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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. Solar Fields featuring Krister Linder, Live at Les Dominicains, 4/7-09
  2. Master Margeritha - Hippies With Gadgets DBatistatos - Weeper on the shore
  3. Lauge & Baba Gnohm - Daybreak
  4. Yeah they are, but I've been hearing some new stuff and I can tell you it's very diverse!! Great great stuff!! Really keep an eye on this act!! Great things will come from there,
  5. It's YOU that doesn't posses a soul!
  6. It's like radio ads now and then, but it's seldom enough not to be irritating, of course if you are listening to an ambient album an interruption can be devastating...but for 10 euros a month, no ads..
  7. I have it for free! Muahaha! And you forgot to mention that all Solar Fields albums are on Spotify aswell!!!
  8. Word
  9. I can smell you're irony. As was I, all humans have the possibility of a Buddha mind. But being humble isn't always easy.
  10. Britney Spears - If U Seek Amy
  11. LOL experiments! (strange foreign scientist voice) I think we experimented to solve problem! (Crowd Control - Thors Armpit) edit: but I do agree with NilsTentacles, cause I know when I listen to music genres I am not really into, I do find it to sound very much the same from track to track or artist to artist. I mean play Ultimae releases to a rocker, he would surely just say it sounds exactly the same. But it's also that people that have a genuine music interest really lsitens when they hear a track, which is not the case with you're everyday Lady Gaga listener. They need simple melodies because they don't want to exhaust they're pathetic brains(minds) by fully getting wrapped up in the music. edit2: ehrm saw that all my statements were stated already next time I'll read the thread first, excuse me.
  12. Yep, always when I try to introduce this music to people they're like. "Hey! It sounds the same all the time!" Just as you said, then can only hear the bassline, they don't even try to listen to the track.
  13. Nice to see that it's back though
  14. I drank some Tea - Now I have bad breath
  15. James Murray - Where Edges Meet
  16. Great review, I have alot to learn from you
  17. All Röyksopps albums are amazing! Though the last one Junior, get tiresome somewhat after many listens, this I cannot say about the earlier two albums. Still thumbs up!
  18. Solar Fields - Sol (remix) OMYGAHD!!!! :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: :posford: it's actually worse than the original...but hey! It's Solar Fields!!!
  19. Koxbox - Insect and Insect Bite
  20. Maybe someone converted the mp3's into flac or wav. heh
  21. James Murray - Where Edges Meet
  22. Well it's always better to see the positive in things than the negative. It makes life much easier. Yep, I like it. Guess I have bad taste There aren't much lyrics but I think they're good.
  23. After having listened to this album quite some time now I have a kind of mixed bag. To me Filtertraces and Big Blue are the best psytrance tracks I've EVER heard. This beats anything, there's so much joy, power, just cheer amusement, and the feeling of traveling at hyperspeed is so amazing. It's a shame none of the other tracks appeal to me for some reason, but this album is worth buying solely for those two tracks. I just want to give Filteria all my thanks for creating two of the best psy-tracks ever made!
  24. Filteria - Filtertraces!
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