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Everything posted by NT

  1. FEAR - Fuck Christmas
  2. HAHAHA You added my parody cover... thats quite an honour, and i'll vote for it!
  3. Aphex Twin - Tha Classic stuff!
  4. If everyone would provide links to samples instead of links to discogs I would really appreciate it as well!
  5. Well i haven't checked out many new releases but there is one album that absolute tops most of the stuff ive heard and thats *drumroll*: Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Alatt Született © Planet-Mu 2005 Very nice experimental breakbeat/idm mixture with classical (film) instruments, cello/violin etc. It sounds like watching a old film-noir in a high tech enviroment. Check out these samples!: http://www.planet-mu.com/discog/ziq111/ziq...ar_madar_hi.mp3 http://www.planet-mu.com/discog/ziq111/ziq...ncsetlen_hi.mp3 http://www.planet-mu.com/discog/ziq111/ziq...vasarnap_hi.mp3 http://www.planet-mu.com/discog/ziq111/ziq111_hajnal_hi.mp3 http://www.planet-mu.com/discog/ziq111/ziq...mozgalom_hi.mp3 http://www.planet-mu.com/
  6. Underworld - Air Towel
  7. ah, recently listened to this odd compilation again... it still remains great/different from the rest, but it hasn't got the same impact as it did when i posted this.. (duh!) HOWEVER! Still this is one of those 'hidden gems' released this year, so if you have the time, go and check it out! Anyway, lets hope that this label will release more stuff soon!
  8. Pizz Dozz - X-People
  9. Furious - Electric Guitar Of Furious this is not what you think! no elec. guitar at all, but this track fucking ROCKS! Ultra funky psytrance... love it! Hope there's an album by him soon...
  10. nice, but i'm looking forward to the schlab album instead of the suntrip release though sorry
  11. @ "indeet" ... sorry
  12. it is psychedelic, in a 'forest' way... but yeah it has already been posted
  13. Erik Satie - Gymnopedie No. 1 So depressing! oh!
  14. hehe np: The Dillinger Escape Plan - Baby's first coffin
  15. Is it okay to use your pictures for my next psy project moni? And could you take some sexy one's as well? That might sell better!
  16. Rich kids and psytrance don't really mix I think... but perhaps you might be right Anyway it's too much to spit through, and even reviews don't really help anymore (Sorry to say so but most reviews written here are so overwhelming and 'overreacted', everything sounds good, almost everything gets an A+ , hardly any real criticism... ) maybe the scene lacks good critics. Anyway, I remember hunting down good releases and went MAD when something good came out and I found it at a store or wherever.. those days are over... It's like you have eaten too many chocolate and you suddenly dislike the taste of it because you had too many.... Edit: Still, if I forget about the many average/bad releases from this year, it still has been quite a rich year, but nonetheless it's TOO MUCH. Don't even know what to listen anymore... anyway if you want some "underground" reccomedation, i'd still reccomend "V.A. - Predescessor" , twisted/dark japanese psytrance, raw sound, "underground"... oh and "V.A. - Schlab 07" ofcourse Any other 'forgotten gems' ?
  17. Hm, recently i'm getting a bit fed up with the MASSIVE amount of releases, almost like a overdose on new labels/artists (which can be a good thing though). It's getting way too much now if you ask me. What caused this? Psytrance finally gained its proper attention/popularity? I'm not sure. What I am sure about it that there's too many stuff to check out and too many stuff is just filler. Although this year has been a great year as well with some excellent releases (i.e. Ghreg on earth/Para Halu/Derango/Some V.A's and other stuff...) Take a look at the amount of releases a couple (or more) years ago and compare it to this year... Psytrance at its peak? Or what happened? I'm not even talking about the 'commercial full-on/whateveryoumaycall it 'scene' there's tons of new dark/prog stuff as well.. How is it even financially possible that so many people started a label... and still people complain about the piracy and stuff. I don't get it... mp3 isn't killing bussiness it seems, now is it?. Anyway, just needed to share this Edit: Maybe it became possible because 'home producing' is alot easier nowadays...
  18. ah! btw! is it you playing actually LIVE!? instead of 'laptop live' (aka doing nothing, just pressing play..) if so, then you are doing a great job! i'm kinda tired of artists who perform their 'live act' just with one laptop and pre-programmed stuff in it... and then everything sounds exactly the same... props!
  19. Sandman - Witchcraft complete album..
  20. nice one! my favourite etnica tune beside "plastic" now playing trip tonite as well
  21. I know you are being ironic, so why should i... you started this thread as a mere joke imo.
  22. I am tired of YOU creating like 4 or 5 topics about the same damn subject, you could have limited yourself at just one topic, or whatever... you seriously are in NEED of attention or something, sorry dude... but this is really sad. goodnight.
  23. oh right, i did that post because i was getting tired of your 'stop bashing full-on. full-on this, full-on that..' actions... and now other people started it as well, why isn't this stupid discussion limited to just one topic, and can we all live in peace and happiness, but no... you needed to stirr things up again and psynews is in its next crisis... i must say i don't like many full-on and don't keep myself busy with the genre, but the reason i posted is not because i dislike most full-on but because i got tired with this stuff.
  24. very nice site you have there! @ this picture:
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