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Everything posted by NT

  1. IM TALKING ABOUT SEX ABOUT SEX ABOUT SEX about sex about sex abou... np: Para Halu - Domination (Through Controlled Minds) Excellent song!
  2. Why the long beard psytones?
  3. Mulholland Drive DVD , finally!
  4. kalle hulle helle perkelen vittu! harkonnen hurka baana kemmpi jari! äää! jumalan rouskä.. äääh... sika ja perkele!
  5. Man have you been living under a rock or something? Psyfactor isn't the first with demons / hell and stuff like that in his music, Xenomorph already did this years ago, why the sudden complain?
  6. Hey man, have you heard songs of Quasar yet? as i mentioned above...
  7. I think the remix people are talking about is the "Juan And Domi And DJ Jörg : Spiritual Healing (Rmx) " classic, i think its better than the original... (and its on goa-head 5)
  8. I don't think so but its probably featured on other compils as well, and i thought that you might have GOA-HEAD vol 5 in your collection because you had other similar stuff in your collection..
  9. GOA-HEAD Vol. 5
  10. Wow , this compilation is going to rock! Just by judging the tracklist, can't wait for this one!:
  11. I'd also like to add: Quasar , ultra heavy basslines! (and when i mean ultra heavy, i mean ultra heavy... sick psycho mean nasty basslines) just check out the songs on VA - Karmageddon & VA - Booo ..
  12. I totally agree... his crazy basslines tend to drive me nuts.. can't wait for his album either...
  13. What do you think about Skazi / Yahel / Hypersonic etc.. Do you think its a pity that much former respected artists chose to go with the flow and started creating cheesy full-on what the 'mass' wants? What are your views on this? Plan s to head this way as well? (I don't hope so) What music do you listen to in general? @ Derango: What will the songs on the upcoming Derango album sound like? What are your plans for the future? Any side projects perhaps?
  14. What do you mean with this?
  15. Hi man, i don't own those albums, but you seem to complain alot about the fact that it are only 1 page covers , no info etc.. are you sure it aren't illegal distributed albums? lots of illegaly printed cd's come like that...
  16. well i think Hypersonic still is the king, but anyway we have already seen those... so post your ugly / shitty album covers!
  17. Well.. what the fuck has this got to do with psytrance.. looks more like some clubtrance / F1 compilation cover to me
  18. Haha, what the fuck, what is that sword doing there... almost looks like some viking/pagan metal cd cover
  19. hey cool, there's a free derango song (the seed) downloadable @ resonantearth.com , getting that right now!
  20. dunno man, it works fine here
  21. found a streaming sample of it: http://www.karmadownload.com/stream2/?8589&g=13
  22. Hehe the song is more indus/techno'ish... yeah it includes to vocals too.. pretty fun but no psy/goa at all..
  23. RHAKTI DEÏ - 2005 - Belgium http://www.rhaktidei.be/ Who's going!? I am! FrozenRealm as well... see you at Rhakti Deï!! Edit: Oops, there is already a thread for this festival, oh well.. lets use this for chit-chat about it then... als er gegadigden zijn! Edit 2: SHIT! The title must be "RHAKTI DEÏ" instead of "RHATKI DEÏ" ...
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