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Everything posted by sherlockalien
yeah in general it will be diverse results, yes... but the primary question, if that specific person can notice the difference of mp3 and wav in his own system, is still answerable by this test... I guess I will have to trust on you for this one yeah I bet it doesnt have to do with psychology.. but its the technical part I would be after anyways.. I was always bad at maths but loved physics, and music/vibrations being an integral part of my ideas, I would like to learn the patterns in their workings and make sense out of some things I need to know my display nickname there is Rafael
yeah I guessed the whole process of compressing would be more complex, but appart from all that, mp3s in the end do only keep the 20-20k hz range of frequencies, right? btw.. ´psychoacoustic model´ seems interesting.. learning music theory is in my ´to do´ list for sure get your ass on msn.. I will choose some cd here. maybe someone else who argued they can notice the difference between mp3 should volunteer too, and prove themselves
true, I have that one too.. once I started doing the review but stopped and never continued its been almost a year since I heard it... I left my case in brazil (bad move, dont know why I did it).. will do that once I get back in august.. btw.. I like this cd´s digipack quite classy
why not? I mean, its not testing the differences between the files, but the ability of the listener to distinguish those differences.. I dont see why a blind test would not work.. I mean, sure, if by ´quick´ you mean using some 10 sec samples to compare and not a few whole tracks, then you could be right... but making blind tests with a few whole tracks I guess is effective enough, no?
afaik, the default of mp3 is to cut off all frequencies above 20khz and below 20hz, which supposedly are the limits to the human hearing too.... So whether they cut more bass than high frequencies depends if the original file had much information lower to 20hz or above 20khz.. that being said... I dont know if I could notice the difference between a high quality mp3 file and a wav or flac. Probably not.. if someone is willing to set up a blind test, that would be interesting... pavel maybe? (though I dont want to test myself with some full on track with billions of sounds at the same time.. rather some good production detailed fat progressive, like antix) ....
Its an old language, biblical times and shit... but he wrote it to show in a funny way that these girls have this ´trying to be alternative´ side, which is quite typical
a friend sent me a Link in portuguese, from a brazilian dj about some type of people in the parties.. Its really really great, but its in portuguese, so I translated myself (lost some jokes but still daaaaaaaaaamn funny) ´Pop´ freak Already went to many parties around the world. Doesn´t work and doesn´t pretend either. Is inscribed in some weird art university somewhere. Spend a lot of time going to places with a big trance scene, and complains that ´voov is too commercial´. Ohm tatoo is a must, but doesn´t know what´s bhagavad gita, and for him, siddartha is just the name of some book in his grandpa´s library. ´Roots´ freak Dreadlocks or long hair, but the ´cool´ thing is also to suddenly appear with short hair. Doesn´t return calls (loses the cellphone every month), gets the email max once a week, but always forgets the hotmail password so is constantly changing emails. Already traveled a lot, and always flights like ´Sao Paulo/frankfurt, through kuala lumpur´ that last for 14 days. Doesn´t speak properly any language, neither his own mother language, but can get around on many of them with a big mix. Until he remembers the names of people, needs to be presented hundreds of times. Many times these people can stay awake for 4 days thanks to.... ahmm.. yoga.. They have mystic, cabalistic, sanyass or just plain weird names. Their main motto is ´Love your chillum as you love thyself.´ the ´raver´ Went to one festival, got ´bitten´ by the psy fever and changed his life. At the first sign of the day, puts on a pair of ultra-cybernetic sunglasses. Many times is also seen at night with them. Very equiped, never appears without the vicks inhalers, smoking papers of all kinds, gums and everything (and at occasions mixes up through which hole each thing goes). And has at least 4 packs of marlboro, which he distributes around with a big smile, and offers to light it up with his zippo (making those typical noob tricks to make the ´TCHACLA´ noise with the lighter). Knows the names of bands but never know whats playing, and always brings a waterbottle - and not beer - to the dj every 5 minutes. Thinks of tatooing ´MDMA´ on his left arm, because the right arm already is covered with a tatoo of a north american indian, a dolphin or a tribal. Calls the other party goers as ´my brothers´. At times he says the vibe of the ´cold blue fridge´ is starting to come close, so takes another ´half-I-dont-know-what´ to not lose his ´groove ´ The DJ Shows up in the parties during the mornings. Is always in a corner talking to another DJ, normally with serious expressions as if they were discussing the future of humanity - but they´re usually talking bad about someone. If any unknown asks ´do you have some mdma´, makes a snobby face, but never admits he also wants some. Has all the songs he wants, but constantly wonder what hidden gems are in another dj´s wallets. Thinks his name is on the VIP list, even when he didnt talk to the organizer. Defends with all his might the profissionalization of his activity, including the right to play under the influence, and to play his extra ´just another quick 8 tracks´ before he lets the next dj. The wannabe dj Never leave the dancefloor. Compulsive mp3 trader, with withdrawal syndromes when away from their internet. Are sensitive, and visualise in the dj carreer a chance so that they can present their history, their feelings. Criticise at all times the lack of playing possibilities, even if with only 6 months of carreer they already played in a couple of parties. Before playing they make a promiss to the Saints, strong praying and even stretching, they know the sound like anyone and are always updated - sometimes even too much. Need to understand at all costs the difference between the genres and want to produce music, but dont want to invest money in it. Sometimes they get a ´spot in the sun´.. Lost on E Screams: ´faaaaaaaaaaaaaaster djjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj´ at 1am. Professional Ear-eater, makes sure that he tells in the smallest details how life is fantastic, and asks things like ´Hey dude, did you ever come to a party with such a vibe like this before?!´. Loves the dj cabin and to dance on top of the speakers, and at 5am is already fully sleeping Mary Pick Up (aka Dj Hunter or Mary Headphone) - subdivision of the ´freak pop´. They preffer foreign djs - but a national one, as long as a first line and also cute is accepted. Knows all the trance-sensual dance steps, sends ´friendly´ looks to the djs and make sure they are intimate with all of them. If they need, they get a ride even with the milk truck to get to a party. Make Italian, French and Aramaic language courses, and their favourite exercise is carrying dj case. Already got yelled at by their mom for feistily saying ´do I know you?´ in the breakfast table.
