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Everything posted by atul
hi there ppls.. well firstly happy new year to you....u all i hope every one had great time .. well i need help from you guys... i always doubt myself with how good i m with music creating... so i just finished my new track ... (LSD CREATIVITY 140 bpm ) it is fully computerised track no hardware used ...at all well i used ADOBE AUDITION for making da track ... so i used lot of samples...from every where u name it some r even from tracks... i stole da... 1.bassline from ASTRIX - SEX STYLE 2.break vocals - gringos - shift 3.vocals from gamma gobblins - gms remix these r the main big samples i have used rest r not enough to mention... now what i need is ur suggestion on my track... n i need open heart suggestions if it is crap say it boldly.. if it is 2 out of 10 say it boldly... if it shit fucking crap say it boldly...i dont mind i rather like to work on my creativity ... link is......(http://www.soundclick.com/bands/2/djatatrimusic.htm ) okay u need to judge me on two thing or rate me.. 1. overall track 2. creativity 3. will u buy this for 10 bucks (ans in yes or no) n i m not SELLING anything just an idea to see how good or bad my tracks... boom frm dj atatri
hi there well i just started making music u knw. i have no hardware i make totally computerised sounds on my laptop... n i was just wondering if u knw any software which can help me enhance ysound knwing d fact i dont have any hardware.... i m currently using following 1.sound forge 7 2.cool edit now knw as adob audition 3.cakewalk kinetic 4.frutiy loop3 i did donwloaded impulse tracker 3but i didnt understood a damn thing u knw i dont have any history with tracker prog n when i tried my hand on IT3 i was fuke from top to bottom.... guys i need some good software easy to use ...or hard also but no trackers plz i just cant work on them or else name me a easy tracker ....user frdnly u knw.. i have signed on sound click n i will upload track soon so dat u can hear it n tell me what n where i need improvement
hi there ppls.. well firstly happy new year to you....u all i hope every one had great time .. well i need help from you guys... i always doubt myself with how good i m with music creating... so i just finished my new track ... (LSD CREATIVITY 140 bpm ) it is fully computerised track no hardware used ...at all well i used ADOBE AUDITION for making da track ... so i used lot of samples...from every where u name it some r even from tracks... i stole da... 1.bassline from ASTRIX - SEX STYLE 2.break vocals - gringos - shift 3.vocals from gamma gobblins - gms remix these r the main big samples i have used rest r not enough to mention... now what i need is ur suggestion on my track... n i need open heart suggestions if it is crap say it boldly.. if it is 2 out of 10 say it boldly... if it shit fucking crap say it boldly...i dont mind i rather like to work on my creativity ... so tell me where i can upload it so dat u guys can hear it...( i dont know any site where i can upload it so do tell me if u knw of any good one)... okay u need to judge me on two thing or rate me.. 1. overall track 2. creativity 3. will u buy this for 10 bucks (ans in yes or no) n i m not SELLING anything just an idea to see how good or bad my tracks... boom frm dj atatri
hi there so sorry guys i forgot to put the link ...in my prev post "all da samples u could ask for " but my dear frnd QUARK has putted the link n yes that da link i forgot to put well let me make it up to you i m putting some more links... 1.http://thixxndixx.stc.cx/ this is an site full of mp3 but doesnt have og artist have independent dj's ,artist making psychedelic music in finland.. lot of them n trust me some of them r good for ex ..flying scorpians,vihta.... something.,ex uus , n many more u cant lsten to any review download n judge them... no hard n fast rule 2.http://www.antiscarp.tk/ very nice site with many diff albums n consists of songs feat in the album by very famous artists... must check da artists TRES LOS AMIGOS...nice 3.http://astral.fio.samara.ru/mp3files.shtml killer site........... k download this 75 min of dj meskalin live sets... killer sets u will find everything frm vocal based songs to nirvana "smells like teen spirit " , n dan benni's "satisfaction remix"... i have dwnlad it n trust me hard kick ass live set... starts with two very vocal based song something with "LONDON YES MOTHER FUCKING LONDON " n secnd is with something "WE R THE ONE....." but after 20 sets just gets very hard... n u also got "SYNSUN" many songs.. my fav "only half of the tablet" also....synsun live.. of 289 mb but if u download it it is just 70 mb n playtime is 30-40min... i hope u like it... 4.tranceaddict.com go to new songs archive n dan choose live sets... this site is not PSY RELATED but in da live set section we got ourself an live set which stands out ..... ASTRAL PROJECTION LIVE... 144MB.. i havent got it but may be u guys can... 5.killer site with killer sets.... http://www.techtrance.hu/modules.php?name=...wdownload&cid=1 my fav link... it is in hungarian..so can be pain some time... so i m putting direct download link trust me guys ten fucking live sets i got tracklisting for two..so here goes.. a. dj goasphere - prog psychedelic mix diarrhoea - diarrhoea ( kaki mix ) neuromotor - black planet deto - calm before storm diarrhoea - hot drog quantum state - piss u off 2003 remix mr universe - deneverorszag digital talk - artifical beings kindzadza - i like sport para halu - nothing so far ----- b. jan - chi - thurs totem mix chemical drive - scientific sample prosper - synaesthesia psydrop - fear n loathing sub6 - audio form 1200 mics - speed of light lucy in space with diamonds - stars comes out of light fullcolor - the numerical combina freq surfer - universal cpu - killer rabbit space monkey - mind locator astral proj - axis space buddha - the orb i hope u like it n again sorry for not putting the link n i hope u wont be angry on me after so many links for my raver frnds log n stay connected n download alllllllll....... NOW 1 QUESTION..... since i m new in rave roots........................... " how can u differentiate between prog n full on tracks" cause to be honest i feel there is very fine line since all da genre r gettin so closed to each there........
