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Everything posted by NT

  1. wow, great news! ECT back in bussinnes? nice to hear! Can't wait to hear this one... especially waiting for new Neuron Compost material..
  2. add fungus funk to the list as well, his album is horrible...
  3. oh, I always thought ARCTURUS was a avantgarde/black metal band. http://www.arcturus.no/
  4. Benighted - Ransack the world KIELR!!11 KIELRR!!11 GRINDCOR11 OMGWTF LOL
  5. It's all your fault! Look what you have done! You will go to HELL for this.
  6. Silicon Trip ofcourse, classic!
  7. Massive Attack - What your soul sings
  8. ECT - Helpless
  9. the new Cannibal Corpse record..
  10. really didn't like the new/latest thievery corp. album, lot's of hiphop shit..
  11. Jocid - Behind the mask
  12. NT


    wtf? this place is getting stranger by day... GOD DAMN HIPPIES! Anyway, never been a big fan of pleiadians but it's going to be full-on anyway. BOYCOT!
  13. yeah! this keeps me going this rather boring night... a bit of booze, bit of jazz, bit of sinatra... makes me feel fine even when i'm not out this night hehe!
  14. michael jackson.
  15. NT


    Hm why not? What else would you label their music anyway!
  16. if a cover is totally pink coloured and has some 'gay' elements... but the music is like dark ambient.. i'd still hate the music..
  17. When Tim schuldt did that years ago it WAS very cool... i.e.: pretty poison and the B.E.T.H. tracks! awesome
  18. so now you like Ghreg on earth? what happened here
  19. nah... just 'twisted' full-on
  20. Beckers is also a dutch fastfood producer... so i really dislike that name
  21. they are free names made up by NJOYHENNRO...
  22. Not a bad cover @ ormion's, but not really anything good for psy...
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