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Everything posted by NT

  1. The Gasman - Mute Ah new IDM stuff from Sublight records, always a pleasure to listen to!
  2. Darkspace - Dark 2.8 PWNS all motherfucking so called 'dark' music
  3. Level 42 - Sleep talking ULTRAFUNKY! I love Kings slap-bass
  4. bäh, why mention ASSTRIX with those other 2 great componers... it's disgusting!
  5. Maybe it's a she-male!
  6. Thanks for the reply, figured it out myself already... didn't notice that new button at all haha, but deleting cookies also helps Strange thing is that I didn't use that Options menu before at all...
  7. Thanks for the reply, figured it out myself already... didn't notice that new button at all haha, but deleting cookies also helps
  8. probably has been discussed before but it's a pain in the ass for me to search such a post.. I'm seeing threads like this right now: Does anyone how to fix this? So that I can see threads with the posts already opened, instead of having to open each post separatly to read? Just like it was before? Thanks in advance! NT Edit: Deleted my cookies and all is fine now. Dunno what caused this problem though
  9. Give this a try: Scozbor - Mountain Lord Review: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=26111 samples are here: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5027
  10. My favourite thing in the universe......is a beer. Beer requires lots of money to spend on, so to me, money is as important as beer. I have literally spent thousands of £ on beer in my lifetime.
  11. Hm, the Johnny Cash version of "Hurt" is even a tad more depressive, or what about his version of the song "Wichita Lineman" ultra sad and depressive
  12. The Cure - A Forest
  13. Yeah, that's a cool track... first psytrance track I kind of aprecciate since months
  14. Psyhouse, lmfao... psydarkcoregrindblackmetalbreakcorenujazzambient
  15. Hey there! Thanks for the effort for putting up a track, while i'm hardly into psytrance nowadays I did enjoy it, always loved lenghty tracks. The intro reminds me a bit of derango.. (but darker) it sucks you right into the track and then there's enough stuff going on for the remaining minutes, must have been tons of work! Great work!
  16. Stickhead - I Piss On Your Grave
  17. Breakcore owns darkpsy bigtime, and besides... darkpsy or any psytrance/goa/whatever stupid 'psy' genre has nothing to do with breakcore at all.. anyway i see psytrance (the nowadays stuff) for now as a pile of dog crap.
  18. _ - _ (0:00) - No album, No label
  19. It is black metal, with 'eastern' influences... eastern melodies and rythms at times hehe, quite original stuff, check it out: http://www.myspace.com/melechesh
  20. By looking at the titles you can almost predict the vocals already! Lets have a try: 1. "Becoming Insane" *AI EEM BECUMMING ENSEEEN!!! BOWWOW BUMSCH BUMSCH! 3. "Vicious Delicious" *AI EM SO VICSIOESS DELLISSCIOEEEES!! OMGWTFLOL!1* 6. "Forgive Me" *FORGIVE MEEEEE PLEASE FORGIVE MEEEEEEE I LAF JOE SOOOOHOOOOO * 7. "Special Place" *YOUUUU GHEAVE EEE SPECCEL PLEEES IEN MEEE HAAARRRRRTTTT* or *GHLET ME TEEK JOE TOE EE SPEZZIUL PLEEES!1* etc etc
  21. Manual - summer of freedom Laidback 80's sounding indie/ambient... great stuff
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