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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. I don't want to argue about wether Twisted is greedy or not. I do find their complaint justified, altough maybe useless. I just wanted to bring to the attention that two of the biggest online market places in Sweden, for buying music online both have all shpongle albums. What my point is, that if they are there, they should be quite popular. But the main reason why I am posting this is the funny mistake in title on one of the sites! Check this out LOL Sphonglela?????
  2. Infected Mushroom - Elation Station
  3. IM's new and Shpongle, might put in Yagya also, hmm Rena jones? Mayyyyyyybe...
  4. The Ark - A Virgin Like You
  5. The Ark - A virgin like you
  6. Sure, but at least the word "gay" is very implicit. It's interesting to know what in the music is bad. In what regard it is "gay". It's just, it doesn't give any room for argumentation. Then we should make a stipulative definition of what "gay" is, which only goes for all psynewers, then you could instantly argue against or for the opinion "gay" edit: I meant stipulative description ofc
  7. No an opinion needs to be based on facts. If you feel an emotion "gay" about the album, it really is an underlying fact that you do not like it, or it's that you can put this emotion in words in an elaborate way. Most people tend not to research what this fact is, instead just out of pure laziness calling it "gay". Go the easy way, but I don't think anyone here wants to read such "opinions". They are utterly useless and annoying.
  8. I'm really reluctant to even get into this discussion. You can check my discogs link, ALL these albums I own the material copy of. I buy ALL albums I feel worth buying. I don't see any moral issue here. And instead of just giving criticism totally unfounded by any argument, please just shut you're mouth! I know this wasn't a personal assault, but the fact of you're criticism still remains.
  9. For once I can agree against IM. There nothing ingenious about their name whatsoever. How is a mushroom infected? What does it mean? When I tell friends that I like a band called "Infected Mushroom" I always feel ashamed, since the name implies shiet! hehe
  10. I have a self obtained promo But I would consider after first listen a little bit incoherent, some parts are great! And overall I don't it exceeds any of the previous albums.
  11. This album is great, splendid top notch. Really it's so much easier to enjoy and perceive yet it still complains a ton of psychedelica and complexity. I feel a review is maybe coming up in the near future....
  12. Imaginary Sight - Less Is More
  13. New stuff from Imaginary Sight is a must listen!!!
  14. I think the sample on "walking backwards through" is just amazing !!!!!!! And also "nothing is something worth doing"
  15. Infected Mushroom - The Legend Of The Black Shawarma
  16. Thx made my night!
  17. So, did the Rogain thing work or not .. ?

  18. My intellectual laziness again...I thought that "infectious = addictive" ... But on the other hand, "it makes me hate their older stuff too, and I love their 3 first albums" seems a little condradictory.
  19. In english please? Seems like you have been stating a contradiction in terms?
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