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Everything posted by toxic-threat

  1. greece-athens
  2. Lightspeed team presents this season's closing event SATURDAY 15th OF JUNE 2007 After a long period of time, two special performances: ---PSYDITION--- ----QUAZAR----- featuring live p.a. by a unique group ---SPECTRUM--- UPLIFTING TRANCE MEMORIES SET BY: DJ N-IGMA PSYCHEDELIC AND MINIMAL TRANCE DJ SET BY: SPACE VIEW MORE INFOZ AT http://z6.invisionfree.com/Uplifting_Tranc...?showtopic=2004
  3. plz dont spamm
  4. town councilor in Thessaloniki uplifting was cheapy music for thessaloniki's audience...i know you prefer artists like skazi etc only twillight zone keeps the scene alive there
  5. goazzz you read what i wrote in greek dont repeat the same things.i was in alsos batery etc and i was in rload parties too and i know lots goaheads ('94) who were in rload parties too...you could see every age...anyway something else about verro...you sent him away with his tsiftetelia and all these shits he had made and now he is town councillor goa is the queen
  6. GOA-HEADS AND NEO HIPPIES UNITED POWER. lol everyone loves goa expect the discography
  7. oh yes of course it was...the people in a nitzch o not party was around 2000...when the people in psytrance-goa parties was the half.And dont forget that the majority of greek people knew the goa culture cause of nitzch o not....nitzch o not was their 1st touch with this object and also party magerers usually organized ''uplifting'' parties (in this way we called them) and they called goa-psy groups (astral projectios gms and more and more...) kai ginotan tis poutanas!!!vara verro na upofero!!! e e e e palamakia agkalies metaksi agnoston kuklous pidagame mexri to tavani trela spasimata kai tetoia skinika...exo paei se polla events kai festival sto eksoteriko alla kai sto esoteriko brainstorm trancemedia alsh camel battery kai tetoia alla san tous dikous mas tous uplifters kaneis.kala ase pou meta tis evropes pou ta legane sto kapaki ta spagame sta rload ekei na deis ti ginotan autes itan epoxes... qsys - dot http://www.sendspace.com/file/cgba47 stoler - mayan expierience http://www.sendspace.com/file/dt04b2 astrix - prototype http://rapidshare.com/files/30588057/Astri...totype.mp3.html holymen - last universe (live rmx) http://www.sendspace.com/file/4jo77q for my friend pandemonium :posford: good luck with your nu project!!!best wishes and you have our support :clapping:
  8. i heard his nu tracks on 1st may when he had come to play in a party in athens not bad :posford:
  9. hi 2ever1!!! im from greece and im a nitzch o not fan This kind of trance appeared for 1st time in israel in 1996-1997 and the meaning of the word is victory.In reality nitzch o not is a subclass of goatrance but with the difference that in nitzch o not there are features from anthem or uplifting trance.It's a mix between goa trance and anthem trance.It came in greece in 1998 and the greek promoters named it uplifting melodic trance for commercial reasons.The peak of the scene was in 1998-2001.Parties were organized every week in the biggest dancefloors in both countries.Indeed nitzch o not was more popular than psytrance for a period at least in greece.As you can understand it was very successful and everyone tried to take advantage of this success(money,glory etc...) with different ways (creation of new records n labels,more producers,more party managements etc...) and the result was the transformation of this pure and underground scene to something massive.As everyone knows when something becomes massive the quality disappears and that's exactly happened.Records released more and cheesy tracks just to sell and then a vicious circle started until the decadence arrived...This situation was similar with the psytrance in nowadays and with all these cheesy full on tracks anyway. Today the scene is almost dead although there are some talented composers,guys with appetite for work and few heat fans who keep it alive.At least the quality came back and we are again underground.And something last,dont criticize in this way this kind of trance because nitzch o not helped a lots of artists who are famous today DOWNLOAD THESE TRACKS BY GREEK GROUPS Cyan - Alien ('99) http://www.sendspace.com/file/tnfew4 Jonh Papaf - Epictrum ('07) http://www.sendspace.com/file/qtgt8k ENJOY!!! http://www.upliftingtrancemusic.tk http://www.uplifting.gr LOVE-PEACE_UNITY thank you for your patience
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