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Everything posted by NT

  1. When i started listening to psy, that Chi A.D. tune was INDEED the "full-on" back then!... around 97/98 , it is NOT GOA imo... just melodic oldschool 'full-on' and good stuff too, before it started to suck ass.. but anyway, whatever the genre is... it is still a EMOTIONAL track... wether it's full on or not, someone mentioned the muses rapt as well..
  2. Bla @ term full-on , fuck that shit to me that Chi A.D. song is pretty full-on , since i'm nekkro dark kvlt forrest evil trance listener mostly
  3. Chi A.D. - Exit Eternity
  4. Whats the fuss with Shpongle? Whats the fuss with Etheogenic? Whats the fuss with OTT? Bla.
  5. Readymade - Remberforget EXCELLENT INDIE!!
  6. MEMENTO - OST Depressive/Impressive
  7. DarkPsy - In Virux Amazing song, from the album "FEAR"
  8. Pigs In Space - Visitors Pt.1
  9. noobs.. hah, ive been listening to psytrance since '97 , completely unaware of the silly hippiescene behind it, i love the music.. but the whole thing behind it is just pathetic... imo...
  10. @ LALALAND hahahaha BRILLIANT!
  11. NT

    V/A - Duality

    Rastaliens song is great eerie / haunting stuff... a bit like old Sandman himself! maybe the title is a refference.. 10/10 that track indeed
  12. blahblahblah, if you are all PLUR then why don't you shove the R up your ass and take the whole 'darkpsy scene' as it is...
  13. 1. Hippies / Fake hippies / drugged people / dogs at parties / hippie culture etc..
  14. I don't know, but wtf there is a pixie on the picture..
  15. NT


    yes, that one! hah! she looks underfed edit: i enjoy some sungirl songs, though they mostly lack progress... most of her tunes aren't heading into any direction at all.. IMO
  16. someone was getting it on soulseek from me couple of days ago as well hehe
  17. Rammstein - Benzin the new single! featuring a cool remix by the guys from meshuggah
  18. I think no one is seeding the torrent anymore, you two are too late!
  19. hehe, nice one! haven't heard anything as spooky and eerie since Sandman - End of the world
  20. Spinvis - Voor ik vergeet
  21. here's another and another one
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