its been a while since I bought some cd, but I bought mostly in saikosounds, sometimes in psyshop, and sometimes chill music in backroadsmusic.. in terms of deliver speed and price, psyshop and saikosounds were similar to me, but saikosounds´ very good costumer service, readyness to answer emails and freebies once in a while (stickers and stuff) made it a more attractive place to buy.. psyshop is effective but they got a bad attitude imo...
I thought the same thing let´s see.... I will wait for to hear them live in 2 weeks and not hear the album before
yeah I was also very into these artists.. afaik steve from Double dragon still produces downtempo as puff dragon fabel, or Alhad, had moved to brazil a few years back and was playing/djing more housy (and reallly good) stuff in some parties.. he was suppose to release some tracks as chris melchior, but its been a while since i´ve heard of him..
the ´PLAY SOMETHING FASTER` candy raver Usually standing just in front of the dj, going nuts when the cheesiest 150bpm psy is playing, with a lollypop in the mouth to relieve his jaw tension from the 5 ecstasy pills (or from the first ecstasy pill in his/her life, or from the rectum-introduced x pill) Whenever some slower music, specially if a prog dj comes, no matter if everyone is enjoying, this person will keep raising up his/her arms and saying ´fasteeeeeeeeeer!!! ´ .. this person is usually in the first year of knowing about trance The post-goa ´mass´ Israelis You recognize them by always being in groups, smoking their chillums and screaming all sorts of variants of ´boom bholenat´, each trying to be more original in each saying. They usually sell crappy smoke and diluted acid, which sometimes they may even say its mescaline or something that sounds more exotic... Can be quite agressive sellers and have been seen to be fighting each other for ´market territories´. The ´lost ones´ Usually came with someone, but god knows with who, and later took too much of something and got lost.. You know, they are those who surprise you at some random point during the party, just coming up to you while you are in the food queue, and say something like: " Hello intergalactic warrior! I notice the stars are sun and bed, we go the dog and tomorrow I eat tortillas" , and then they dissapear... You may eventually see this person again, with the head inside a garbage bin or maybe sleeping on the main dancefloor right next to the speakers
there are some more new prog to check out... Vibrasphere, antix, haldolium, lime light 3 (and maybe suncontrolspecies) Im still deciding whether I will check them out, or wait to be surprised by the music this summer
great but I think I will avoid listening to it and have a complete surprise with their live in fullmoon... same with new haldolium cd
or to quote nofx: "my vagina has lots of extra skin"
I hope so too, because I dont want to listen to good music in a shitty set up (like in tshitraka, blargh)
afaik, the organizing team for voov is the same, except antaro is out, no? anyways, he was the key org imo, so I would be careful with vuuv from now on
its been a while since I bought cds, since all my money is going to travelling but, I do like the digipacks, if they are well done.. seem special somehow what I dont like about digipacks is when they dont come with a booklet/tracklist sleeve, because Im definitely not gonna be carrying them around and I like knowing the tracks if I didnt memorize them yet
More nudity, free alcohol and drugs inside!
sherlockalien replied to Goa Bill's topic in DJ Promotion
downloading now pavel biatch, comments later btw, enjoy no mans land -
hey abasio good taste, seems we like the same chill music but lately I havent been listening much to it.. this pre-summer vibes in europe makes me want to go party and listen to upbeat stuff, but Im definitely gonna download this mix
Full Moon Sonica Ozora
antaro @ voov (old school sanyass crew, everything working as it should, train station stop inside the festival, good prog taste) boom crew (massive but still so much thinking, natural/ecological choices of all kinds and not just for the image) whoever organized ypy poty (best festival ever, nothing to say) swarup @ universo paralello is nice too (seems like a cool shanti guy, festi with reasonably diverse line up, always managed to keep police away) small prog crew of Rio (organizing for example Satori, a killer party in a beautiful private island.. always good line up, last time was trentemoller, flowjob, oli from mos, true to nature, oxyd, etc) and the worse one so far: Alex Boshke with Transit festival... lol.. ´full story coming soon, prepare for transit 2005´ and all that shit haha.. fking greedy bastards with a ´door´ between the camping of the festi and the dancefloor where they didnt allow ppl to bring water or anything.. not to mention faking location pics before the party, so it seemed like a great nature place but in fact was a shitty concrete commercial location with redbull tents, view to buildings and a railway crossing through the middle of the festival
I remember going to a concert by them back in 99 or smt in Rio... Was really great! They were full active in their huge equipment table just running from one side to the other, and really cool synchronized projections behind them. The music was great too at the time but since then I havent heard much of anything from them.. Maybe if I have the oportunity some day again I will check them out
and antix and haldolium and maaaaaaybe ott
is it an older one? I had downloaded, yes.. track at min 29 if im not mistaken totally called my attention and I made a thread asking the name of it... its from Secede but I dont have the set here anymore, and dont remember if I knew other tracks sorry