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Everything posted by NT

  1. Amazing sort of 'farewell' tune ain't it? Some emotional elements even... I feel connected to higher planes when listening to it, and not 'overrating' it because the artist is dead, it's just a different listening dimension added..
  2. The Cinematic Orchestra - Diabolus
  3. PLUR / Hippie / Butterfly stuff is LAME
  4. NT

    Skazi poll

    aren't it two guys?
  5. eeh, i meant he was playing the songs mixed.. you know, just like a dj does, but he did it with his own tracks... yay.. DJ Penta... same goes for: Para Halu / Sensient / Zebra-N etc... everything sounded EXACTLY the same as on albums/compils...
  6. Haven't seen Penta live, but i saw a video some time ago... and well, it was just "LAPTOP LIVE" nothing 'live' at all... just the laptop playing the song "mixed" , as most of the psychedelic 'live' acts...
  7. [QUOT3=S3RAPHFEB 3 206 0108 M] 3 T N I C A - H I S T O R Y [sNAPBAK]432143[/sNAPBAK] [/QUOTA] P<GOMG!1 PWND np: Naked Tourist
  8. this whole 'forest sub genre' is ridiculous anyway
  9. Para Halu - The World Of Peace i think.
  10. For safety purposes: from now on i shall post in this topic only! Have fun with my NP posts! NP: Camiel - Doing Time In St. Tropez
  11. Boards Of Canada - Everything You Do Is A Balloon x100000000000000000000
  12. I can agree with this!
  13. excellent 'minimal dark psy' great original and huge fun samples too! "You know what 'm sayin' "
  14. Fearkiller - "Samba Roumba"
  15. how is it even possible for entheofaggortry to score so many 'points' while its a shit album filled with average remixes and 110928409182094812 in one dozen 'psy chill' ... and one shit commercial cover as well.. [/cinos mode]
  16. Death In Vegas - Dirge
  17. Aborym - A Dog-Eat-Dog World Atmospheric 'spacy' industrial BLACK METAL! Great stuff!
  18. Saint Etienne - The Sea (PFM Mix)
  19. US3 - cantaloop (flip fantasia) BIDDIBIDDIPOP! YEAH! WHATS THAT? FUNKY! FUNKY!
  20. Vet! Nice! Nice that Paul B is bookable as well... his sets are insane! Groet! Oh! BTW: The link next to Ghreg on earth links to Cosmo's website!
  21. I agree! And i'd also like to add the "Orichalcum and The Deviant" album , and "Quirk - Machina electrica & fornax chemica"
  22. no problem! I still think "Panzerfaust" is their best album, especially the first song.. it defines RAW black metal imo.. Anyway currently listening to some anti jew/judeo christian black metal / NSBM , which most people won't like around here, not even the fact that I listen to it.. but I really never cared for the ideology, as long as the music is good.. I mean, i also like some phil collins songs, and he's a damn christian as well!
  23. Strange. It works fine here! BTW Gnome you are in my top neighbor list @ last.fm.. hehe
  24. Just thought I could share this one with you: http://s49.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2IMQMEG...PV0RMLGCTOVKW1C New Darkthrone song, they are heading into a new direction it seems... punk/rock n roll BM to the max! I enjoy this.
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