light Behind The Sun" has two strong tracks, that I keep in mind. The first track "The Crane" with his roughness, with the acidsounds, the dark glimmering atmosphere and this really interesseting sample of a mechanic robotic chanticleer. The second one is "Ghost", which has a really strong melody @2:08min, a nice spooky atmosphere and progression. At the end "The Light Behind The Sun" is a solid album. And I would give it a 6,5/10.
  10. Artwork by: Pieter Pan Waiting for this album since the Feel Festvial, where they played.
  11. Really cool "Space Disco"-Set by Perel. Sounds very housy, electro with 80ies synthwaves.
  12. <3
  13. Really good EP. :-)
  14. +1 My favorite is "Far East Frequency " and this was, as you said, on the mind rewind. All in all a little bit disappointing for me. But the cover-art is very very good.
  15. The EP is good. I like the fact, that they set the focus on midtempo-goatrance and keep it a little bit more dirty and row.
  16. The reviews here are really positive. And iam happy for Median Project that many people like his album. But i have a another opionon. On the technial side the album is "boom"! Really clean and perfect production. But the music on its own and the sounddesign dont catch me. No memorable melodies here, no hooks i wating for. It feels like 10000 arpeggiators, delay & reverb fx playing together the same notes ever and ever again. One idea/compostion for nine tracks. The sounddesign sounds cool, ok, but it has nothing special. For me it sounds like Katedra with a little bit of Artifact303. Within the album the tracks sounds to similar. If I skip through the album I think its the same track as before. The compare to Mindsphere and Astral Projection, I think, does not fit completely, because Mindsphere and Astral Projection has memorable melodies and compostions. And the sounddesign has more variety. Maybe Iam to trancy for this album and more a freak of music than productions skills. ;-) I think, its not an good statement to say listen to an album 100 time and then its sound good. If i listen to an album three times and it dont catch me, then it is boring for me. Maybe I like it in 10 years, if i listen again. That is possible. ;-)
  17. Some examples of Techno, which I really like:
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  19. +1 One exception for me is the first track "Rusalka". I like the melody@4:35min. And ok "Rise of the Dacians" has @4:44min this dreamy feeling, I really like. The positive thing here for me is the cool sounddesign (exception: Terp Muronivid Aivlsa): I like the smooth and soft Baselines and Kick. The one note rolling bassline of "Rusalka" works very good. And of course E-Mantra has his own style, and this is good. But I think his style works better in his downtempo/ambient side. 6/10
  20. Listen to the first cd actually and remember how cool this cd is. In contrast to most of nowadays (Neo-)Goatrance every track has his own story and signature. No medicore stuff here. 9/10
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