hi there oh!!!!!!!!!!! i m so sorry guys i forgot the link .. i m sorry well the link is same as my great frnd QUARK... posted it is -----------http://www.cs.umu.se/~tdv94ati/-------------
hi there people... well as i was just wondering on the internet i found this very nice site. it deals with an independent dj who got a huge database of psy n goa cds n da samples used in them ... so if u got time must go n check out..... n it also got ( five ) full on live sets for free n legal download with tracklisting.... n if ur new n got lot of recd cds frm ur frnd n dont know whose the artist or da track name is.... do wht i do ... match the lyrics....samples as listed in da sites kindaa dumb ... but better to know whose the artist right rather wonder who could it be.... i hope this might be of some help ....to my raver frnds
hi there people... well firstly we all agree that IM is no crap or no stranger to the psy world or roots. we all have danced n heard there magic in da past. And as we all know a MUSICIAN is not who follows others... but who stand out in da crowd. And i guess IM is tryin dat only.. so they r experimentin with there sounds.. big deal. if u want them to be just other artist they can be but may be dats wht IM doesnt want..... well nowadays every other tracks is sounding same.. no offense though.. but if u all r gonaa listen to same stuff over n over again dan der is no fun...in dat i m sure we all agree to dat... so we have people like IM thinking in future... that one day or the other people will experiment with the sounds so why not we start first... please people dont be so rude to the pioneers of psy trance....as a fan i also dont want them to go down in drain....but i suggest not humiliate them pay them some respect i BELIVE THEY HAVE EARNED IT...... bottomline is experimenting is a risk... might work it or not.....
hi there well i m new into rave scene but .... what i do know is that TRANCE CAN NEVER DIE.... i have to agree with quark n other fellow mates...dat it is posible to save trance...doesnt matter if INFECTED MUSHROOM have forgotten about ther psy roots... so what der will be another "MUSHROOMS" in da scene .... as BABA (goa gil) said in his album "digitaria" dat ....... "......nommos will return"... n i belive dat so will mushroom.... y......... cause der r so many talented artists, dj's, listeners who havent been able to make it to the top. but one day they will n dat day a new "infected mushroom" will be born....take example of ....astrix, melicia,fatali all r so young and talented..DAN how can u people say TRANCE WILL DIE .....da scene must have gone lower in da psy richness.... cause of production being cheaper n of many other reasons but at da same time...the other side of so many releases will be dat a new talented artist will emerge into da scene.......A COIN HAS TWO SIDES DONT FORGET.....people...... so for me trance can never die but dats just me i hope many will agree........ n many.. wont but i m sure in da end i will..........
