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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. This one has grown on me ALOT. Also I was tripping to this one yesterday, truly magnificent stuff. I awake - The Core is also SUPERB. These two albums I thought were nothing special at start. Now I'm in love! Phutureprimitive - Subconscious
  2. 22 euros, well for a collectors cd, sure. It's not much money. I bet many here complaining are going out every weekend spending 40 euros on beer. Or more. It's a small sum really.
  3. Wonderful cover art. Also Solar Fields!! The RA track isn't too shabby either. Seems like a solid releasing, gonna finish listening to them samples.
  4. Distant System - Spiral Empire
  5. Digitonal - Save you're light for darker days.
  6. FAIL! I said one track and "one only". You have all failed :lol:
  7. James Murray - Where edges meet
  8. Fear and Loathing - Soundtrack
  9. Juno Reactor - Shango
  10. BBE & Krusseldorf - The world is our oyster
  11. Sound like something needed to be tested
  12. Same here, this is really top notch. Great album indeed!
  13. I more felt he was getting psychologically double sandwiched by the music. But ofc that would require him to listen to them simultaneously? But yeah, I'm afraid to say you are right, so I won't
  14. I gave up when it wanted a registration...
  15. Björk - All is full of love wtf? where is the love, all is full of nothingess?! good track but hey, that's not my reality bläääää
  16. In Sweden that's called "Dubbelmacka" LOL Means when two guys fuck a girl, one in the ass and other in the pussy..hehe
  17. Ofc, but that's the thing. I don't want to listen to it to an extent during a short period of time so that I will come to, when I only get back to it now and then. I want to hold myself listening so that every time I do. It will be an enomrous treat. It's pleasure delaying. And you are absolutely right, if it's music not that good. It will get tiresome pretty fast and you don't get back to it.
  18. Well when mastered by "Ultimae", or Huby Sea and Vincent Villuis, it's always maintaining a high quality. This is evident also, since the album "Distand System - Sprial Empire" also was mastered by Ultimae.
  19. Damn I want to lsiten to this album over and over again! But I won't! Man this treasure is ment to last. I'm so afraid I will play it too often.
  20. Could a mod clean up the solar fields review 2009 plz?
  21. I think it's very good, but cannot say if it's better than Leaving Home, both are wonderful albums. I dislike the thought that any of them would be better than the other.
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