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Everything posted by NT

  2. Hm, I wouldn't say it is fluffy full-on.. but yeah it ain't darkpsy (a mixture of full-on and hard basslines perhaps?) and neither the stomping dark fungus funk we used to know... there are some cheeys melodies indeed.. but there is one great darkpsy stomper, track 9- Yumi (Final Mix) in old Fungus Funk style we used to know... "Synthetic News" intro sucks so much ass... it sounds like house/club/happy hardcore music , but later in the track we hear some nice trancy background synths.. but the buildup to the climax is so horrible DJ Tiƫsto comes in mind... well.. i won't say anything more.. this album is only worth it for track 5 and 9 ... listen before you buy!
  3. NT


    [offtopic] Gomer Pile. Pvt. Gomer Pile. [/offtopic]
  4. luckily there are still such unique gems as (for example) Orichalcum & The Deviant album, Sandman - Witchcraft...
  5. Best "Psychedelic Dub" track ever (IMO): Green Nuns Of The Revolution - Skazey Haze
  6. Because it ain't about your big lover simon it is wrong to open a thread like this?
  7. And you dislike Ghreg On Earth?... Check out SIGILWEAVER
  8. Mark Farina - Dream Machine
  9. NT


    [moni mode] *cough cough* [/moni mode]
  10. Ordered this today: Aborym - Generator DIGI-CD 13.50 Iperyt - Particular hatred M-CD 9.90 Silencer - Death Pierce me CD 10.90 total EUR 34.30 shipping costs EUR 0.00 registration costs EUR 0.00 grand total EUR 34.30 BLACK FUCKING METAL
  11. NT


    wtf? It won't link with the DOT behind the url... instert a DOT at the end of the url yourself please!
  12. NT


  13. NT

    Hello SANDMAN

    is this real? Ofcourse i won't listen to it anymore, its rubbish, just like all nowadays full-on... it all sounds the same.. what happened to your own original style? Why am I feeling 'ripped-off' by a song like that... i understand that if you want to make money you make it sound like everything else that is selling (...crappy happy full-on..) , but are you aware you are dissapointing ALOT of old fans by doing that? You didn't even choose the path of 'darkpsy'.... WHAT HAPPENED? P.S.: Your old 'dark' psychedelic trance friend "Xenomorph" is a good example of how it SHOULD be..
  14. the idea of this thread is possibly to type as many artists you can / have remember(ed)
  15. Calling a song "Night Tripper" and make it sound like this: http://ip23.dyn181.pacific.net.hk/28805.m3u Ive lost faith.... night tripper, yeah right! Nothing dark or 'night' about this one... thanks for the full-on crap... what the hell are you doing Izik... do you love to sound like everyone else? I'M SO FED UP WITH THIS! The one LAST hope i had in oldschool producers was YOU! But you blew it!... WHY!?
  16. NT

    Scozbor - Mountain Lord

    btw, discogs (anoebis) says this is released in 2004
  17. NT

    Scozbor - Mountain Lord

    damn i'm addicted to this album, discovering that there are actually ALOT of IDM influences here and there! favourites: - Levelheaded - Positronic (!!!) - Avanc - Rainbow Daze GET THIS!
  18. PUNKS... DEAD! YOURE NEXT! What sucked before, still sucks today Pathetic losers, with nothing to say Punk's dead, you're next Punk's dead, you're next Punk's dead, you're next Punk's dead, you're next Punk's dead, you're next Punk's dead, you're next Punk's dead, you're next Punk's dead, you're next Anarchist... Asshole... Peacepunk... Skinhead... Dumb fuck... Fuckhead... Crusty... Kill yourself! Punk's dead, you're next Punk's dead, you're next (From: Slapshot - Punks dead) HIPPIES... DEAD! YOURE NEXT!
  19. NT

    Scozbor - Mountain Lord

    recently discovered this album, well this is some sick bizarre quasi GOA stuff... hard to describe what it's like, but it is ORIGINAL and very FUCKED up psychedelic! I can imagine you had a tough time just writing that mini review!
  20. WTF? What the hell... I can't believe this post...
  21. Nice tune, but i preffer the first track of the album alot more!
  22. I shall inform the Lucas studio's about this track and make their asses being sued j/k
  23. so, i think its crap / cheesy / why the heck is it even on the album etc.
  24. It reminds me alot of a very old and cheesy dutch gabber song: rules the hardcore scene! x3
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