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Everything posted by NT

  1. NT


    no way! anyway... the new album is some of the most filthy and funky (psy) stuff ive heard.. gotta love it. 2 2 Tango !
  2. Funks the dirt off your socks!
  3. NT


    hm i prefer the old sticky topics, this is chaos / messy ... oh well.. ill get used to it.
  4. bah Dark Soho - The 14th
  5. Chi A.D. - Exit Eternity Juno Reactor - Rotorblade
  6. blah, it is not the downloader who 'kills' it, it are the scene groups (Mycel, gEm, PsyCZ, etc..) who are... (But they don't in my opinion) they rip it in the first place and provide it for the masses... i'm a downloader, have lots of excuses and i don't care about what every 'holy buyer' thinks of that, i cannot believe you all buy your stuff and thinking youre such a good fellow and so holy like sucking the cock of your churches anyway. (you won't deny a free beer as well right?) downloading is good for getting to know artists/labels etc.. and besides, not everyone has a creditcard (most of us dont have one in holland) and the online stores suck for that... + there's absolutely NO STORE around here in holland where i can buy (underground) psy cd's, maybe the labels just need better distributionals etc.. i would if i could , but i can't ... and i love music just too much and i need new releases / music every now and then, but need it like addictive drugs... CD's are moneysuckers anyway, most of them don't even come with a little extra or special.. they could lower the prices as well.. P.S.: Skazi, Yahel & Hypersonic are killARGHing the scene!
  7. well all this label bashing is pretty sad imo.. stop the label bashing! if you think you can do better, then do so!
  8. Don't get me wrong, i love Ka Sol (thanks for the link to your mp3s mr. Ka Sol!), havent heard his stuff live though, but agree with me that this release is pretty much as dark/crazy as it gets nowadays. i'm still shocked when i listen to it. pretty good stuff and psytrance NEEDS stuff like this! after the recent 'overkill' of darkpsy releases i found myself losing interrest in it (except for the great names/producers and exeptional names), this is 'refreshing' and truely mindbending imo. (i dont say: "aaaargh, i'm going to die" for no reason ) The 'scene' needs more stuff like this imo! and i'm really curious what we will hear from the Japanese front in the future! I'm happy that at least Cybernetika agrees with me!
  9. NT


    i disagree! skazi must be destroyed, skazi jokes are great. but we are forgetting to crush yahel / hypersonic and others! BASH BASH BASH! KILLARGHEUHAROUHEWREH.
  10. Leviathan (US) - The Remotest Cipher (Beside the last breath banished) depressive black metal
  11. haha, come on, be reasonable.. Ka Sol is happy fluffy dancing butterflies stuff compared to this !
  12. NT


    yeah, i understand you! although it should be "kan je mij verstaan als ik zo praat?" and "Jammer" means "Thats a pity"
  13. NT


    Gaat er iemand naar GOA Classix a.s. Zaterdag in de Gloppe, te Leeuwarden? info www.3rd-bit.nl ik ben hoogstwaarschijnlijk aanwezig!
  14. I see what you mean, this is some evil and mean / sick stuff, probably also not designed for the dancefloor, and not very dancefloor suitable... but i don't mind i think its great music. pushing the barriers!!!
  15. aaaaaaaaargh i'm going to die
  16. Hm, you can find samples here: http://www.saikosounds.com/japanese/show_l...sp?label_id=610 I reccomend you to check out the songs from Catatonic Despair (But the rest will also do just fine... ) Ill driving psytrance... what the fuck man!?
  17. Buuuuuh i feel wierd.... very wierd... :wacko: np: Catatonic Despair - Realm Of Lunacy
  18. Just got myself a pirate copy of "V.A. - Predecessor" , and i came to the conclusion that this stuff is absolutely CRAZY & UTTERLY INSANE, think Psykovsky / Procs , but DARK... much darker and stranger... with a rather strange usage of ("cheap") samples / sounds and rather 'flat' sounding. Will this be the beginning of a new future of psytrance?. I think i like it. Why do the Japanese always have to top it and "innovate" stuff? Not for the faint hearted! And not for people who aren't open minded towards 'new' stuff and cheaper sounding samples / sounds!. (The formula works though, trust me!) np: Catatonic Despair - Sinister Path
  19. I disagree, "KA Sol - Easy as a fact" (released on V.A - Boldly Audio) is much , much, much, much better! check it out if you already haven't!
  20. Squarepusher - Love will tear us apart (Joy Division cover) BEST COVER EVER! Goddamn! Tom Jenkinson really cranked up this song's quality and lifted up the mood real high. I'm in love with this track and want to marry it. PERFECT! 1000000 times better than the original, currently playing it over and over and over again, like i did about 2 years ago already, just re-discovered how amazing this song is tonight!
  21. bah, it's cd of the week @ psyshop.com
  22. NT


  23. Procs will release an album this year!!! It will kill millions of braincells, i'm almost sure, hehe.
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