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Everything posted by Melancholyman

  1. Vibrasphere - Breathing Place
  2. Samples sound really great! Looking forwards to this.
  3. Moi aussi. Je parles francais tu sais, mai j'ecrie vraiment pas bien.
  4. I think I'm missing the point
  5. Solar Fields - Circles of motion (sample)
  6. Road to nothingness, DAMN AWESOME!!!! This will be a trip to remember!!
  7. Not that it was a bad track, I can agree on that it feels a little bit misplaced. I'm sure, though, when having the full length album it will make perfect sense!!!!!!!!
  8. Oh my!! It almost feels as seeing you're loved one for the first time that has been gone a lifetime! Look at the cover art! I mean, this album will be just perfect! Ohhhhh myyyy!!!!
  9. You found salvation yet? Maybe vibrasphere? oh btw, Ishq 10 albums? wich are those?
  10. I heard a song earlier on fluid radio, that I bet you haven't heard!!! Solar Fields - The sight is white muahahah!!!!!!
  11. On the third track know, and I must say I really enjoy this, great release! Thank you Isratrance.
  12. Well first of all the first two tracks you linked to are quite boring. There's a big difference between them and the other two you linked. The latter two, resembles much more what I call psytrance or goa. I would agree that the first ones sound much more like generic trance. I mean as an amateur, I can only tell the "feeling" when hearing the tracks, and the first two are definitely not what I feel goa or psytrance would sound like. I actually feel that wonderland lacks any psychedelic element. The second track Overbloody is a more tough call. I won't make any statement on that one, but the first Wonderland is clearly to me not psychedelic nor goa or psy.
  13. Well you know I'm an amateur, so maybe you could give a release someone know about? I don't know any of those releases or labels you mention. Hmm, maybe, I should stay away from this topic if I'm such a retard regarding those areas of discussion...
  14. Krill.Minima - Kronen Dab (fluid radio) , Bluetech is BUSTEEEED!, hehe listen to Riding The Sky Elevator, and this by Krill, and you will se a rather big resemblance in use of certain sounds. Bluetech is a cheap copying bastard, and I will never buy his music again! (just kidding), I would die for him, just like the Manson girls would back in the days! :drama:
  15. Hey Nemo.BOFH , why don't you give us a release considered to be a milestone, then we can argue for and against. And give good evaluated answers to why that release should be fried or honoured.
  16. Well the topci says releases that are seen as milestones but aren't. It doesen't say anything about the release being psychedelic or not. Only I can think of is like someoen mentioned earlier, OTT- Blumenkraft. Sure there are psychedelic elements in it, but it's not my cup of tea. Now I don't know if it's considered to be a milestone or not. But, yeah this topic is very vague and hard to categorize. Like Nemo is saying, I've tried really really hard to appreciate Pleiadians - I.F.O, very psychedelic stuff. But I don't like it. But it's definately a milestone. And also, how are we to define milestone? Buy sales? Buy popularity? No RAH, I was just fucking about Sorry.. oh and you got that line over the o, very neat
  17. Emanuele Errante - Aquatic (fluid radio)
  18. Why don't you just look in the review section? There you have alot of releases from many years to go. And please, use capital letters and piece up the text. It was really annoying for the eyes to read. I get a strange feeling of former psynews member, playing a prank....
  19. Hol Bauman Mix - On fluid radio
  20. Live now so if you missed it tune in!
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