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Everything posted by NT

  1. Cult Of Luna - Finland KiELRR111 OMG LËL
  2. NT

    Sick Psy

    Ah Scozbor! great IDM/GOA influenced psychedelic/experimental trance! reccomended!
  4. Well as a fan of the older Oforia stuff (including Pigs in space) , with his definent pure and own style this was a shock to me... there's nothing (or hardly anything) left of that whole distinct own style he had... another artist down the drain.
  5. I wouldn't reccomend the new OFORIA album to anyone... unless you like cheesy vocal trance.. what the hell happened
  6. Hurray! More cheesy full-on! We definantly need that!
  7. Curious a bit, i like some Shift tracks... the cover art is horrible though, i'm going to place it in "This weeks stupid covers" right now.
  8. NT

    Derango :)

    haha really? what a sneaky way... praising derango haha.. nice action
  9. NT

    Derango :)

    why is mr goa-head suddenly unregistered?
  10. AH! Death Metal classic np: Leviathan - Crushing the Prolapsed Oviducts of Virtue Sick and depraved black metal
  11. "fucking my brain"
  12. wow, this is the first 'not so positive' review by DeathPosture! good job! Anyway i'm still curious about it... think this is one of those albums you either hate or love...
  13. well, in some circuits it is already
  14. Bloc Party - Banquet!
  15. all the new gii'wa stuff ofcourse! especially neuron compost
  16. NT


    Haha, Chi-AD played keys in Venom? That's totally new to me... (not a fan of Venom at all though.. but they created the 'name/basics' for the genre we nowadays know as black metal)
  17. Psykovsky - Erlkoenig best song of the album, though alot of 'previosly heard in Osom tracks' stuff can be heard, but that can be heard in almost every song.
  18. NT

    Sick Psy

    Ah! I had a topic about this compilation about a year ago.. back then it was the sickest stuff there was... now it's still great but not so sick/shocking/wierd/depressive as it was back then
  19. NT

    Sick Psy

    dark full-on ? HAE HAE HAE
  20. NT


    haha, classic topic..
  21. Psychedelic techno comes to mind when i listen to this album. Some great movie theme/score elements. I like it.
  22. check out: Ghreg On Earth - Sigilweaver reviews are located here: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=29468
  23. Here's some great net-released stuff... http://www.archive.org/download/mtk155/mtk...snabber-mix.mp3 http://www.archive.org/download/mtk155/mtk...02-omtanke7.mp3 Or the whole EP @ http://www.archive.org/compress/mtk155 Also i'd reccomend you to visit these netlabels (quality free stuff!): - http://monotonik.com/ - http://www.sutemos.net/
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