Cinos review:
It sucks, it is not goa, it is not a product of S.Posford and friends, my taste is elite... and ive heard it all before.
Anyway, Tumult is exactly what i expected... intense, chaotic and multi-layered stuff... takes tons of listens to figure out what is going on in the forest. The bubbling sounds in Fnatt drive me insane though, very intense moment!..
Edit: Great variaty in very DEEP basslines as wel!
Edit 2: Did you notice they used that little 'melodic line' from their track "welkin" (found on V.A. - Boldly audio)? it's very hidden, pitched down and demented, but you can hear it at: 1:47.. you can hear it twice..
Edit 3: I was talking about the song Fnatt...