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Everything posted by healium

  1. Hey EA! I can't get into this album either, for the reasons others have stated - it's just too pedal-to-the-metal... Hey is that Ka-Sol album more listenable though? I've never really liked Ka-Sol though, cept for that "Iris" track...
  2. I've only listened to this album online because I can't find anywhere to buy it, but I'm totally impressed! This is some of the freshest sounding music I've heard in a long while - it's got about 15% of the Finnish sound and a whole lot of just freestyle, uptempo psychedelia... Very catchy and groovey, often highly harmonic... I'm suprised I haven't heard more about this album... Anyone know where to buy it?
  3. Dragon Tales and The Great Unknown are in my top 10 favorite albums ever - Dragon Tales especially is just insane... The Great Unknown has such a unique and lovely vibe, so irie sounding... I saw Koxbox and X-Dream play several months ago at an indoor venue/club where the sound was freakin terrible - bass was jacked up so high you could hear almost nothing over the top of it... I thought Koxbox was X-Dream, sounded tech trance and very monotonous and boring, just sound effects - then someone told me that it was Koxbox playing and not X-Dream - is Frank E sort of a short skinny guy with short black hair? He was the only one there representing as koxbox... Anyway it was terrible sounding stuff - but the soundsystem was a big factor...
  4. I've just heard the samples online - Track 7 is freakin fantastic! Damn that's a killer track.... The others didn't grab me the same way though - I'd sure love to have that 7th track though....
  5. healium

    Artifakt - Artifakt II

    Yea I guess I'm in the camp that really likes parts of this album, but not all or even most of it - in some places it comes together in this totally kickass way though.... Track 10 just freakin rocks here and there... Some of the melodies are fantastic and have great personality, although they're few and far between, and are played so briefly it feels like a tease... A large part of this album though I find very harsh and jarring sounding such that I just can't take it - harsh and jarring sounds seem to be popular in a lot of psytrance but I don't care for them... Definately an artist album here, and I sure appreciate that - this album isn't trying to conform to anyone but the artist's idea of what is good music...
  6. I like this one about as much as the new Androcell album - it's pleasant enough but lacks charisma and flair... Am I the only one who is sick of all the Terence Mckenna samples in psy-downtempo music? Terence Mckenna samples are such a cliche at this point - everytime I hear a Terence Mckenna sample these days it's usually in a "generic psy-chill" track, never a fresh innovative track...
  7. I'm having a hard time getting into this album at all... Have listened to it a few times now and generally am bored by it - tracks bring in simple meoldies and sounds and combine them in unremarkable ways, I feel... Very little of it is catchy or easy on the ears... I like the clear production, and there's an occasional melody I like, but it's mixed with a lot of discordant and somewhat irritating type sounds as well.. Alpha Beater I really like though...
  8. healium

