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Everything posted by NT

  1. tons of underground black metal and IDM/Breakcore
  2. Ha! for me it's the Aphid moon track (boring full-on) and also Eat Static (NOTHING HAPPENS?!)
  3. i'll never be this positive again!
  4. HARHAR! You are just jealous! Anyway... check out the song! NEURON COMPOST IS THE SHIT! And i'm not even promoting myself, just trying to ENLIGHT you slaves of regular pieSHITrance
  5. NT

    Nocturna - Cronik

    Loco Pirulo Is a FINE and already a classic track! (in my opinion) Damn, those synths and that trumpet + trumpet like synths are so atmospheric and done so well! AWESOME! Catchy tune as well... bit of morning trance though, not pure nighttime stuff imo.. (well, if you don't count the BPM's..) Love the intro on "Back In Island" as well... and "Nocsak" reminds me of those good ol' 80's/90's horrormovies!
  6. NEURON COMPOST - DRAGON POO Oh my god I LOVE this song! check out the sample: http://ip23.dyn181.pacific.net.hk/26319.m3u excellent PSYFUNKDELIC Trance!! With Steve Irwin samples and funky stuff + piano! What a TON of FUN this is... check it out! G'day! And welcome to Australia ZOO! :wub:
  7. haha, that compilation rocks though! give it a try... in the vein of V.A. - Schizm , funky psychedelic tracks
  8. great intro.. pretty similar to, but not as good as Infernal Machine's - The Loin Sleeps tonight...
  9. NT

    V/A Karmageddon (Avatar)

    hehe, yes... anyway really love the Quasar song on this compilation, HARD stuff
  11. if everyone would listen to this record a bit more before already overrating it the world would be a better place, really it ain't all THAT great folks.... there are lots of songs where actually nothing really happens at all... (eat static/laughing buddha etc..) sure... the style is great and at least not full-on (except fot the aphid moon track), but hey... compare it to other pre full-on (97/98/99) stuff, this just doesn't reach the same level although it is (probably) it's intention!... I suggest to take lots of listens to track 4 though awesome! A green nun (Dick Trevor) still knows how to do it!... Lets hope that this is the first step into the GOOD direction! The revival of (pure) psychedelic trance (that's what we all called it back then, right?)
  12. well, maybe in most cases... but anyway, most petitions are rather useless anyway hehe
  13. nah, no way... just put them to the test when they are hung-over... they'll love it
  14. solar fields, aes dana and other chill out stuff
  15. well i'm the only one in this thread who didn't overhype it... i feel so alone...
  16. Ah, so here's the tracklist of the upcoming compilation!: ECT - Jolly's Return ! can't wait!
  17. So, any news yet? Have been waiting since VA - Schizm for new stuff!... (fans of this compilation check out VA - Moon Unit as well)
  18. yes, there are some great 97/98 (pre full-on/minimal) styled psytrance songs on this compilation, but it doesn't get close to the real thing yet... track 4 comes quite close... needs more listens but it ain't worth the hype imo
  19. Hehe, there are actually pictures of his own cats woven into the music, which you can see with some sort of program.. link picture:
  20. NT


    Immortal - At the heart of winter
  21. NT

    lucky me!

  22. this is completely useless, unless he has the money to release it himself... the rights are probably in hads of certain labels, so it's up to them to decide to release (re-release) it.
  23. a place for god damn homeless arty farty hippies
  24. or people can't understand the music, because the music is engrish!
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