hi there people as i been comin alot on psy forum i have realised der r people who really help other psy members... specially da new people in da music scene....n some just dont care abt us this post is for the people who knw n want to help me... well being in rave scenes means listening to lot tracks thru ur frnd ... well i got some tracks n some unreleased ones too... n now i just love some of them....da thing is dat i want to knw ther ARTISTS NAME N SONGS NAME.....(if possible) 1.( MORNING TRACK ) starts with female vocals "fuckin sick of all of this shit...fucking liquid ,acid drugs BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT.... tell me ...what is dat playful.........." n dan da beats comes in...." (nothing else i got ......) 2.( morning track ) starts with male vocals "da first thing we learn about EMOTION is dat it has its price.... complete paradox....but we dont have da strength without control... EMOTIONAL CHOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS .... n dan (girl vocal)......ha ha ha ha ha....." "show time speaks more dan dey appear" n dan tracks goes hard.... break is female chants "aaaaaaa........yeah....aaaaaaayeeeeeee...." (something like dat) 3. (morning track) PLEASE PEOPLE ATLEAST GET ME THIS TRACKS NAME OR ARTIST VERY NICE MORNING... STARTS WITH MALE VOCAL(S)... "how is he doing....did u read my report....yessssss....yesss i did but i want....well i ....but he never will be...i know it sound shallow dats da way it...." DA REAL MARKER IS DA BREAK COZ HAS AN AMAZING BREAK....arnd 3.30 " hi folks...ladies n gents...cock suckers...perverts...i hope u all enjoy the show".... n dan da keyboards comes in 4. (morning track) starts with male vocals... "mdma unites da ....opius like heorine like dope me...sort of like sweetn sensation u get after sex... my PRODUCT IS 51 TIMES MORE STRONGER...51 TIMES MORE ACID....its like getting frst lesson from god....) 5.( morning track ) when da break comes in da following vocals comes in... "scientists have been working on a project to certain a question whether will it allow...ALIEN LIFE....SCAN EVERY STAR.....in da sky in sign of alien life..............ALIEN LIFE..." i knw it is freaking difficult but if even u can recognise one track dat will be engh for me.... will add more tracks in this post itself...
hi there well digital bitch firstly where i get da dollars frm ....n secondly if i import n i pay in dollars so if a cd is 15 dollars i would be paying 15 *50=750 indian bucks u know in dat amount i can buy three cds frm planet m but even for that i would have to wait till the time they can import it... hey quark.....seriously man even i want to hear the latest in music. u know but as u said the cost goes up all da time..... so it is very hard for me to afford right now may be when i work i might be able to afford....does any anyone know any goa based shop which delivers in indian currency.... well dude thanks alot u been of lot of help n u know da meanin of help unless like some other users who just yapp well i m coming with this post where i need names of some the cds i got recd so may be u can GIVE DA ARTISTS NAME n SONG NAME SO DAT next time if i see dat particular artist cd i might buy it... looking forward to ur help n bitch is also invited to help not to yapp.........
hi der well as dopple said he is tired of people askin abt pirated music.....well dude in ur last para u mention a dj who plays unreleased track or even demo frm artist sites....welll firstly i was askin those sites only...n dan u said he playin unreleased tracks is intelligent Well dopple dat is also PIRATED STUFF GET DAT IN UR BRAIN...if it not on site where u can download it legally or on cds rest all is consider pirated so now wht he is playing pirated n u called grear idea n when i asked u said ...i get on ur nerves...see dude kazza soul seek evry one download thru it...i have hell of unreleased stuff arnd 1500tracks whts da use when u dont know whose da artists dats why i came for help not to hear ur yappin
hi der people well firstly i wanna thank QUARK N MIKE D for ur artist listing in my post i got reefer decree mix cd ....great tracks specially enjoyed pulse train...n many more i got awesome track frm melicia ..running out of time great freakin track nice break at 5.00...thanks buddy looking forward for some more artist listin frm u....hey buddy have u heard FATALI ...i read his review on isra dey say it is full on i m plannin to buy thgt i might ask u one more ....i hope u dont mind buggin me.... now digitalbitch kiss my ass first...just do dat first...now whether i call it bbay..or bombay..or mumbai it is da same fucking city....n thanks for tellin me abt the EMBASSY I JUST GOT A RECD CD OF gms n skazi....but y u r such a bitch as dexter said i went to psyshop n when i putted country as india n u knw wht der was no correspondin currency to it...now wht i do...see u dont knw n insulted i m not gonaa say nythin to u as u been in da scene longer dan me...so u have da knowledge i dont n dats wht i wanted to know but no u went on insulting me great n ....dont judge me before knowing some i m a dj but i dont play nywhere for money i m into djin coz i love it n for da passion i hold for israreli music....dats it so all u people who cant help me n wanna insult me fine n goahead n if u wanna dan i m postin one more article where i need names of some tracks which i got but i dont knw der artist so only people who want to help plz do so n if u dont wanna help dan kiss my ass coz i dont care wht u say abt me