    Fuzzion - Black Magic

    Yah, Tango de Color Mango is fantastic!
  9. I don't post much on albums these days but this album is fantastic, highly recommended.... Not sure what genre you'd call it but it's generally uptempo, highly musical, and very catchy psychedelic music... The sounds, beats, and percussion used are all so crisp and well placed, the sound is rich and full, and it's got heaps of personality.... This album stands out for me among a current slew of less than impressive pieces albums I ordered recently....
  10. I agree - Sundance is one of the best labels around right now - they put out colorful melodic and unusual sounding stuff on their compils... This compil pretty well rocks - I even like the Vibe Tribe track (though I love "cheesy" happy stuff).. Fav track would have to be the Xatrik tune - WOW!
  11. I've been listening to this and can't see how you call it a reinvent of "Classical Mushroom"? Some of his melodies have the Infected Mushroom style to them but that's about it... I will say I find this album hard to get into unless I'm at home giving it my full attention - driving in the car the sounds don't come through right... The way he uses sound effects though is fantastic, and the baseline style is wicked... Track 4 is one of my favorite tracks ever - the amount of style and pinache is incredible... I hope this guy keeps producing psytrance!
  12. Wow, I'm amazed this album hasn't received more attention - this is one of the most brilliant psytrance albums ever IMO... Absolutely insane!!
  13. I should have checked the tracklist better - I thought this was mixed by Astrix though, but it looks like I got the wrong information... I'm glad to know some people like this sort of thing anyhow, hopefully this sells well for Trishula...
  14. Got this compil recently and wish I'd bought something else, not my cup of tea at all... All tracks are in the same style - dark, relentless, scary-style stuff with few melodies and crowded soundstage... The cover art is a perfect match for the music.. The tracks aren't really progressive and certainly not minimal, just a pounding beat with sound effects over the top - all sound effects are similar - moogy sqweaky bizzare sounds, very little about this is harmonious or catchy in any way... The tracks could use breaks also, they're all just so relentless and monotone... I don't understand the hype about Derango either... Some people may like/love this compil however so don't be turned off it just because I don't like it, but I'd definately listen to some samples b4 you buy it...
  15. Alpha Centauri rocks! I know what you mean about that "Cosmic Vibe", like being on a spaceship on a mission through space or something - love it!!
  16. This is a really fun idea for me to think about! Basically with Psytrance comming about in the last 10 years, we have a bunch of young men making the music.. Do you think they will stop when they get old? In other words, what will Simon Posford or Shulman be doing when they're like 65 years old? And what will we be listening to? Is there any reason that age would end the careers of our current psytrance producers? Wouldn't they get better with age? I mean, what else are they going to do - go get a real job or something? Electronic music isn't like singing or playing an instrument where it's a physical task, it's all about selecting the sounds and such you want... What do you think?
  17. I agree with Anoebis - great album... The tracks are so catchy and unique - there's no other downtempo album that sounds anything like Converting Vegetarians - it's experimental but they just make it work so well...
  18. The Time Simulation track rocks though!!!
  19. Can anyone please tell me? Honestly I have no idea what is full on because it all sounds like what I would call "full-on", except maybe the lower BPM minimal stuff like Reefer Decree.. Am I right that it's just high BPM melodic/maximal psytrance? Is stuff like old Astral Projection and Pleiadians "Full-on" then? When Hux Flux "Division by Zer0" came out people were calling that full-on, but that isn't really melodic... Isn't all psytrance high BPM though? I've been meaning to ask this question for a long time...
  20. I can't believe noone has mentioned Reefer Decree "Soundframes"!! Definately "The Great Unknown" too...
  21. I agree with Le Lotus Blu - a 10/10 means it can be no better, it's perfect, and so it's foolish to rate something 10/10 When I see 10/10 given to an album I completely disregard that review I don't think I've rated an album above 9.5 since maybe Classical Mushroom/Radio/Cryptic Crunch - that was like 4 years ago too... Unfortunately I just haven't been that impressed with the psytrance these days - I am though REALLY impressed with some of the recent chill stuff - Ott, Blumenkraft, Shulman, Bluetech, Shpongle, COnverting Vegetarians .. The innovation right now seems to be in the Chill arena, I hope the uptempo stuff gets good again though.. I wonder what will be the next Radio, or Classical Mushroom? This sounds kind of arrogant, but I can imagine what the revolutionary sound of psytrance will sound like, but I'm not a producer and couldn't make the music myself.. I'll know it when someone makes it though - it'l be "The DMT Sound" if that makes any sense - completely phenomenal *hyperspatial* sounding music... Nothin I hear nowadays would I call "hyperspatial" or "DMT" sounding music...
  22. There's some real nice tracks here - the ones that are more uptempo are really quite nice.. On the whole though this is a seriously languid and often boring composition.. I would have to be VERY VERY high to find most of it entertaining in any real way - I mean so high like I couldn't get out of my chair type of high....
  23. I never even heard of the first album - when did this "Menog" come about?
  24. I'm starting to think I like the "Prima Materia" disc best now - hadn't listened to it as much until now... Track 4, "Rubicon" is insane!
  25. Yah I like a couple of the HUVA tracks but the others I'd have to be REALLY stoned to have the patience for... I suppose Abakus isn't so bad... Didn't you get the other CD "Prima Materia" with "Elementary Particles" though? That one is like 65 minutes or something...
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